
    Resolution of the 2D diffusion equation

    Implicit resolution of the diffusion equation

    \displaystyle \frac{\partial T}{\partial t}= \frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial x^2} + \frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial y^2}

    using the Poison solver (see diffusion.h)

    #include "diffusion.h"
    #include "run.h"
    #define EPS 0.1
    scalar f[];
    const face vector D[] = { 1. , 1. };

    Analytical solution

    \displaystyle f = e^{r^2/4. t}/(4. \pi t )

    	double solution (double x, double y, double t)
      	return  exp( -1. * (sq(x) + sq(y))/ (4. * t))/ (4. * 	pi * t) ;

    We use this function to initialize the computation (we use t=0.1).

    	event init (t = 0)
        	f[] = solution(x,y,0.1);
      	boundary ({f});


    	event running ( i++ )
              dt = dtnext (t, 0.01);
              diffusion (f,dt,D);
              boundary ({f});

    Output every 0.1

    	event print ( t = 0.1 ; t += 0.1 ; t <= 1. )
      	double shift = 0.1 ;
      	// For y=0
      	for (double x = -L0/2 ; x <= L0/2; x += L0/200.)
          	printf ("%f %f %f \n", x, interpolate (f, x, 	0.0),solution(x,0.0,t+shift));
      	printf ("\n\n");

    Main program Compile : qcc -lm diffusion.c -o diffusion

    Run : diffusion > difussion.dat

    Plotting : plot “difussion.dat” i 4 u 1:2 t “Computation” w p,“” i 4 u 1:3 t “Theory” w l

    	int main() {
      	// Lenght
      	L0 = 10.;
      	// coordinates of lower-left corner
      	X0 = Y0 = -L0/2;
      	N = 128*2 ;
    Comparison simulation-theory

    Comparison simulation-theory