
    Einstein summation notation

    This header file contains the functions related to the Einstein summation macro implemented by the \texttt{Basilisk C} preprocessor. This macro allows the user to write tensor algebra in index notation using \texttt{Basilisk C} code. The syntax follows the famous Einstein summation convention.

    Mathematical definitions

    Let us give the basis of the Einstein summation convention through the example of a simple scalar product between two second-order tensors in 3D space. In mathematics and physics, it is customary to write second-order tensors as \textbf{A} = \sum_{i,j = 1}^3 A_{ij} \bm e_i\bm e_j where \bm e_i and \bm e_j are basis vectors in 3D space and A_{ij} is the component of the tensor \textbf A projected on the vectors \bm e_i\bm e_j. In tensor notation the inner product between two arbitrary second-order tensors: \textbf{A} and \textbf{B}, can be written as \textbf{C} = \textbf{A}\cdot\textbf{B}. If the basis is orthonormal, the components of the tensor \textbf C are given by \displaystyle C_{ij} = \sum_{k=1}^3 A_{ik} B_{kj}. Since the summation operator can be quite cumbersome in the Einstein summation convention we rewrite this operation as \displaystyle C_{ij} = A_{ik} B_{kj} where the summation over k from 1 to 3 is implicit. We took the example of a simple scalar product, nevertheless note that this notation extends to any tensor operations which can be much more complex.
    Therefore, to remove any ambiguity in the Einstein summation notation, one has to follow the following rules: 1. each index can appear at most twice in any term, 2. repeated indices are implicitly summed over, 3. each term must contain identical non-repeated indices.

    For example the expression: M_{ij}v_iv_j is valid and indicate a double summation over i and j, while the rexpression M_{ij}v_ju_j is ambigous since the index j appears 3 times. For a more complete and rigourous definition of the Einstein summation convention we recommand the Wikipedia page: Einstein summation convention.

    User interface

    To write a scalar product in \texttt{Basilisk C} one needs first to define vector and second-order tensor-like structures. The default vector structure is the coord struct. The second or higher-order structures must be defined by the user.

    typedef struct {
      coord x,y,z;
    } mytensor;
    mytensor A,B,C; 

    Note that the name mytensor is arbitrary. However, the name of the structure members must be x, y and z. Following the Einstein summation convention the scalar product introduced in the previous paragraph can be written in \texttt{Basilisk C} as

    einstein_sum(i,j,k) {
      C.i.j = A.i.k*B.k.j; 

    With this macro, the preprocessor of \texttt{Basilisk C} interprets all lines of code within the braces as tensor operations. The letters given within the parenthesis indicate the indices on which the Einstein summation takes place. In this case a summation will be applied on the index k and permutations will be performed on the indices i and j. To verify that the \texttt{Basilisk C} preprocessor gives the desired results, one can precompile the \texttt{Basilisk C} file with the command line

    qcc -source my_file.c

    The results of the precompilation stored in _my_file.c will be

      C.x.x = A.x.x*B.x.x+ A.x.y*B.y.x+ A.x.z*B.z.x;
      C.x.y = A.x.x*B.x.y+ A.x.y*B.y.y+ A.x.z*B.z.y;
      C.x.z = A.x.x*B.x.z+ A.x.y*B.y.z+ A.x.z*B.z.z;
      C.y.x = A.y.x*B.x.x+ A.y.y*B.y.x+ A.y.z*B.z.x;
      C.y.y = A.y.x*B.x.y+ A.y.y*B.y.y+ A.y.z*B.z.y;
      C.y.z = A.y.x*B.x.z+ A.y.y*B.y.z+ A.y.z*B.z.z;
      C.z.x = A.z.x*B.x.x+ A.z.y*B.y.x+ A.z.z*B.z.x;
      C.z.y = A.z.x*B.x.y+ A.z.y*B.y.y+ A.z.z*B.z.y;
      C.z.z = A.z.x*B.x.z+ A.z.y*B.y.z+ A.z.z*B.z.z;

    Note that the preprocessor duplicated the lines for each permutation of i and j and applied a summation over the index k. This macro also applies to \texttt{Basilisk C} vector fields (such as the velocity field u.x[]) and any other user-defined structures with members named x, y and z.

    For higher-order rank tensors one can note that these expressions become quite cumbersome. It is for that reason that the einstein_sum macro has been created. For more examples one can check the test file einstein_sum.c.

    Specific cases

    As long as the user follows the rules mentioned above, the desired result will be obtained. However, the einstein_sum macro is somewhat more permissive than the original rules of the convention. For example the code

    U.i = M.i.j*u.j*v.j;

    which is not defined correctly will still be compiled, and in 2D will give

    U.x = M.x.x*u.x*v.x + M.x.y*u.y*v.y;
    U.y = M.y.x*u.x*v.x + M.y.y*u.y*v.y;

    The use of C functions within the macro is also allowed. Let function(args) be an arbitrary C function. Then the expression,

    U.i = function (M.i.j*u.j*v.j);

    will be expanded to

    U.x = function (M.x.x*u.x*v.x + M.x.y*u.y*v.y);
    U.y = function (M.y.x*u.x*v.x + M.y.y*u.y*v.y);

    The summation is applied at the lowest level of the expression where all the indices that must be summed over are present. Here the summation takes place inside the parenthesis since all indices j are contained within them.

    A useful example of the use of a function is the computation of the L2 norm of the second-order tensor \textbf C

    L2 = sqrt (C.i.j*C.i.j);

    Lastly, if no equality sign is identified, the preprocessor will not perform any summation operations. It will only carry the permutation on the current line of code. For example if one wants to print the content of a tensor one may write

    einstein_sum (i,j) {
      fprintf (stderr, "%g\n", C.i.j);

    which gives in 2D

      fprintf (stderr, "%g\n", C.x.x);
      fprintf (stderr, "%g\n", C.x.y);
      fprintf (stderr, "%g\n", C.y.x);
      fprintf (stderr, "%g\n", C.y.y);


    In summary the einstein_sum macro follows the following steps:

    1. It Identifies if a given line of code is an assignment expression with a ‘=’ sign or not.
      1. If it is, it identifies the indices on the right and left-hand side of the expression. It then carries a summation over the indices that appear only on the right-hand side.
      2. If it is not an equality, it does nothing at this step.
    2. It then copies the lines of codes and carries permutations on the indices present on the line (excluding the one that has been summed over).
    3. Steps 1. and 2. are repeated for all lines within the macro.
    Note that these steps do not follow the original Einstein summation convention rules. Therefore some expressions may be ambiguous and the user is advised to always check for the pre-compiler results using qcc -source my_file.c before using the code.


    This structure carries information about the indices present in the expression.

    typedef struct {
      int dimension;
      char * current_id, * forbiden_id;
    } Einstein_sumData;

    This function appends a block to an expression with a + sign separator.

    Ast * ast_add_list_append (Ast * list, int item_sym, Ast * item)
      ast_set_line (item, ast_right_terminal (list));
      Ast * parent = list->parent;
      int index = ast_child_index (list);
      Ast * l =  ast_new_children (ast_new (parent, list->sym),
    			       ast_terminal_new_char (item, "+"),
    			       ast_new (item, item_sym));
      ast_attach (l->child[2], item);
      ast_set_child (parent, index, l);
      return l;

    Read the input id list given to the macro.

    static void einstein_sum_id_list (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * data)
      if (n->sym == sym_IDENTIFIER) {
        AstTerminal * t = ast_terminal (n);
        if (strlen (t->start) > 1){
          fprintf (stderr,
    	       "%s:%d: error: the args of einstein_sum(...,%s,...) must be of length one\n",
                  t->file, t->line,t->start);
          exit (1);
        char * id_list = data, first_char[2] = {*t->start, '\0'};
        strcat (id_list, first_char);
    static char * get_einstein_sum_args (Ast * n, Stack * stack)
      // stop when the macro einstein sum is found
      Ast * ein_macro = n;
      char * identifier = "init";
      while (strcmp (identifier, "einstein_sum")) {
        ein_macro = ast_parent (n, sym_macro_statement);
        identifier = ast_terminal(ast_schema (ein_macro, sym_macro_statement,
    					  0, sym_function_call,
    					  0, sym_postfix_expression,
    					  0, sym_primary_expression,
    					  0, sym_IDENTIFIER))->start;
      // gather the args in the buffer
      char buffer[100] = {0}; // fixme: buffer overflows??
      ast_traverse (ein_macro->child[0]->child[2],
    		stack, einstein_sum_id_list, buffer);
      int length = strlen (buffer);
      buffer[length] = '\0';
      char * indices = malloc ((length + 1)*sizeof(char));
      strcpy (indices, buffer);
      return indices;
    static void einstein_sum_get_member_id (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * data)
      if (n->sym == sym_member_identifier) {
        AstTerminal * t = ast_terminal (ast_schema (n, 
                                                    0, sym_generic_identifier,
                                                    0, sym_IDENTIFIER));
        char * sub_id_list = data;
        char * id_list = get_einstein_sum_args (n, stack);
        char first_char[2] = {*t->start, '\0'};
        if (strchr (id_list, *t->start))
          strcat (sub_id_list, first_char);
    static Ast * get_expression_statement (Ast * n)
      while (n->sym != sym_expression_statement && n->sym == sym_expression)
        n = n->parent;  
      return n;

    Get all the indicies present in the block (Ast * n).

    static char * get_expression_id (Ast * n, Stack * stack)
      char buffer[100] = {0}; // fixme: buffer overflows??
      ast_traverse (n, stack, einstein_sum_get_member_id, buffer);
      int length = strlen (buffer);
      buffer[length + 1] = '\0';
      char * sub_id_list = malloc ((length + 2)*sizeof(char));
      strcpy (sub_id_list, buffer);
      return sub_id_list;

    Return the right-hand-side of an expression from a lower level block.

    static Ast * get_right_hand_side (Ast * n, Stack * stack)
      while (!ast_child (n, sym_assignment_operator))
        n = ast_parent (n, sym_assignment_expression);
      return ast_child (n, sym_assignment_expression);

    Permute the .i by .i_x.

    static void einstein_sum_replace_id (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * data)
      if (n->sym == sym_member_identifier) {
        AstTerminal * t = ast_terminal (ast_schema (n, 
                                                    0, sym_generic_identifier,
                                                    0, sym_IDENTIFIER));
        char * id_list = get_einstein_sum_args (n, stack);
        if (t->start[1] == '\0' && strchr (id_list, *t->start))
          // char * id_old
          strcat (t->start, "_x");

    Increment the _x to _y or _z and so on.

    static void einstein_sum_rotate (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * data)
      if (n->sym == sym_member_identifier) {
        AstTerminal * t = ast_terminal (ast_schema (n, 
                                                    0, sym_generic_identifier,
                                                    0, sym_IDENTIFIER));
        int len = strlen (t->start);
        Einstein_sumData * d = data;
        if (len >= 2 && t->start[len - 2] == '_' &&
    	strchr ("xyz", t->start[len - 1]) &&
            t->start[0] == d->current_id[0]) 
          t->start[len - 1] = 'x' + (t->start[len - 1] + 1 - 'x') % d->dimension;

    This function perform the summation step within an expression.

    static void einstein_sum_sum (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * data)
      if (n->sym == sym_additive_expression || n == get_right_hand_side (n, stack)) {
        Einstein_sumData * d = data;
        Ast * body = ast_last_child (n);
        if (n == get_right_hand_side (n, stack))
        while (body->sym != sym_additive_expression)
          body = ast_last_child (body);      
        char * current_id_list = get_expression_id (body, stack);
        // indentify the list of the indicies on the right hand side of the expr 
        Ast * right_hand_side = get_right_hand_side (body, stack);
        char * id_list_after = get_expression_id (right_hand_side, stack);
        // list that contain index to be summed
        char sum_id[80];
        int j = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < strlen(current_id_list); i++) {
          int k = 0, m = 0;
          // check how many times the index appears in the expr
          for (int l = 0; l < strlen (current_id_list); l++)
            if (current_id_list[l] == current_id_list[i])
          // check how many times the index appears in the original expr
          for (int l = 0; l < strlen (id_list_after); l++)
            if (id_list_after[l] == current_id_list[i])
          if (!strchr (d->forbiden_id, current_id_list[i]) && 
    	  !strchr (sum_id, current_id_list[i]) && k == m)
            sum_id[j++] = current_id_list[i];
          sum_id[j] = '\0';
        int id_N = strlen (sum_id);
        if (!j) {
          id_N = 0;
          sum_id[0] = '\0';
        d->current_id = malloc (sizeof(char)*2);
        d->current_id[1] = '\0';
        for (int i = 0; i < id_N; i++) {
          d->current_id[0] = sum_id[i];
          Ast * copy = body;
          for (int j = 1; j < d->dimension; j++) {
            // perform the rotation on the index that must be summed 
            copy = ast_copy (copy);
            stack_push (stack, &copy);
            ast_traverse (copy, stack, einstein_sum_rotate, d);
            ast_pop_scope (stack, copy);  
            body = ast_add_list_append (body, copy->sym, copy);
        strcat (d->forbiden_id, sum_id);
    static void einstein_sum_replace_id_back (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * data)
      if (n->sym == sym_member_identifier) {
        AstTerminal * t = ast_terminal (ast_schema (n, 
                                                    0, sym_generic_identifier,
                                                    0, sym_IDENTIFIER));
        char * id_list = get_einstein_sum_args (n, stack);
        int len = strlen (t->start);
        if (t->start[len - 2] == '_' &&
    	strchr ("xyz", t->start[len - 1]) &&
    	strchr (id_list, t->start[len - 3]))
          t->start[1] = '\0', t->start[0] = t->start[len - 1] ;
    static void einstein_sum_expression (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * data)
      if (n->sym == sym_assignment_expression &&
          get_expression_statement(n->parent)->sym == sym_expression_statement &&
          get_expression_statement(n->parent)->parent->sym == sym_statement &&
          n->parent->sym == sym_expression){
        Einstein_sumData * d = data;
        // transform into block item 
        Ast * expr_statement = get_expression_statement (n->parent);
        Ast * statement = get_expression_statement (n->parent)->parent;
        Ast * item = ast_block_list_get_item (statement);
        if (!item) item = get_expression_statement (n->parent);
        Ast * item_list = item->parent;

    This is the first step, it just permute every indices such as .i into .i_x and so on.

        stack_push (stack, &item);
        ast_traverse (item, stack, einstein_sum_replace_id, d);
        ast_pop_scope (stack, item);

    The second step identifies and performs the summation.

        char * id_list_before = get_expression_id (n, stack);
        int id_N = strlen (id_list_before);
        // check if the expression is an equallity  
        if (ast_child (n, sym_assignment_operator)) {
          Ast * right_hand_side = ast_child (n, sym_assignment_expression);
          Ast * left_hand_side = ast_child (n, sym_unary_expression);
          // indices appearing on the left hand side of the expression
          id_list_before = get_expression_id (left_hand_side, stack);
          // save the indices appearing on the left hand side
          d->forbiden_id = malloc (sizeof(char)*80);
          strcpy (d->forbiden_id, id_list_before);
          // traverse over the whole expression and performs the sum
          stack_push (stack, &right_hand_side);
          ast_traverse (right_hand_side, stack, einstein_sum_sum, d);
          ast_pop_scope (stack, right_hand_side);  
          id_N = strlen (id_list_before);
        // Remove any duplicates in "id_list_before"
        for (int i = 0; i < id_N; i++)
          for (int j = i + 1; j < id_N;){
            if (id_list_before[i] == id_list_before[j]) {
              for (int k = j; k < id_N; k++){
                id_list_before[k] = id_list_before[k + 1];

    The final step is to perform permutations on the remaining indices.

        d->current_id = malloc (2*sizeof(char));
        d->current_id[0] = '\0';
        for (int i = 0; i < id_N; i++) {
          d->current_id[0] = id_list_before[id_N - i - 1];
          Ast * copy = expr_statement;
          for (int j = 1; j < d->dimension; j++) {
            copy = ast_copy (copy);
            stack_push (stack, &copy);
            ast_traverse (copy, stack, einstein_sum_rotate, d);
            ast_pop_scope (stack, copy);  
            expr_statement = ast_block_list_append (expr_statement, copy->sym, copy);
        // replace the i_x indicators by the actual member name x,yz...
        stack_push (stack, &item_list);
        ast_traverse (item_list, stack, einstein_sum_replace_id_back, d);
        ast_pop_scope (stack, item_list);  
    void einstein_sum_global (Ast * n, Stack * stack, int dimension)
      Ast * item = ast_block_list_get_item (n->parent->parent);
      Einstein_sumData data = {dimension, NULL, NULL}; 
      if (n->child[0]->child[2]->sym == token_symbol(')')) {
        AstTerminal * t = ast_left_terminal (n);
        fprintf (stderr,
                "%s:%d: error: missing summation indices in macro einstein_sum(...)\n",
                t->file, t->line);
        exit (1);
      Ast * body = ast_last_child (n);
      stack_push (stack, &body);
      ast_traverse (body, stack, einstein_sum_expression, &data);
      ast_pop_scope (stack, body);
      // remove macro name and append the body 
      ast_replace_child (item, 0, body);
      ast_remove (n, ast_left_terminal (body));