
    A ring vortex. Image courtesy of Giesbert Nijhuis

    A ring vortex. Image courtesy of Giesbert Nijhuis

    Hoek’s Vortex-ring generator

    Rather than forcing a fluid though a circular opening, Bart Hoek proposed to force an opening though a fluid in order to generate a ring vortex. On this page we study this idea using the Navier-Stokes solver with the axisymmetric approximation.

    #include "axi.h"
    #include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
    #include "fractions.h"
    #include "view.h"
    #include "particles.h"

    The setup consist of a flat, circular plate (Radius Ro) with a circular opening (radius Ri) that moves for a time tc with a characteristic velocity U1.

    #define U_V (2*U1*(t < tc)*sin(t*pi/tc))
    #define PLATE (w - (fabs(x - xp)) - (y > Ro) - (y < Ri))
    scalar plt[];
    double tc = 1;   //Moving time
    double w = 0.1;  //plate width
    double U1 = -1;  //Plate velocity
    double Ri = 1;   //Opening radius
    double Ro = 5;   //The plate radius
    double xp = -3;  //The plate's initial position

    The domain is 30Ri $$ 30Ri.

    int main(){
      L0 = 30;
      X0 = -L0/2;
      init_grid(1 << 7);

    The setup is seeded with tracer particles, they are placed close to the opening, within a disk or radius and depth 1.5\timesRi. Furthermore, we tell the adaptation algorithm that the plate is described by a volume fraction field.

    event init(t = 0){
      init_particles_2D_square_grid(60, xp - 1, 1.51, 1.5);
      int j = 0;
      while (j < n_part)
        loc[j++].z = noise()*pi;
      plt.prolongation = plt.refine = fraction_refine;

    The plate moves and enforces a velocity via `Stephane’s trick’.

    event moving_plate(i++){
      xp += dt*U_V;
      fraction(plt, PLATE);
        u.y[] *= (1-plt[]);
        u.x[] = u.x[]*(1 - plt[]) + plt[]*U_V;
    event adapt(i++)
      adapt_wavelet({plt, u.x, u.y}, (double[]){0.005, 0.05, 0.05}, 10);


    We output a movie of the resulting flow. It displays:

    • A slice of the moving plate as a light gray box (upper half).
    • The vorticity field (upper half)
    • The used grid (lower half)
    • 3600 particles that trace the flow.

    Remember that the flow is two-dimensional (u = u(z,r))

    Two vortex ring emerge!

    For the movie we need to use a modified version of the scatter() function to visualize the axisymmetric vortex ring.

    // This is copied from draw.h
    static void glvertex3d (bview * view, double x, double y, double z) { 
      if (view->map) {
        coord p = {x, y, z};
        view->map (&p);
        glVertex3d (p.x, p.y, p.z);
        glVertex3d (x, y, z);
    struct _scatter {
      coord * loc;    // Coordinates
      float s, pc[3], coefs[3]; // point size, colour and distance attenuation coefs.
    void glPointParameterfv (GLenum pname, const GLfloat * params); //function protopyte
    void scatter3Din2D(struct _scatter p){// Modified from scatter.h
      bview * view = draw();
      if (!p.coefs[0]){ // A guess:
        p.coefs[0] = 0.01;
        p.coefs[1] = 0.2;
        p.coefs[2] = 0.5;
      glPointParameterfv(GL_POINT_DISTANCE_ATTENUATION, p.coefs);
      if (p.pc)
        glColor3f(p.pc[0], p.pc[1], p.pc[2]);
      if (!p.s)
        p.s = 20;
      glBegin (GL_POINTS);
      for (int j = 0; j < n_part; j++)
        glvertex3d (view, p.loc[j].x, p.loc[j].y*cos(loc[j].z), p.loc[j].y*sin(loc[j].z));

    This is the movie-making event.

    event mov (t += 0.0125){
      scalar omega[];
      vorticity (u, omega);
      view (fov = 8, theta = -.75, tx = 0.05, width = 900, samples = 1);
      double std = statsf (omega).stddev;
        if (fabs(omega[])*2 < std || plt[] > 0.5)
          omega[] = nodata; //Transparant
      squares ("omega", map = cool_warm, min = -6*std, max = 6*std);
      draw_vof ("plt", lw = 2);
      draw_vof ("plt", filled = 1, fc = {0.7,0.7,0.7});  
      scatter3Din2D (loc, s = 6, pc = {0.2,0.2,0.2});
      mirror ({0,-1})
      save ("movie.mp4");
    event stop (t = 6);