
    The following code is a simple script illustrating the observed behaviour. We start by initializing a small 4 cell domain with four layers

    #include "grid/multigrid1D.h"
    #include "layered/hydro.h"
    int main() {
        N = 4;
        nl = 4;
        L0 = 4;

    In the init event, we construct a scalar field s and fill it with zeroes. Then we print the scalar field illustrating that all cell values are zero. We then change the value of a single cell from zero to one. Now, when we print the scalar field, a total of nl cell values have been changed to one! Finally we illustrate the computed sum of all cell values to be nl rather than one.

    event init(i=0){

    The supposed bug was due to a misunderstanding of the way multilayer fields are allocated. See the documentation.

        // Initializing empty scalar field
    #if 0
        scalar s[]; // this is not a multilayer field allocation...
        scalar s = new scalar[nl]; // this is a multilayer field allocation
                s[] = 0;
        FILE * fp = fopen ("out.txt", "w");
        // Printing value of scalar field in each cell
        fprintf(fp, "Initial field:\n");
                fprintf(fp, "s[] = %g\n", s[]);
        // Changing value of s in a single cell. 
        int inject_id = 2;
        int k = 0;
                if (k == inject_id){
                  s[] = 1;  // Same behaviour observed when using s[]++;
        // Printing changed scalar field 
        fprintf(fp, "\nChanged field:\n");
        int expected_sum = 1;
        int computed_sum = 0;
                fprintf(fp, "s[] = %g\n", s[]);
                computed_sum += s[];
        fprintf(fp, "expected: %d    computed: %d\n", expected_sum, computed_sum);
        fclose (fp);

    The output is not what is expected: