
    Compute the frontal area of a fractal tree

    A generated fractal tree is projected onto a plane.

    Iteratively adding branches

    There is an increasing overlap and horizontal orientation of branches.

    set logscale xy
    set grid
    set xlabel 'Branches'
    set key box top left
    set ylabel 'see key'
    plot 'out' u 1:2 t 'Area R^{-2}', '' u 1:3 t 'Length R^{-1}' 
    Compare area against total branch length (script)

    Compare area against total branch length (script)

    set logscale xy
    set grid
    set xlabel 'length R^{-1}'
    set ylabel 'area R^{-2}'
    set key top left
    plot 'out' u 3:2 t 'data', 5*x**0.62 w l t '0.62 scaling'


    #include "grid/cartesian.h"
    #include "treegen.h"
    #include "utils.h"
    Branch * trees;
    scalar f[];
    face vector fs[];
    int main() {
      L0 = 50;
      X0 = -25;
      N = 400;
      init_grid (N);
      double angle = -pi/2.; //Rotate tree
      levels = 3;
      trees = tree_skeleton();
      double tl[nb];
      for (int j = 0; j < nb; j++) {
        coord strt = trees[j].start;
        coord end = trees[j].end;
        double bl = 0;
          bl += sq(strt.x - end.x);
        if (j > 0)
          tl[j] = tl[j - 1] + sqrt(bl);
          tl[0] = sqrt(bl);
        trees[j].start.x = cos(angle)*strt.x - sin(angle)*strt.z;
        trees[j].start.z = 0;
        trees[j].end.x = cos(angle)*end.x - sin(angle)*end.z;
        trees[j].end.z = 0;
      int nt = nb;
      for (nb = 1; nb <= nt; nb++) {
        tree_interface (trees, f, fs);
        double A = 0;
          A += dv()*(1 - f[]);
        printf ("%d %g %g\n",nb, A, tl[nb -1]);
        output_ppm (f, file = "c.mp4", opt = "-r 3");
      free (trees);