
    The goal of this script is to give an input discharge on the upstream boundary (left) thanks to “discharge.h”, with a one-dimensional grid. Unfortunately, it seems that “foreach_boundary()” (called by “discharge.h”) does not work together with “grid/cartesian-1D.h”, which causes a bug. Other bugs exist in this script, but the are apparently not linked with the bug caused by “discharge.h”. I published this bug report because I found out that someone had the same problem on the forum : [].

    #include <math.h>
    #include "grid/cartesian1D.h"
    #include "saint-venant.h"
    #include "discharge.h"
    #define TMAX 12500. // time length of the simulation
    #define QBASE 1.65 // base flow
    #define MAX(a,b) (a > b ? a :b)

    Main constants and call to the solver.

    int main()
        G  = 9.81;
        L0 = 3000.;
        X0 = 0.;
        N  = 256; 

    The initial conditions : base flow ; the boundary conditions : closed upstream, open downstream.

    event init(t=0)
        double h_base = 1.0291;
            zb[]  = 0.;
            h[]   = h_base;
            u.x[] = QBASE / h_base;
        h[left] = dirichlet(0);
        u.n[left] = dirichlet(0);
        h[right] = neumann(0);
        u.n[right] = neumann(0);

    This paragraph gives the sinusoidal input discharge (left boundary). It uses “eta_b” from “discharge.h”, which itself calls “foreach_boundary()” and causes the main bug.

    event flows(i++) // mise a jour des CL
    variable ‘eta_inj’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
        double q_inj, eta_inj;
        q_inj = QBASE + 0.8 * cos(t*6.28/50.);
        eta_inj = eta_b(q_inj, left);
    ‘eta_inj’ undeclared (first use in this function)
        h[left] = MAX(eta_inj - zb[], 0.);
    ‘q_inj’ undeclared (first use in this function)
        u.x[left] = q_inj / h[];

    The next paragraphs are the outputs.

    event outputs_jx(i=1)
        static FILE * tab_j_x = fopen( "", "write");
        int j = 0; // indice d'espace, j = 1:N
            j += 1;
            fprintf(tab_j_x, "%d; %g;\n", j, x); // tableau avec le temps et les nos. d'iteration
    event outputs_tab(i++)
        int j; // indice d'espace, j = 1:N
        static FILE * tab_i_t = fopen( "", "write");
        fprintf(tab_i_t, "%d; %g;\n", i, t); // tableau avec le temps et les nos. d'iteration
        static FILE * tab_h = fopen( "", "write");
        // ecriture des abscisses
        j = 0;
            j += 1;
            fprintf(tab_h, (j < N ? "%g; " : "%g") , h[]);
        fprintf(tab_h, "%s", "\n");
        static FILE * tab_u = fopen( "", "write");
        // ecriture des abscisses
        j = 0;
            j += 1;
            fprintf(tab_u, (j < N ? "%g; " : "%g"), u.x[]);
        fprintf(tab_u, "%s", "\n");
        static FILE * tab_zb = fopen( "", "write");
        // ecriture des abscisses
        j = 0;
            j += 1;
            fprintf(tab_zb, (j < N ? "%g; " : "%g"), zb[]);
        fprintf(tab_zb, "%s", "\n");

    End of the program.

    event end(t = TMAX)
        printf("Programme termine : iteration no. %d ; temps : %g\n", i, t);