
    Non-local references

    Returns a list of non-local references.

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include "ast.h"
    #include "symbols.h"
    typedef struct {
      Ast * scope;
      Stack * nonlocals;
      int n, dimension;
    } Accelerator;
    bool is_local_declaration (Ast * n, Stack * stack, Ast * scope)
      if (!strcmp (ast_terminal (n)->start, "point"))
        return true;
      Ast ** d;
      for (int i = 0; (d = stack_index (stack, i)); i++)
        if (*d == n)
          return true;
        else if (*d == scope)
          return false;
      return false;
    void non_local_references (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * data);
    void add_non_local_reference (const char * name, Stack * stack, Accelerator * a)
      Ast * ref = ast_identifier_declaration (stack, name);
      if (!ref) {
    #if 0      
        fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: warning: '%s' undeclared\n", ast_terminal (n)->file, ast_terminal (n)->line,
    	     ast_terminal (n)->start);
        return; // assumes this is OK i.e. this corresponds mostly with macros and undeclared library functions
      if (!strcmp (ast_terminal (ref)->file, "ast/defaults.h")) // ignore "internal" variables and macros
      if (!is_local_declaration (ref, stack, a->scope) &&
          !fast_stack_find (a->nonlocals, ast_terminal (ref)->start)) {
        stack_push (a->nonlocals, &ref);

    Function call

        Ast * definition = ast_parent (ref, sym_function_definition);
        if (definition && (ref = ast_find (definition, sym_direct_declarator,
    				       0, sym_direct_declarator,
    				       0, sym_generic_identifier,
    				       0, sym_IDENTIFIER)) &&
    	!strcmp (ast_terminal (ref)->start, name)) {
          Accelerator b = *a;
          b.scope = definition;
          stack_push (stack, &definition);
          ast_traverse (definition, stack, non_local_references, &b);
          ast_pop_scope (stack, definition);
    void non_local_references (Ast * n, Stack * stack, void * data)
      if (n->sym == sym_IDENTIFIER &&
          n->parent->sym == sym_primary_expression)  // do not consider structure members
        add_non_local_reference (ast_terminal (n)->start, stack, data);
    void ast_non_local_references (Ast * scope, Ast * argument)
      AstRoot * root = ast_get_root (scope);
      Stack * stack = root->stack;
      stack_push (stack, &scope);
      Accelerator a = { scope };
      a.nonlocals = stack_new (sizeof (Ast *));
      add_non_local_reference ("X0", stack, &a);
      add_non_local_reference ("Y0", stack, &a);
      add_non_local_reference ("Z0", stack, &a);
      add_non_local_reference ("L0", stack, &a);
      add_non_local_reference ("N", stack, &a);
      ast_traverse (scope, stack, non_local_references, &a);
      ast_pop_scope (stack, scope);
      ast_after (argument, "{");
      Ast ** n;
      while ((n = stack_pop (a.nonlocals))) {
        AstDimensions dim = {0};
        Ast * type = ast_identifier_type (*n, &dim, stack), * def;
        if (type == (Ast *) &ast_function)
          continue; // fixme: external functions not handled yet
        const char * start = ast_terminal (*n)->start;
        if (!strcmp (start, "NULL"))
        ast_after (argument, "{\"", start, "\""); // name


        if (ast_schema (ast_ancestor (type, 5), sym_declaration,
    		    0, sym_declaration_specifiers,
    		    0, sym_storage_class_specifier,
    		    0, sym_TYPEDEF) &&
    	(def = ast_schema (ast_ancestor (type, 5), sym_declaration,
    			   1, sym_init_declarator_list,
    			   0, sym_init_declarator,
    			   0, sym_declarator,
    			   0, sym_direct_declarator,
    			   0, sym_generic_identifier,
    			   0, sym_IDENTIFIER)))
          // typedef
          ast_after (argument, ",\"", ast_terminal (def)->start, "\"");
        else switch (type->sym) {
          case sym_INT: case sym_DOUBLE: case sym_FLOAT:
    	ast_after (argument, ",\"", ast_terminal (type)->start, "\""); break;
    	ast_after (argument, ",\"not implemented yet\""); break;


        ast_after (argument, ",(void *)", dim.pointer || dim.dimension ? "" : "&", start);

    Array dimensions

        if (dim.dimension) {
          ast_after (argument, ",(int[]){");
          for (Ast ** d = dim.dimension; *d; d++)
    	ast_right_terminal (argument)->after = ast_str_append (*d, ast_right_terminal (argument)->after);
          ast_after (argument, ",0}");
          ast_after (argument, ",NULL");
        free (dim.dimension);

    Number of pointer dereferences

        char s[10];
        snprintf (s, 10, "%d", dim.pointer);
        ast_after (argument, ",", s);


        Ast * parameters = ast_child (scope, sym_foreach_parameters);
        if (parameters)
          foreach_item (parameters, 2, item) {
    	if (item->child[0]->sym == sym_reduction_list) {
    	  Ast * reductions = item->child[0];
    	  foreach_item (reductions, 1, reduction) {
    	    Ast * identifier = ast_schema (reduction, sym_reduction,
    					   4, sym_reduction_array,
    					   0, sym_generic_identifier,
    					   0, sym_IDENTIFIER);
    	    if (!strcmp (ast_terminal (identifier)->start, start)) {
    	      char * operator = ast_left_terminal (reduction->child[2])->start;
    	      Ast * array = ast_schema (reduction, sym_reduction,
    					4, sym_reduction_array,
    					3, sym_expression);
    	      if (array) {
    		// fixme: not implemented yet
    		ast_after (argument, ",",
    			   !strcmp(operator, "min") ? "'m'" :
    			   !strcmp(operator, "max") ? "'M'" :
    			   !strcmp(operator, "+")   ? "'+'" :
        ast_after (argument, "},");
      ast_after (argument, "{0}}");
      stack_destroy (a.nonlocals);