/** # Poisson equation on complex domains We reproduce the test cases initially proposed by [Johansen and Collela, 1998](#johansen1998), Problem 1, p. 14, with Dirichlet boundary conditions and Problem 3, p. 19, with Neumann boundary conditions. */ #include "embed.h" #include "poisson.h" #include "view.h" /** The exact solution is given by $$ \phi(r,\theta) = r^4\cos 3\theta $$ */ static double exact (double x, double y) { double theta = atan2 (y, x), r2 = x*x + y*y; return sq(r2)*cos (3.*theta); } double exact_gradient (Point point, double theta, double r) { coord n = facet_normal (point, cs, fs); normalize (&n); double dsdtheta = - 3.*cube(r)*sin (3.*theta); double dsdr = 4.*cube(r)*cos (3.*theta); return (n.x*(dsdr*cos(theta) - dsdtheta*sin(theta)) + n.y*(dsdr*sin(theta) + dsdtheta*cos(theta))); } /** We also need a function for homogeneous Dirichlet condition. */ static double dirichlet_homogeneous_bc (Point point, Point neighbor, scalar s, bool * data) { return 0.; } int main() { for (N = 32; N <= 512; N *= 2) { size (1. [0]); // dimensionless origin (-L0/2., -L0/2.); init_grid (N); /** The shape of the domain is given by $$ \Omega = {(r,\theta): r \leq 0.30 + 0.15\cos 6\theta} $$ for Problem 1 and $$ \Omega = {(r,\theta): r \geq 0.25 + 0.05\cos 6\theta} $$ for Problem 2. */ vertex scalar phi[]; foreach_vertex() { double theta = atan2(y, x), r = sqrt (sq(x) + sq(y)); #if DIRICHLET phi[] = 0.30 + 0.15*cos(6.*theta) - r; #else phi[] = r - (0.25 + 0.05*cos(6.*theta)); #endif } fractions (phi, cs, fs); #if TREE cs.refine = cs.prolongation = fraction_refine; #endif restriction ({cs,fs}); cm = cs; fm = fs; /** Conditions on the box boundaries are set (only relevant for Problem 3). */ scalar a[], b[]; a[left] = exact (x - Delta/2., y); a.boundary_homogeneous[left] = dirichlet_homogeneous_bc; a[right] = exact (x + Delta/2., y); a.boundary_homogeneous[right] = dirichlet_homogeneous_bc; a[top] = exact (x, y + Delta/2.); a.boundary_homogeneous[top] = dirichlet_homogeneous_bc; a[bottom] = exact (x, y - Delta/2.); a.boundary_homogeneous[bottom] = dirichlet_homogeneous_bc; /** The boundary conditions on the embedded boundary are Dirichlet and Neumann for Problem 1 and 3, respectively. */ #if DIRICHLET a[embed] = dirichlet (exact (x,y)); #else a[embed] = neumann (exact_gradient (point, atan2(y, x), sqrt(x*x + y*y))); #endif /** We use "third-order" [face flux interpolation](/src/embed.h). */ a.third = true; /** The right-hand-side $$ \Delta\phi = 7r^2\cos 3\theta $$ is defined using the coordinates of the barycenter of the cut cell (xc,yc), which is calculated from the cell and surface fractions. */ foreach() { a[] = cs[] > 0. ? exact (x, y) : nodata; double xc = x, yc = y; if (cs[] > 0. && cs[] < 1.) { coord n = facet_normal (point, cs, fs), p; double alpha = plane_alpha (cs[], n); line_center (n, alpha, cs[], &p); xc += p.x*Delta, yc += p.y*Delta; } // fprintf (stderr, "xc %g %g\n", xc, yc); double theta = atan2(yc, xc), r2 = sq(xc) + sq(yc); b[] = 7.*r2*cos (3.*theta)*cs[]; } #if 0 output_cells (stdout); output_facets (cs, stdout, fs); scalar e[]; foreach() { if (cs[] > 0. && cs[] < 1.) { scalar s = a; coord n = facet_normal (point, cs, fs), p; double alpha = plane_alpha (cs[], n); double length = line_length_center (n, alpha, &p); x += p.x*Delta, y += p.y*Delta; double theta = atan2(y,x), r = sqrt(x*x + y*y); double dsdtheta = - 3.*cube(r)*sin (3.*theta); double dsdr = 4.*cube(r)*cos (3.*theta); double nn = sqrt (sq(n.x) + sq(n.y)); n.x /= nn, n.y /= nn; double dsdn = (n.x*(dsdr*cos(theta) - dsdtheta*sin(theta)) + n.y*(dsdr*sin(theta) + dsdtheta*cos(theta))); e[] = dsdn - dirichlet_gradient (point, s, cs, n, p, exact (x, y)); #if 1 fprintf (stderr, "g %g %g %g %g\n", x, y, dsdn, dirichlet_gradient (point, s, cs, n, p, exact (x, y))); #endif } else e[] = nodata; } norm n = normf (e); fprintf (stderr, "%d %g %g\n", N, n.rms, n.max); #else /** The Poisson equation is solved. */ struct Poisson p; p.alpha = fs; p.lambda = zeroc; p.embed_flux = embed_flux; scalar res[]; double maxp = residual ({a}, {b}, {res}, &p), maxf = 0.; foreach() if (cs[] == 1. && fabs(res[]) > maxf) maxf = fabs(res[]); fprintf (stderr, "maxres %d %.3g %.3g\n", N, maxf, maxp); // FIXME: need to set minlevel to 4 timer t = timer_start(); mgstats s = poisson (a, b, alpha = fs, tolerance = 1e-6, minlevel = 4); double dt = timer_elapsed (t); printf ("%d %g %d %d\n", N, dt, s.i, s.nrelax); /** The total (*e*), partial cells (*ep*) and full cells (*ef*) errors fields and their norms are computed. */ scalar e[], ep[], ef[]; foreach() { if (cs[] == 0.) ep[] = ef[] = e[] = nodata; else { e[] = a[] - exact (x, y); ep[] = cs[] < 1. ? e[] : nodata; ef[] = cs[] >= 1. ? e[] : nodata; } } norm n = normf (e), np = normf (ep), nf = normf (ef); fprintf (stderr, "%d %.3g %.3g %.3g %.3g %.3g %.3g %d %d\n", N, n.avg, n.max, np.avg, np.max, nf.avg, nf.max, s.i, s.nrelax); /** The solution is displayed using bview. */ view (fov = 18); squares ("a", spread = -1); draw_vof ("cs", "fs"); save ("a.png"); clear(); squares ("e", spread = -1); draw_vof ("cs", "fs"); save ("e.png"); #endif dump ("dump"); } } /** ## Results ### Problem 1 ![Solution on the finest mesh](dirichlet/a.png) ![Error on the finest mesh](dirichlet/e.png) For Dirichlet boundary conditions, the residual converges at first order in partial cells. ~~~gnuplot Maximum residual convergence set xrange [*:*] ftitle(a,b) = sprintf("%.3f/x^{%4.2f}", exp(a), -b) f(x) = a + b*x fit f(x) '< grep maxres ../dirichlet/log' u (log($2)):(log($3)) via a,b f2(x) = a2 + b2*x fit f2(x) '' u (log($2)):(log($4)) via a2,b2 set xlabel 'Resolution' set logscale set cbrange [1:2] set xtics 16,2,1024 set grid ytics set ytics format "% .0e" set xrange [16:1024] set ylabel 'Maximum residual' set yrange [1e-6:] set key bottom left plot '' u 2:3 t 'full cells', exp(f(log(x))) t ftitle(a,b), \ '' u 2:4 t 'partial cells', exp(f2(log(x))) t ftitle(a2,b2), \ 'neumann.table1' u 1:4 w lp t 'full cells (J and C, 1998)', \ 'neumann.table1' u 1:2 w lp t 'partial cells (J and C, 1998)' ~~~ This leads to third-order overall convergence. ~~~gnuplot Error convergence set xrange [*:*] fit f(x) '../dirichlet/log' u (log($1)):(log($3)) via a,b fit f2(x) '' u (log($1)):(log($4)) via a2,b2 f3(x) = a3 + b3*x fit f3(x) '' u (log($1)):(log($6)) via a3,b3 set xrange [16:1024] set ylabel 'Error' set yrange [*:*] plot '' u 1:3 pt 6 t 'max all cells', exp(f(log(x))) t ftitle(a,b), \ '' u 1:4 t 'avg partial cells', exp(f2(log(x))) t ftitle(a2,b2), \ '' u 1:6 t 'avg full cells', exp(f3(log(x))) t ftitle(a3,b3), \ 'neumann.table2' u 1:2 w lp t 'max all cells (J and C, 1998)',\ '' u 1:3 w lp t 'avg partial cells (J and C, 1998)', \ '' u 1:4 w lp t 'avg full cells (J and C, 1998)' ~~~ ### Problem 3 ![Solution on the finest mesh](neumann/a.png) ![Error on the finest mesh](neumann/e.png) For Neumann boundary conditions, the residual also converges at first order in partial cells. ~~~gnuplot Maximum residual convergence set xrange [*:*] fit f(x) '< grep maxres log' u (log($2)):(log($3)) via a,b fit f2(x) '' u (log($2)):(log($4)) via a2,b2 set ylabel 'Maximum residual' set xrange [16:1024] set yrange [1e-6:] set key bottom left plot '' u 2:3 t 'full cells', exp(f(log(x))) t ftitle(a,b), \ '' u 2:4 t 'partial cells', exp(f2(log(x))) t ftitle(a2,b2), \ 'neumann.table5' u 1:2 w lp t 'full cells (J and C, 1998)', \ 'neumann.table5' u 1:3 w lp t 'partial cells (J and C, 1998)' ~~~ But this now leads to second-order overall convergence. ~~~gnuplot Maximum error convergence set xrange [*:*] fit f(x) 'log' u (log($1)):(log($3)) via a,b fit f2(x) '' u (log($1)):(log($5)) via a2,b2 set ylabel 'Maximum error' set xrange [16:1024] set yrange [*:*] plot '' u 1:3 pt 6 t 'all cells', exp(f(log(x))) t ftitle(a,b), \ '' u 1:5 t 'partial cells', exp(f2(log(x))) t ftitle(a2,b2), \ 'neumann.table5' u 1:5 w lp t 'all cells (J and C, 1998)', \ 'neumann.table5' u 1:4 w lp t 'partial cells (J and C, 1998)' ~~~ ## References ~~~bib @article{johansen1998, title={A Cartesian grid embedded boundary method for Poisson's equation on irregular domains}, author={Johansen, Hans and Colella, Phillip}, journal={Journal of Computational Physics}, volume={147}, number={1}, pages={60--85}, year={1998}, publisher={Elsevier}, url={https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/17cd/babecd054d58da05c2ba009cccb3c687f58f.pdf} } ~~~ */