
    The 2011 Tohoku tsunami

    The 11th March 2011 Tohoku tsunami was triggered by a fault rupture off the east coast of Japan. It is modelled here using a setup similar to that used for the 2004 tsunami, where more comments can be found.

    A significant difference is that we use a much more realistic fault model obtained through seismic inversion of the actual earthquake.

    See Popinet, 2012 for a detailed discussion of the pure Saint-Venant model, Popinet, 2015 for a discussion of the dispersive effects modelled using the Green–Naghdi equations and Popinet, 2020 for the application of the single-layer dispersive model.


    Animation of the wave elevation. Dark blue is -1 metre and less. Dark red is +2 metres and more. The domain is approximately 6000 \times 8000 km.

    Animation of the level of refinement. Dark blue is 5 (~250 km) and dark red is 13 (~1 km).

    Animation of the wave elevation. Detail for the Sendai region. The area shown is approximately 140 \times 100 km. Dark blue is -5 metres and less. Dark red is +5 metres and more.

    Detail for the Fukushima region.

    Detail for the Miyako region.

    Detail for the Ofunato region.

    set term pngcairo enhanced size 1024,1024 font ",10"
    set output 'flooding.png'
    set pm3d map
    set palette defined ( 0 0 0 0.5647, 0.125 0 0.05882 1, 0.25 0 0.5647 1, \
                              0.375 0.05882 1 0.9333, 0.5 0.5647 1 0.4392, \
                          0.625 1 0.9333 0, 0.75 1 0.4392 0, \
                          0.875 0.9333 0 0, 1 0.498 0 0 )
    set multiplot
    unset key
    set size ratio -1
    set xrange [140.4:142.44]
    set yrange [37.01:39.11]
    set xlabel 'Longitude'
    set ylabel 'Latitude'
    set cbrange [0:30]
    splot 'flooding' u 1:2:($3 > 1e-3 ? ($4 < 0. ? $5 : $5 - $4) : 1e1000)
    set contour base
    set cntrparam levels discrete 0
    set cntrlabel onecolor
    unset surface
    splot 'flooding' u 1:2:4 lt 3 lc rgb "#000000" lw 2
    unset multiplot
    ! mogrify -trim +repage flooding.png
    Flooding in the Sendai, Ofunato and Fukushima districts (script)

    Flooding in the Sendai, Ofunato and Fukushima districts (script)

    The following three figures highlight the importance of dispersive effects after one, two and three hours (see Popinet, 2015 for a discussion).

    Leading wave front after one hour Leading wave front after two hours
    Leading wave front after three hours

    Leading wave front after three hours

    Solver setup

    See tsunami.c for more detailed explanations.

    If GN is defined we use the Green–Naghdi solver, otherwise the multilayer solver (hydrostatic if HYDRO is defined). To run the three cases use:

    make tohoku.tst tohoku-gn.tst tohoku-hydro.tst
    #include "spherical.h"
    #if GN
    # include "green-naghdi.h"
    # define MGD mgD.i
    # include "layered/hydro.h"
    # if HYDRO
    #   define MGD 0
    # else
    #   include "layered/nh.h"
    #   define MGD mgp.i
    # endif
    # include "layered/perfs.h"
    scalar h;
    vector u;
    #include "terrain.h"
    #include "okada.h"
    #define MAXLEVEL 13
    #define MINLEVEL 5
    #define ETAE     1e-2 // error on free surface elevation (1 cm)
    #define ETAMAXE  5e-2 // error on maximum free surface elevation (5 cm)
    int main()
      // Earth radius in metres
      Radius = 6371220. [1];
      // the domain is 73 degrees squared
      size (73.);
      // centered on 142,38 longitude,latitude
      origin (142. - L0/2., 38. - L0/2.);
      // acceleration of gravity in m/min^2
      G = 9.81*sq(60.);
      // 32^2 grid points to start with
      init_grid (1 << MINLEVEL);

    For the Green-Naghdi solver we do only one iteration of the multigrid solver to speed things up. This does not change the solution.

    In the non-hydrostatic case, we add a cut-off breaking parameter (Popinet, 2020).

    #if GN
      NITERMIN = 1;
    #else // !GN
    #if NH
      CFL_H = 0.5; // this is necessary for stability at level 13
      breaking = 0.07;
    #endif // !GN
    scalar etamax[];
    int my_adapt() {
    #if QUADTREE
      scalar eta[];
        eta[] = h[] > dry ? h[] + zb[] : 0;
      astats s = adapt_wavelet ({eta, etamax}, (double[]){ETAE,ETAMAXE},
      fprintf (stderr, "# refined %d cells, coarsened %d cells\n",,;
    #else // Cartesian
      return 0;

    Terrain databases

    We use both the ETOPO2 topography and SRTM land data for Japan.

    See the xyz2kdt manual to generate the ETOPO2 database.

    The SRTM database can be generated using the following script (which will need to be adapted as the USGS often changes its website)

    # SRTM_resultExport.csv from
    # see also
    files=`awk 'BEGIN{FS="\"|,"}{ if ($2!="ENTITY_ID") print $2;}' < SRTM_resultExport.csv | \
        sed 's/SRTM3//g' | \
        awk '{ print "" $1 "" }'`
    for f in $files; do
        wget $f
    cc `pkg-config glib-2.0 --cflags --libs` -Wall -O2 srtm2kdt.c -o srtm2kdt
    for f in *.zip; do
        p=`echo $f | sed 's/.*\([NS]\)\([0-9][0-9]\)\([WE]\)\([0-9][0-9][0-9]\)\.hgt\.zip/\1 \2 \3 \4/'`
        lat=`echo $p | awk '{if ($1 == "S") print -$2; else print $2;}'`
        lon=`echo $p | awk '{if ($3 == "W") print -$4; else print $4;}'`
        echo $f >> /dev/stderr
        unzip -c -q $f | ./srtm2kdt $lon $lat
    done | xyz2kdt -v $HOME/terrain/srtm_japan

    with the following strm2kdt.c code:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <glib.h>
    #define NCOLS 1201
    #define NROWS 1201
    #define CELLSIZE (1./(NCOLS - 1))
    #define NODATA_VALUE -32768
    int main (int argc, char * argv[])
      double lat, lon;
      gint16 v, vs;
      int i, j;
      double xllcorner = atof (argv[1]);
      double yllcorner = atof (argv[2]);
      for (j = 0; j < NROWS; j++) {
        lat = yllcorner + CELLSIZE*(NROWS - 1 - j);
        for (i = 0; i < NCOLS; i++) {
          lon = xllcorner + CELLSIZE*i;
          assert (fread (&v, sizeof (gint16), 1, stdin));
          vs = GINT16_FROM_BE (v);
          if (vs > 0)
            printf ("%.8f %.8f %d\n", lon, lat, vs);
        //    fprintf (stderr, "\rRow %d/%d              ", j + 1, NROWS);
      //  fputc ('\n', stderr);
      return 0;

    Initial conditions

    event init (i = 0)
      terrain (zb, "~/terrain/etopo2", "~/terrain/srtm_japan", NULL);
      if (restore (file = "restart"))
      else {
          h[] = max(0., - zb[]);

    The initial deformation is given by a long collection of small Okada subfaults, obtained from seismic inversion (Popinet, 2012).

        #include "tohoku/faults.h"
      u.n[left]   = - radiation(0);
      u.n[right]  = + radiation(0);
      u.n[bottom] = - radiation(0);
      u.n[top]    = + radiation(0);

    Quadratic bottom friction

    event viscous_term (i++)
      double C_f = 1e-4;
      foreach() {
        double a = h[] < dry ? HUGE : 1. + C_f*dt*norm(u)/h[];
          u.x[] /= a;
        if (h[] > dry && h[] + zb[] > etamax[])
          etamax[] = h[] + zb[];


    event logfile (i++) {
      stats s = statsf (h);
      norm n = normf (u.x);
      if (i == 0)
        fprintf (stderr,
    	     "t i h.min h.max h.sum u.x.rms u.x.max dt mgD.i speed tn\n");
      fprintf (stderr, "%g %d %g %g %g %g %g %g %d %g %ld\n",
    	   t, i, s.min, s.max, s.sum, n.rms, n.max, dt, MGD,
    	   perf.speed, grid->tn);
    event snapshots (t += 15) {
      char name[80];
      sprintf (name, "dump-%g", t);
      dump (name);
    event flooding (t = 390)
      FILE * fp = fopen ("flooding", "w");
      output_field ({h,zb,etamax}, fp,
    		box = {{140.4,37.01},{142.44,39.11}},
    		n = 512, linear = true);
    event figures (t = 60; t <= 180; t += 60)
      scalar m[], etam[];
      foreach() {
        etam[] = eta[]*(h[] > dry);
        m[] = etam[] - zb[];
      char name[80];
      sprintf (name, "eta-%g.png", t);
      output_ppm (etam, mask = m, min = -1, max = 2, file = name, n = 1024,
    	      linear = true, box = {{123,14},{177,55}},
    	      opt = "-fill white -opaque black");
      sprintf (name, "level-%g.png", t);
      scalar l[];
        l[] = level;
      output_ppm (l, min = 5, max = 13, file = name, n = 1024,
    	      linear = false, box = {{123,14},{177,55}});
      if (t == 60)
        output_ppm (etam, mask = m, min = -1, max = 2, file = "zoom-60.png",
    		n = 1024,
    		linear = true, box = {{140.6,30.8},{154.6,42}},
    		opt = "-fill white -opaque black");
      else if (t == 120)
        output_ppm (etam, mask = m, min = -1, max = 2, file = "zoom-120.png",
    		n = 1024,
    		linear = true, box = {{151.8,27.56},{165.8,38.68}},
    		opt = "-fill white -opaque black");
      else if (t == 180)
        output_ppm (etam, mask = m, min = -1, max = 2, file = "zoom-180.png",
    		n = 1024,
    		linear = true, box = {{158.8,24.25},{172.7,35.3}},
    		opt = "-fill white -opaque black");
    event movies (t += 0.5)
      scalar m[], etam[];
      foreach() {
        m[] = eta[]*(h[] > dry) - zb[];
        etam[] = h[] < dry ? 0. : (zb[] > 0. ? eta[] - zb[] : eta[]);
      output_ppm (etam, mask = m, min = -1, max = 2, 
    	      n = 1024, linear = true, file = "eta.mp4");
      output_ppm (etam, mask = m, min = -5, max = 5, 
                  n = 1024, linear = true,
    	      box = {{140.4,37.51},{142.44,38.61}},
    	      file = "eta-sendai.mp4");
      output_ppm (etam, mask = m, min = -5, max = 5, 
                  n = 1024, linear = true,
    	      box = {{140.5,36.53},{142.52,37.62}},
    	      file = "eta-fukushima.mp4");
      output_ppm (etam, mask = m, min = -5, max = 5, 
                  n = 1024, linear = true,
    	      box = {{141.32,39.42},{143.44,40.50}},
    	      file = "eta-miyako.mp4");
      output_ppm (etam, mask = m, min = -5, max = 5, 
                  n = 1024, linear = true,
    	      box = {{141.11,38.51},{143.19,39.60}},
    	      file = "eta-ofunato.mp4");
      scalar l = etam;
        l[] = level;
      output_ppm (l, min = MINLEVEL, max = MAXLEVEL, n = 1024,
    	      file = "level.mp4");
    #if _OPENMP
        etam[] = pid();
      double tmax = omp_get_max_threads() - 1;
      output_ppm (etam, max = tmax, n = 512, file = "pid.mp4");
    #endif // _OPENMP

    This file includes the locations of various wave gauges.

    #include "tohoku/gauges.h"
    event adapt (i++) my_adapt();