
    Low-Storage RK-3 and RK-4 schemes

    The default is 3-stage 3rd order method, if defined otherwise, a 5-stage 4th order method is used.

    As suggested in,

    van Heerwaarden, et al. MicroHH 1.0: … Geoscientific Model Development (2017).

    #include "run.h"
    #ifndef RKORDER
    #define RKORDER (3)
    #if (RKORDER == 3)
    // Williamson, J. H.: Low-Storage Runge-Kutta schemes, J.
    // Comput.Phys., 35, 48–56, 1980.
    #define STAGES (3)
    double An[STAGES] = {0., -5./9., -153./128.};
    double Bn[STAGES] = {1./3., 15./16., 8./15.};
    // Carpenter, M.  H.  and Kennedy, C.  A.: Fourth-order
    // 2N-storageRunge-Kutta schemes, Tech. Rep. TM-109112, NASA
    // LangleyResearch Center, 1994
    #define STAGES (5)
    double An[STAGES] = {0.,
    		     -567301805773. /1357537059087.,
    double Bn[STAGES] = {1432997174477./9575080441755. ,
    		     1720146321549./2090206949498. ,
    		     3134564353537./4481467310338. ,
    scalar * dfl = NULL; 
    void A_Time_Step (scalar * fl, double dt,
    		  void (* Lu) (scalar * ul, scalar * dul)) {
      if (dfl == NULL)
        dfl = list_clone (fl);
      scalar * dfltmp = list_clone (dfl);
      for (int Stp = 0; Stp < STAGES; Stp++) {
        Lu (fl, dfltmp);
        scalar f, df, dftmp;
        foreach() {
          for (f, df, dftmp in fl, dfl, dfltmp) {
    	df[]  = An[Stp]*df[] + dftmp[];
    	f[]  += Bn[Stp]*df[]*dt;
      delete (dfltmp); free (dfltmp); dfltmp = NULL;
    event rm_dfl (t = end) {
      delete (dfl); free (dfl); dfl = NULL;

