
    Flexible solution profiling functions

    It may be used to generate profiles along arbitraty interfaces.


    profile (all, sqrt(sq(x - X0) + sq(y - Y0)), "r_prof"); 

    writes azimutially averaged profiles of the solution along the radial direction (origin centered) to a file named `r_prof’.

    Another e.g.

    profile_equi (all, x, 10, "x_prof"); 

    writes 10 y-z averaged solution values along the x direction a to a file named `x_prof’.

    It works on trees, in serial, with MPI or with openmp if compiled correctly

    The functionalities rely on some helpful functions via fractions.h.

    #include "fractions.h"

    The first function computes the averages of the scalar fields in a list, along the interface that is defined by the corresponding volume fraction field. The function returns the average grid size of the cells.

    struct ob_av {
      scalar * list;  // List of scalar fields (mandatory)
      double * v;     // array for the values (mandatory)
      scalar c;       // Volume fractions for the interface (mandatory)
      face vector cs; // Corresponding face fraction field (optional)
    #if EMBED
    double embed_interpolate2 (Point point, scalar s, coord p); //prototype
    double interface_average (struct ob_av oa){
      double area = 0, gs = 0;
      int j = 0, g = 0, m = list_len (oa.list);
      scalar c = oa.c;
      double * data = oa.v;
      for (scalar s in oa.list)
        oa.v[g++] = 0.;
      foreach(reduction(+:area) reduction(+:j)
    	  reduction(+:gs) reduction (+:data[:m])) {
        if (c[] > 1e-5 && c[] < 1. - 1e-5) {
          gs += Delta;
          coord n, p[1];
          if (oa.cs.x.i)
    	n = facet_normal (point, c, oa.cs);
    	n = mycs (point, c);
          double alpha = plane_alpha (c[], n);
          double ar = plane_area_center(n, alpha, p)/Delta;
    	ar *= Delta;
          area += ar;
          int g = 0;
          for (scalar s in oa.list) {
    	//#if !EMBED
    	data[g++] += ar*interpolate(s, x + Delta*p->x,
    				    y + Delta*p->y, z + Delta*p->z);
    	//	data[g++] += ar*embed_interpolate2 (point, s, p[0]);
      g = 0;
      if (area > 0){
        for (scalar s in oa.list)
          oa.v[g++] /= area;
      if (j > 0)
        return gs/(double)j;
        return L0/100.; 

    The function profiles uses the interface_average() function to loop over the domain. It therefore requires a phi vertex field.

    struct prof {
      scalar * list;     // list of scalar field. The default is `all`
      vertex scalar phi; // The phi coordinates field (default is: phi = y)
      char * fname;      // Optional file name 
      double max;        // lower phi coordinate. The default is close to its minimum
      double min;        // upper phi coordinate. The default is close to its maximum
      double rf;         // reduction factor of query heights. The default is 1
      FILE * fp;         // File pointer, if `fname` is not provided. The default is `stdout`
      int n;             // Number of phi-values to query for equidistant profiles
      char * func_str;   // An identifier string (default is `phi`)
    void profiles (struct prof p) {

    We start with setting a bunch of default settings. Such as the list includes all scalars, except phi.

        p.list = all;
      scalar * list = NULL ;
      for (scalar s in p.list){
        if (strcmp ("phi",
    	list = list_append (list, s);
      vertex scalar phi;
      if (p.phi.i)
        phi = p.phi;

    For historic reasons, we make a vertical profile is phi is not provided.

      else {
        phi = new_vertex_scalar ("phi");
        foreach_vertex ()
          phi[] = y;
        p.func_str = "y";

    The min and max coordinates are the extreme values, taken from the phi field with the addional maxdepth trick of Vincent Heusinkveld.

      if (!p.min){
        double mn = HUGE;
          if (phi[] < mn)
    	mn = phi[];
        p.min = mn + L0/(double)(1 << (grid->maxdepth + 1));
      if (!p.max){
        double mx = -HUGE;
          if (phi[] > mx)
    	mx = phi[];
        p.max = mx - L0/(double)(1 << (grid->maxdepth + 1));

    And by default there is no reduction factor and we print to the stdout file pointer.

      if (!p.rf)
        p.rf = 1;
      if (!p.fname && !p.fp)
        p.fp = stdout;
      double dzn;
      if (p.n)
        dzn = (p.max - p.min) / ((double)p.n - 0.99999999);
      if (!p.func_str)
        p.func_str = "phi";
      FILE * fp = p.fp;
      char * file = p.fname;
      if (pid()==0){ 
        if (file && (fp = fopen (file, "w")) == NULL) {
          perror (file);
          exit (1);
        assert (fp);
        fprintf(fp,"#%s\t", p.func_str);
        for(scalar s in list)
      int len = list_len(list);
      double phi_p = p.min;
      scalar s[];
      face vector sf[];
      while (phi_p < p.max){
        double aver[len];
        fractions (phi, s, sf, val = phi_p);
        double dphi = interface_average (list, aver, s, sf);
        if (pid() == 0){
          int k = 0;
          for (scalar s in list){
    	if (k == 0)
    	  fprintf (fp, "%g\t%g", phi_p, aver[k]);
    	if (k > 0)
    	if (k == len)
        if (p.n)
          dphi = dzn/p.rf;

    Note that the units of phi and dphi may be incompatible.

        phi_p += p.rf*dphi;
      if (pid()==0){
        if (fp != stdout)
      free (list);

    Two addional user-interface functions

    Because the phi field may be inconvienient, we make some user-friendly defenitions. Note that I do not know how to do optional arguments, so the user must provide all arguments. It relies on the default settings of the profiles() function above.

    For grid-adaptive profiles use profile():

    #define profile(list, fun, fname) do {		\
        vertex scalar phi[];			\
        foreach_vertex()					\
          phi[] = fun;					\
        char * str = #fun;					\
        profiles (list, phi, fname, func_str = str);	\
      } while(0);

    And for equidistant profiles use profile_equi():

    #define profile_equi(list, fun, nr, fname) do {	\
        vertex scalar phi[];			\
        foreach_vertex()				\
          phi[] = fun;					\
        char * str = #fun;					\
        profiles (list, phi, fname, n = nr, func_str = str);	\
      } while(0);

    Embedded boundary

    A 3D-compatible interpolate near an embedded boundary

    #if EMBED
    double embed_interpolate2 (Point point, scalar s, coord p) {
      int i = sign(p.x), j = sign(p.y);
    #if dimension == 2
      if (cs[i] && cs[0,j] && cs[i,j])
        // bilinear interpolation when all neighbors are defined
        return ((s[]*(1. - fabs(p.x)) + s[i]*fabs(p.x))*(1. - fabs(p.y)) + 
    	    (s[0,j]*(1. - fabs(p.x)) + s[i,j]*fabs(p.x))*fabs(p.y));
    #else //dimension == 3, see cartesian-common.h
      int k = sign(p.z);
      x = fabs(p.x); y = fabs(p.y); z = fabs(p.z);
      /* trilinear interpolation */
      if (cs[i] && cs[0,j] && cs[i,j] && cs[0,0,k] &&
          cs[i,0,k] && cs[0,j,k] && cs[i,j,k]) {
        return (((s[]*(1. - x) + s[i]*x)*(1. - y) + 
    	     (s[0,j]*(1. - x) + s[i,j]*x)*y)*(1. - z) +
    	    ((s[0,0,k]*(1. - x) + s[i,0,k]*x)*(1. - y) + 
    	     (s[0,j,k]*(1. - x) + s[i,j,k]*x)*y)*z);
      else {
        // linear interpolation with gradients biased toward the
        // cells which are defined
        double val = s[];
        foreach_dimension() {
          int i = sign(p.x);
          if (cs[i])
    	val += fabs(p.x)*(s[i] - s[]);
          else if (cs[-i])
    	val += fabs(p.x)*(s[] - s[-i]);
        return val;

    Exemplifying test
