
    View not recognizing tx,ty arguments

    When setting the camera position with the parameters tx and ty, if a zero value is specified no argument is taken for those parameters. When view is called multiple times this may generate errors in the camera position. If in a previous call the camera is displaced from the default centered position, in successive calls assigning \displaystyle tx = 0 does not move back the camera to the centered position.

    This has been fixed by this patch.
    #include "fractions.h"
    #include "view.h"
    int main() {

    We first define a volume fraction field.

      init_grid (16);
      origin (-0.5,-0.5,-0.5);
      scalar f[];
      fraction (f, sq(x) + sq(y) + sq(z) - sq(0.3));

    We set a first view displacing the camera in the x direction.

      view (tx = -0.2, ty = 0., width = 400, height = 400);
      draw_vof ("f");
      save ("out.png");

    We set a second view centered on the origin.

      view (tx = 0., ty = 0., width = 400, height = 400);
      draw_vof ("f");
      save ("out2.png");
    View does not take the new argument

    View does not take the new argument

    A simple workaround is to specify a very small number instead of zero.

      view (tx = 1.e-12, ty = 0., width = 400, height = 400);
      draw_vof ("f");
      save ("out3.png");
    With the workaround

    With the workaround
