Basic geometric functions
These basic geometric functions are mostly related to Volume-Of-Fluid computations.
We consider a square cell of size unity centered on the origin, cut by a straight line.
Cell and interface
The line can be described by the equation \displaystyle n_xx+n_yy=\alpha where \mathbf{n} is a vector normal to the interface and \alpha is the intercept. We note c the volume of the part of the square cell which lies “inside” the interface, where “inside” is defined by convention as the opposite direction to the normal vector \mathbf{n} (i.e. the normal vector is pointing “outside”).
With these definitions, the interface is uniquely defined by providing \mathbf{n} and either \alpha or c i.e. there is a unique function which computes \alpha given c and \mathbf{n}. We call this function line_alpha()
and define it as:
#if dimension == 1
double line_alpha (double c, coord n)
return clamp (c, 0., 1.) - 0.5;
#endif // dimension == 1
#if dimension >= 2
double line_alpha (double c, coord n)
double alpha, n1, n2;
n1 = fabs (n.x); n2 = fabs (n.y);
if (n1 > n2)
swap (double, n1, n2);
c = clamp (c, 0., 1.);
double v1 = n1/2.;
if (c <= v1/n2)
alpha = sqrt (2.*c*n1*n2);
else if (c <= 1. - v1/n2)
alpha = c*n2 + v1;
alpha = n1 + n2 - sqrt (2.*n1*n2*(1. - c));
if (n.x < 0.)
alpha += n.x;
if (n.y < 0.)
alpha += n.y;
return alpha - (n.x + n.y)/2.;
#endif // dimension >= 2
#if dimension >= 3
double plane_alpha (double c, coord n)
double alpha;
coord n1;
n1.x = fabs (n.x); n1.y = fabs (n.y); n1.z = fabs (n.z);
double m1, m2, m3;
m1 = min(n1.x, n1.y);
m3 = max(n1.x, n1.y);
m2 = n1.z;
if (m2 < m1) {
double tmp = m1;
m1 = m2;
m2 = tmp;
else if (m2 > m3) {
double tmp = m3;
m3 = m2;
m2 = tmp;
double m12 = m1 + m2;
double pr = max(6.*m1*m2*m3, 1e-50);
double V1 = m1*m1*m1/pr;
double V2 = V1 + (m2 - m1)/(2.*m3), V3;
double mm;
if (m3 < m12) {
mm = m3;
V3 = (m3*m3*(3.*m12 - m3) + m1*m1*(m1 - 3.*m3) + m2*m2*(m2 - 3.*m3))/pr;
else {
mm = m12;
V3 = mm/(2.*m3);
c = clamp (c, 0., 1.);
double ch = min(c, 1. - c);
if (ch < V1)
alpha = pow (pr*ch, 1./3.);
else if (ch < V2)
alpha = (m1 + sqrt(m1*m1 + 8.*m2*m3*(ch - V1)))/2.;
else if (ch < V3) {
double p12 = sqrt (2.*m1*m2);
double q = 3.*(m12 - 2.*m3*ch)/(4.*p12);
double teta = acos(clamp(q,-1.,1.))/3.;
double cs = cos(teta);
alpha = p12*(sqrt(3.*(1. - cs*cs)) - cs) + m12;
else if (m12 <= m3)
alpha = m3*ch + mm/2.;
else {
double p = m1*(m2 + m3) + m2*m3 - 1./4., p12 = sqrt(p);
double q = 3.*m1*m2*m3*(1./2. - ch)/(2.*p*p12);
double teta = acos(clamp(q,-1.,1.))/3.;
double cs = cos(teta);
alpha = p12*(sqrt(3.*(1. - cs*cs)) - cs) + 1./2.;
if (c > 1./2.) alpha = 1. - alpha;
if (n.x < 0.)
alpha += n.x;
if (n.y < 0.)
alpha += n.y;
if (n.z < 0.)
alpha += n.z;
return alpha - (n.x + n.y + n.z)/2.;;
#else // dimension < 3
# define plane_alpha line_alpha
Conversely there is a unique function computing c as a function of \mathbf{n} and \alpha. We call this function line_area()
and define it as:
#if dimension == 1
double line_area (double nx, double alpha)
double area;
alpha += nx/2.;
if (nx < 0.) {
alpha -= nx;
nx = -nx;
if (alpha <= 0.)
return 0.;
if (alpha >= nx)
return 1.;
area = alpha/nx;
return clamp (area, 0., 1.);
#define plane_volume(n, alpha) line_area(n.x, alpha)
#endif // dimension == 1
#if dimension >= 2
double line_area (double nx, double ny, double alpha)
double a, v, area;
alpha += (nx + ny)/2.;
if (nx < 0.) {
alpha -= nx;
nx = - nx;
if (ny < 0.) {
alpha -= ny;
ny = - ny;
if (alpha <= 0.)
return 0.;
if (alpha >= nx + ny)
return 1.;
if (nx < 1e-10)
area = alpha/ny;
else if (ny < 1e-10)
area = alpha/nx;
else {
v = sq(alpha);
a = alpha - nx;
if (a > 0.)
v -= a*a;
a = alpha - ny;
if (a > 0.)
v -= a*a;
area = v/(2.*nx*ny);
return clamp (area, 0., 1.);
#endif // dimension >= 2
#if dimension >= 3
double plane_volume (coord n, double alpha)
double al = alpha + (n.x + n.y + n.z)/2. +
max(0., -n.x) + max(0., -n.y) + max(0., -n.z);
if (al <= 0.)
return 0.;
double tmp = fabs(n.x) + fabs(n.y) + fabs(n.z);
if (al >= tmp)
return 1.;
if (tmp < 1e-10)
return 0.;
double n1 = fabs(n.x)/tmp;
double n2 = fabs(n.y)/tmp;
double n3 = fabs(n.z)/tmp;
al = max(0., min(1., al/tmp));
double al0 = min(al, 1. - al);
double b1 = min(n1, n2);
double b3 = max(n1, n2);
double b2 = n3;
if (b2 < b1) {
tmp = b1;
b1 = b2;
b2 = tmp;
else if (b2 > b3) {
tmp = b3;
b3 = b2;
b2 = tmp;
double b12 = b1 + b2;
double bm = min(b12, b3);
double pr = max(6.*b1*b2*b3, 1e-50);
if (al0 < b1)
tmp = al0*al0*al0/pr;
else if (al0 < b2)
tmp = 0.5*al0*(al0 - b1)/(b2*b3) + b1*b1*b1/pr;
else if (al0 < bm)
tmp = (al0*al0*(3.*b12 - al0) + b1*b1*(b1 - 3.*al0) +
b2*b2*(b2 - 3.*al0))/pr;
else if (b12 < b3)
tmp = (al0 - 0.5*bm)/b3;
tmp = (al0*al0*(3. - 2.*al0) + b1*b1*(b1 - 3.*al0) +
b2*b2*(b2 - 3.*al0) + b3*b3*(b3 - 3.*al0))/pr;
double volume = al <= 0.5 ? tmp : 1. - tmp;
return clamp (volume, 0., 1.);
#elif dimension == 2
# define plane_volume(n, alpha) line_area(n.x, n.y, alpha)
VOF algorithms require the computation of volume fractions on (rectangular) parts of the initial square cell.
We first define a function which takes an interface definition (\mathbf{n}, \alpha), the coordinates of the lower-left a
and upper-right b
corners of a rectangle and returns the fraction of this rectangle which lies inside the interface.
double rectangle_fraction (coord n, double alpha, coord a, coord b)
coord n1;
foreach_dimension() {
alpha -= n.x*(b.x + a.x)/2.;
n1.x = n.x*(b.x - a.x);
return plane_volume (n1, alpha);
From the interface definition, it is also possible to compute the coordinates of the segment in 2D, or facet in 3D, representing the interface in the unit cell.
In two dimensions, the function below returns the 0,1 or 2 coordinates (stored in the p
array provided by the user) of the corresponding interface segments. The case where only 1 coordinate is returned corresponds to the degenerate case where the interface intersects the cell exactly on a vertex.
In three dimensions, the function returns up to 12 coordinates of the planar fragment.
#if dimension <= 2
int facets (coord n, double alpha, coord p[2])
int i = 0;
for (double s = -0.5; s <= 0.5; s += 1.)
if (fabs (n.y) > 1e-4 && i < 2) {
double a = (alpha - s*n.x)/n.y;
if (a >= -0.5 && a <= 0.5) {
p[i].x = s;
p[i++].y = a;
return i;
static coord cube_edge[12][2] = {
/* first index is the edge number, second index is the edge
orientation (0 or 1), third index are the edges which this edge may
connect to in order */
static int cube_connect[12][2][4] = {
{{9, 1, 8}, {4, 3, 7}}, /* 0 */
{{6, 2, 5}, {8, 0, 9}}, /* 1 */
{{10, 3, 11}, {5, 1, 6}}, /* 2 */
{{7, 0, 4}, {11, 2, 10}}, /* 3 */
{{3, 7, 0}, {8, 5, 11}}, /* 4 */
{{11, 4, 8}, {1, 6, 2}}, /* 5 */
{{2, 5, 1}, {9, 7, 10}}, /* 6 */
{{10, 6, 9}, {0, 4, 3}}, /* 7 */
{{5, 11, 4}, {0, 9, 1}}, /* 8 */
{{1, 8, 0}, {7, 10, 6}}, /* 9 */
{{6, 9, 7}, {3, 11, 2}}, /* 10 */
{{2, 10, 3}, {4, 8, 5}} /* 11 */
int facets (coord n, double alpha, coord v[12], double h)
coord a[12];
int orient[12];
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
coord e, d;
double den = 0., t = alpha;
foreach_dimension() {
d.x = h*(cube_edge[i][0].x - 0.5);
e.x = h*(cube_edge[i][1].x - 0.5);
den += n.x*(e.x - d.x);
t -= n.x*d.x;
orient[i] = -1;
if (fabs (den) > 1e-10) {
t /= den;
if (t >= 0. && t < 1.) {
double s = - alpha;
foreach_dimension() {
a[i].x = d.x + t*(e.x - d.x);
s += n.x*e.x;
orient[i] = (s > 0.);
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
int nv = 0, e = i;
while (orient[e] >= 0) {
int m = 0, * ne = cube_connect[e][orient[e]];
v[nv++] = a[e];
orient[e] = -1;
while (m < 3 && orient[e] < 0)
e = ne[m++];
if (nv > 2)
return nv;
return 0;
#endif // dimension == 3
This function fills the coordinates p of the centroid of the interface fragment and returns the length/area of the fragment.
double line_length_center (coord m, double alpha, coord * p)
alpha += (m.x + m.y)/2.;
coord n = m;
if (n.x < 0.) {
alpha -= n.x;
n.x = - n.x;
p->x = p->y = p->z = 0.;
if (alpha <= 0. || alpha >= n.x + n.y)
return 0.;
if (n.x < 1e-4) {
p->x = 0.;
p->y = (m.y < 0. ? 1. - alpha : alpha) - 0.5;
return 1.;
if (alpha >= n.x) {
p->x += 1.;
p->y += (alpha - n.x)/n.y;
p->x += alpha/n.x;
double ax = p->x, ay = p->y;
if (alpha >= n.y) {
p->y += 1.;
ay -= 1.;
p->x += (alpha - n.y)/n.x;
ax -= (alpha - n.y)/n.x;
else {
p->y += alpha/n.y;
ay -= alpha/n.y;
foreach_dimension(2) {
p->x /= 2.;
p->x = clamp (p->x, 0., 1.);
if (m.x < 0.)
p->x = 1. - p->x;
p->x -= 0.5;
return sqrt (ax*ax + ay*ay);
#if dimension == 2
#define plane_area_center(m,a,p) line_length_center(m,a,p)
#else // dimension == 3
double plane_area_center (coord m, double alpha, coord * p)
if (fabs (m.x) < 1e-4) {
coord n, q;
((double *)&n)[0] = m.y;
((double *)&n)[1] = m.z;
double length = line_length_center (n, alpha, &q);
p->x = 0.;
p->y = ((double *)&q)[0];
p->z = ((double *)&q)[1];
return length;
alpha += (m.x + m.y + m.z)/2.;
coord n = m;
if (n.x < 0.) {
alpha -= n.x;
n.x = - n.x;
double amax = n.x + n.y + n.z;
if (alpha < 0. || alpha > amax) {
p->x = p->y = p->z = 0.;
return 0.;
double area = sq(alpha);
p->x = p->y = p->z = area*alpha;
foreach_dimension() {
double b = alpha - n.x;
if (b > 0.) {
area -= b*b;
p->x -= b*b*(2.*n.x + alpha);
p->y -= b*b*b;
p->z -= b*b*b;
amax = alpha - amax;
foreach_dimension() {
double b = amax + n.x;
if (b > 0.) {
area += b*b;
p->y += b*b*(2.*n.y + alpha - n.z);
p->z += b*b*(2.*n.z + alpha - n.y);
p->x += b*b*b;
area *= 3.;
foreach_dimension() {
if (area) {
p->x /= area*n.x;
p->x = clamp (p->x, 0., 1.);
p->x = 0.;
if (m.x < 0.) p->x = 1. - p->x;
p->x -= 0.5;
return area*sqrt (1./(sq(n.x)*sq(n.y)) +
1./(sq(n.x)*sq(n.z)) +
#endif // dimension == 3
This function fills the coordinates p of the centroid of the fraction a of a square cell lying under the line (m,alpha).
void line_center (coord m, double alpha, double a, coord * p)
alpha += (m.x + m.y)/2.;
coord n = m;
if (n.x < 0.) {
alpha -= n.x;
n.x = - n.x;
p->z = 0.;
if (alpha <= 0.) {
p->x = p->y = -0.5;
if (alpha >= n.x + n.y) {
p->x = p->y = 0.;
if (n.x < 1e-4) {
p->x = 0.;
p->y = sign(m.y)*(a/2. - 0.5);
p->x = p->y = cube(alpha);
foreach_dimension(2) {
double b = alpha - n.x;
if (b > 0.) {
p->x -= sq(b)*(alpha + 2.*n.x);
p->y -= cube(b);
foreach_dimension(2) {
p->x /= 6.*sq(n.x)*n.y*a;
p->x = sign(m.x)*(p->x - 0.5);
This function fills the coordinates p of the centroid of the fraction a of a cubic cell lying under the plane (m,alpha).
#if dimension == 2
#define plane_center(m,alpha,a,p) line_center(m,alpha,a,p)
#else // dimension == 3
void plane_center (coord m, double alpha, double a, coord * p)
if (fabs (m.x) < 1e-4) {
coord n, q;
((double *)&n)[0] = m.y;
((double *)&n)[1] = m.z;
line_center (n, alpha, a, &q);
p->x = 0.;
p->y = ((double *)&q)[0];
p->z = ((double *)&q)[1];
alpha += (m.x + m.y + m.z)/2.;
coord n = m;
if (n.x < 0.) {
alpha -= n.x;
n.x = - n.x;
if (alpha <= 0. || a == 0.) {
p->x = p->y = p->z = -0.5;
if (alpha >= n.x + n.y + n.z || a == 1.) {
p->x = p->y = p->z = 0.;
p->x = p->y = p->z = sq(sq(alpha));
foreach_dimension() {
double b = alpha - n.x;
if (b > 0.) {
p->x -= cube(b)*(3.*n.x + alpha);
p->y -= sq(sq(b));
p->z -= sq(sq(b));
double amax = alpha - (n.x + n.y + n.z);
foreach_dimension() {
double b = amax + n.z;
if (b > 0.) {
p->x += cube(b)*(3.*n.x + alpha - n.y);
p->y += cube(b)*(3.*n.y + alpha - n.x);
p->z += sq(sq(b));
double b = 24.*n.x*n.y*n.z*a;
foreach_dimension() {
p->x /= b*n.x;
p->x = sign(m.x)*(p->x - 0.5);
#endif // dimension == 3