
    Solving for a line-integral field

    The line integral of b from \mathbf{x_o} in the (constant) direction \mathbf{n} is defined as a,

    \displaystyle a(\mathbf{x_o}) = \int_{\mathbf{x_o}} b\ \mathrm{d}\mathbf{n},

    using some intuitive vector calculus, a statisfies

    \displaystyle \frac{\partial a}{\partial \mathbf{n}} = -b,

    Because solving stragies for both first and second-order accurate discretizations of this problem have specific issues, we derive the equation again,

    \displaystyle \frac{\partial^2 a}{\partial \mathbf{n}^2} = -\frac{\partial b}{\partial \mathbf{n}},

    or, the so-called “implicit integral equation”

    \displaystyle \mathbf{n}\cdot\left(\nabla\left(\mathbf{n}\cdot \nabla a\right) \right) = -\mathbf{n} \cdot \nabla b.

    i.e. in 2 dimensions,

    \displaystyle n_x^2a_{xx} + n_y^2a_{yy} + 2n_xn_ya_{xy} = -n_xb_x - n_yb_y,

    or in 3,

    \displaystyle n_x^2a_{xx} + n_y^2a_{yy} + n_z^2a_{zz} + 2n_xn_ya_{xy} + 2n_xn_za_{xz}+ 2n_yn_za_{yz} = -n_xb_x - n_yb_y - n_zb_z,

    where the subscripts indicate components or derivatives where sensible. Such an equation maybe solved iteratively, using multigrid acceleration.

    #include "poisson.h"
    struct Integrate_dn {
      scalar a, b;
      coord n;
      double tolerance;
      int nrelax, minlevel;
      scalar * res;
    static double residual_int (scalar * al, scalar * rhsl, scalar * resl, void * data) {
      scalar a = al[0], rhs = rhsl[0], res = resl[0];
      struct Integrate_dn * p = (struct Integrate_dn *) data;
      coord n = p->n;
      double maxres = 0;
      foreach () {
        res[] = rhs[];
        foreach_dimension() {
          res[] -= sq(n.x)*(a[1] + a[-1] - 2.*a[])/(sq(Delta));  
    #if (dimension == 2)
        res[] -= 2.*n.x*n.y*((a[1, 1]    - a[1, -1])    - (a[-1, 1] - a[-1, -1]))/(4*sq(Delta));
    #elif (dimension == 3)
        res[] -= 2.*(n.x*n.y*((a[1, 1, 0] - a[1, -1, 0]) - (a[-1, 1, 0] - a[-1, -1, 0])) +
    		 n.x*n.z*((a[1, 0, 1] - a[1, 0, -1]) - (a[-1, 0, 1] - a[-1, 0, -1])) +
    		 n.y*n.z*((a[0, 1, 1] - a[0, 1, -1]) - (a[0, -1, 1] - a[0, -1, -1]))
        if (fabs (res[]) > maxres)
          maxres = fabs (res[]);
      boundary (resl);
      return maxres;
    static void relax_int (scalar * al, scalar * rhsl, int l, void * data) {
      scalar a = al[0], rhs = rhsl[0];;
      struct Integrate_dn * p = (struct Integrate_dn *) data;
      coord n = p->n;
    #if JACOBI
      scalar c[];
      scalar c = a;
      foreach_level (l) {
        double nu = -rhs[]*sq(Delta), d = 0;
        foreach_dimension() {
          d += 2.*sq(n.x);
          nu += sq(n.x)*(a[1] + a[-1]);
    #if (dimension == 2)
        nu += 2.*n.x*n.y*((a[1, 1] - a[1, -1]) - (a[-1, 1] - a[-1, -1]))/4.;
    #elif (dimension == 3)
        nu += 2.*(n.x*n.y*((a[1, 1, 0] - a[1, -1, 0]) - (a[-1, 1, 0] - a[-1, -1, 0])) +
    	      n.x*n.z*((a[1, 0, 1] - a[1, 0, -1]) - (a[-1, 0, 1] - a[-1, 0, -1])) +
    	      n.y*n.z*((a[0, 1, 1] - a[0, 1, -1]) - (a[0, -1, 1] - a[0, -1, -1]))
        c[] = nu/d;
    #if JACOBI
      foreach_level (l) {
        a[] = (a[] + 2.*c[])/3.;

    Boundary conditions

    The solution to the explicit equation is only relevant when subjected to the proper boundary conditions.

    #include "bwatch.h"
    double BC_int (coord O, coord n, scalar s) {
      double integral = 0; 
      ray r;
      r.O = O;
      r.dir = n;
      foreach_ray_cell_intersection(r reduction(+:integral)) {
        double l = 0;
          l += sq(_a[1].x - _a[0].x);
        l = l > 0 ? sqrt (l) : 0;
        integral += l*interpolate (s, (_a[0].x + _a[1].x)/2.,
    			       (_a[0].y + _a[1].y)/2., (_a[0].z + _a[1].z)/2.); 
      return integral;

    User interface

    integrate_dn() forms the user interface. For the moment, boundary conditions are not computed properly when using MPI.

    face vector _BC;
    mgstats integrate_dn (struct Integrate_dn p) {
      scalar a = p.a, b = p.b, temp[];
      _BC = new_face_vector ("_BC");
        temp[] = a[];
      boundary ({temp});
      normalize (&p.n);
      double tol = L0*1e-4;
      //We compute the boundary values
      temp[left]  = dirichlet (_BC.x[]);
      temp[right] = dirichlet (_BC.x[]);
      foreach_boundary (left)  {
        _BC.x[] = BC_int ((coord){x + tol, y, z}, p.n, b);
      foreach_boundary (right) {
        _BC.x[] = BC_int ((coord){x - tol, y, z}, p.n, b);
    #if (dimension >= 2)
      temp[bottom] = dirichlet (_BC.y[]);
      temp[top]    = dirichlet (_BC.y[]);
      foreach_boundary (bottom) {
        _BC.y[] = BC_int ((coord){x, y + tol, z}, p.n, b);
      foreach_boundary (top) {
        _BC.y[] = BC_int ((coord){x, y - tol, z}, p.n, b);
    #if (dimension == 3)
      temp[back]  = dirichlet (_BC.z[]);
      temp[front] = dirichlet (_BC.z[]);
      foreach_boundary (back) { 
        _BC.z[] = BC_int ((coord){x, y, z + tol}, p.n, b);
      foreach_boundary (front) {
        _BC.z[] = BC_int ((coord){x, y, z - tol}, p.n, b);
      boundary_flux ({_BC}); //Coarse level boundary values.
      scalar rhs[];
      foreach() {
        rhs[] = 0;
          rhs[] += -p.n.x*(b[1] - b[-1])/(2.*Delta);
      mgstats mgint = mg_solve ({temp}, {rhs}, residual_int, relax_int, &p,
    			    p.nrelax, p.res, minlevel = max(1, p.minlevel));
      delete ((scalar*){_BC});
        a[] = temp[];
      boundary ({a});
      return mgint;