/** The save function is not working for svg file format. */ #include "utils.h" #include "view.h" int main(int argc, char const *argv[]){ /** Initialisation of the grid */ init_grid(1<<6); /** Definition of a scalar f to have something to plot*/ scalar f[]; foreach() f[] = sq(x)+sq(y)-1; /** We can dump the results, to see what the domain looks like.*/ // dump("initial"); clear(); /** We will represent the scalar f with the squares command*/ squares("f", min = -1, max = 1); /** We save the results in a svg file. This line is not working and give the following error: basilisk/src/view.h:438: redraw_feedback: Assertion `p->history' failed. We did get an svg file, but it is empty */ save(file = "test.svg", format = "svg"); return 0; }