
    Particle movements

    This header file implements a generic particle-path solving definition:

    \displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{d}\mathbf{x}_p}{\mathrm{d}t} = \mathbf{v}_p.

    Unlike flow-tracer particles, the intertial particle velocity is governed by the definition of its acceleration vector \mathbf{a}_p.

    \displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{d}\mathbf{v}_p}{\mathrm{d}t} = \mathbf{a}_p.

    For this purpose, a function can be specified following the prototype for p_acc(). Furthermore, particles must atleast have some additonal members to facilitate 2nd-order acurate advection and we aim to achieve compatibility with tracer-particles.h, which should then be included first.

    #include "run.h"
    #ifndef ADD_PART_MEM 
    #define ADD_PART_MEM coord u; long unsigned int tag; // u -> v_p
    #include "particle.h"
    #ifndef PA_INP
    #define PA_INP //empty
    #define INP (PA_inp){p()}
    typedef struct PA_inp {
      particle p;
    } PA_inp;
    coord p_acc (PA_inp inp);
    Particles * inertial_particles = NULL;
    extern scalar * _automatics_;

    Time integration

    A version of the second-order accurate Verlet method is used. (a.k.a. leaffrogging). Since p_acc may depend on p.u, we advance the particles in two solver timesteps.

    \displaystyle \mathbf{a}_{p,i} = \mathtt{p_{acc}}\left(\mathtt{p_i \ ADD\_ARGS}\right),

    \displaystyle \mathbf{v}_{p, i + 1} = \mathbf{v}_{p, i - 1} + \mathbf{a}_{p,i}\times \ 2 \mathtt{dt_i},

    \displaystyle \mathbf{x}_{p, i + 2} = \mathbf{x}_{p, i} + \mathbf{v}_{p,i + 1} \times \left( \mathtt{dt_i + dt_{i+1}}\right).

    The following events take care of the time integration.

    double dtprev;
    event defaults (t = 0);
    event init (t = 0);
    event set_dtmax (i++);
    event velocity (i++);
    void ip_step1 (Particles P, int i) {
      double Dt = i > 0 ? 2*dt : dt;
      boundary (_automatics_);
      foreach_particle_in(P) {
        coord a = p_acc (INP);
          p().u.x += a.x*Dt;
    void ip_step2 (Particles P) {
      foreach_particle_in(P) {
          p().x += p().u.x*(dt + dtprev);
    event intertial_particles_step1 (i += 2, last) {
      dtprev = dt;
      foreach_P_in_list(inertial_particles) {
        particle_boundary (P);
        ip_step1 (P, i);
    event intertial_particles_step2 (i = 1; i += 2) {
        ip_step2 (P);
    event free_intertial_particles (t = end) {
      if (inertial_particles)
        free (inertial_particles);
      inertial_particles = NULL;


    From tracer-particles.h, a bunch of functions are copied to provide some user interface for particle initializaiton.

    Particles new_inertial_particles (long unsigned int n) {
      Particles p = new_particles (n);
      int l = 0, t = 0;
      if (inertial_particles != NULL) {
        while (pn[l] != terminate_int) {
          if (l == inertial_particles[t]) 
      inertial_particles = realloc (inertial_particles, (t + 1)*sizeof(Particles));
      inertial_particles[t] = p;
      return p;
    void tag_ip_particles (Particles p) {
      long unsigned int offset = 0;
    #if _MPI
      long unsigned int pntr[npe()], tag_start[npe()];
      MPI_Gather (&pn[p], 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG,
    	      pntr, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG,
    	      0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      if (pid() == 0) {
        tag_start[0] = 0;
        for (int tr = 1; tr < npe(); tr++) 
          tag_start[tr] = tag_start[tr - 1] + pntr[tr - 1];
      MPI_Scatter (tag_start, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG,
    	       &offset, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG,
    	       0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        p().tag = j + offset;
    void set_ip_particle_attributes (Particles p) {
      tag_ip_particles (p);

    Inertial-particle (ip) initialization

    Inertial-particles may be initialized by calling the following functions.

    Particles init_ip_cells(void) {
      int np = 0;
      Particles p = new_inertial_particles (np);
      particle_boundary (p); //?
      set_ip_particle_attributes (p);
      return p;
    Particles init_ip_square (struct Init_P inp) {
      if (!inp.n)
        inp.n = 10;
      if (!inp.l)
        inp.l = L0;
      Particles p;
      if (pid() == 0) {
        p = new_inertial_particles (sq(inp.n));
        place_in_square (p, inp);
      } else { 
        p = new_inertial_particles (0);
      particle_boundary (p);
      set_ip_particle_attributes (p);
      return p;
    Particles init_ip_circle (struct Init_P inp) {
      Particles p;
       if (!inp.n)
         inp.n = 100;
      if (!inp.l)
        inp.l = L0/2.;
      if (pid() == 0) {
        p = new_inertial_particles (inp.n);
        place_in_circle (p, inp);
      } else { 
        p = new_inertial_particles (0);
      particle_boundary (p);
      set_ip_particle_attributes (p);
      return p;


    • More Tests
    • Implement usages

