Tiny OpenGL implementation
This provides the minimal set of OpenGL functions necessary for Basilisk View. It has no dependencies other than the standard C library.
The “hardware” for this implementation is the tiny renderer originally written by Dmitry V. Sokolov.
Also this page:
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "tinygl.h"
#include "tinyrenderer/geometry.h"
#include "tinyrenderer/tiny.h"
“Unused” OpenGL functions
void glBindTexture (GLenum target, GLuint texture) {
// fixme: add "undefined" message option
void glDisable (GLenum cap) {}
void glEnable (GLenum cap) {}
void glFinish (void) {}
void glGetDoublev (GLenum pname, GLdouble * params) {}
void glHint (GLenum target, GLenum mode) {}
void glLightModeli (GLenum pname, GLint param) {}
void glOrtho (GLdouble left, GLdouble right, GLdouble bottom, GLdouble top,
GLdouble nearVal, GLdouble farVal) {}
void glShadeModel (GLenum mode) {}
void glTexCoord2f (GLfloat s, GLfloat t) {}
void glTexParameteri (GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) {}
#define TEXTURE_WIDTH 256
static float texture[3*TEXTURE_WIDTH];
void glTexImage1D (GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalFormat,
GLsizei width, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type,
const void * data)
assert (target == GL_TEXTURE_1D && level == 0 && internalFormat == GL_RGB &&
width == TEXTURE_WIDTH && border == 0 && format == GL_RGB && type == GL_FLOAT);
memcpy (texture, data, 3*TEXTURE_WIDTH*sizeof (float));
static real modelview0[16] = {
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
}, * modelview = modelview0;
static real projection0[16] = {
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
}, * projection = projection0;;
Very loosely based on the Mesa implementation in mesa-17.2.4/src/mesa/tnl/t_vb_lighttmp.h:light_fast_rgba_single(). Note that we allow only for “grayscale” materials (i.e. the material properties are floats not vec3). This could be changed easily if necessary.
A single light (GL_LIGHT0) is allowed and specular reflection is not implemented.
typedef struct {
float ambient, diffuse;
int two_sides;
vec4 position;
vec3 _VP_inf_norm; // in modelview coordinates
} light_t;
light_t Light0 = {
.ambient = 0.2, .diffuse = 1., // OpenGL defaults
.two_sides = 1, // fixme: there seems to be an orientation problem compared to OSMesa when this is unset
.position = {0, 0, 50, 0} // not OpenGL default
static const int not_implemented = 0;
void glLightfv (GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params)
assert (light == GL_LIGHT0); // only one light is implemented
switch (pname) {
Light0.position = (vec4){ params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3] };
Light0._VP_inf_norm = vec3_normalized (vec4_proj3 (mat4_mul (*((mat4 *)modelview), Light0.position)));
#if 0 // fixme: does not seem to match with OSMesa when changed from the default (0.2) above
assert (params[0] == params[1] && params[1] == params[2]); // only white lights are implemented
Light0.ambient = params[0];
assert (params[0] == params[1] && params[1] == params[2]); // only white lights are implemented
Light0.diffuse = params[0];
assert (not_implemented); // only the attributes above are implemented
#define clamp(a,b,c) ((a) < (b) ? (b) : (a) > (c) ? (c) : (a))
static inline
float normal_shade (const vec3 normal)
float n_dot_VP = vec3_scalar (normal, Light0._VP_inf_norm); // normal . light direction
float sum = Light0.ambient;
if (n_dot_VP < 0) {
if (Light0.two_sides)
n_dot_VP = - n_dot_VP;
n_dot_VP = 0.;
sum += n_dot_VP*Light0.diffuse;
return sum > 1. ? 1. : sum;
Matrix transformations
static real * current = projection0;
GLenum glGetError (void) { return GL_NO_ERROR; }
void glGetFloatv (GLenum pname, GLfloat * params)
switch (pname) {
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
params[i] = modelview[i];
Light0._VP_inf_norm = vec3_normalized (vec4_proj3 (mat4_mul (*((mat4 *)modelview), Light0.position)));
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
params[i] = projection[i];
assert (not_implemented);
void glMultMatrixf (const GLfloat * m)
GLfloat r[16];
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
GLfloat a = 0.;
for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
a += current[4*k + i]*m[4*j + k];
r[4*j + i] = a;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
current[i] = r[i];
void glLoadIdentity (void)
static GLdouble identity[16] = {
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
current[i] = identity[i];
void glLoadMatrixd (const GLdouble * m)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
current[i] = m[i];
void glScalef (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
glMultMatrixf ((GLfloat []){
x, 0, 0, 0,
0, y, 0, 0,
0, 0, z, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
void glTranslatef (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
glMultMatrixf ((GLfloat []){
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
x, y, z, 1
void glRotatef (GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z)
angle *= M_PI/180.;
float c = cos(angle), s = sin(angle), n = sqrt(x*x + y*y + z*z);
if (n > 0.)
x /= n, y /= n, z /= n;
glMultMatrixf ((GLfloat []){
x*x*(1. - c) + c, y*x*(1. - c) + z*s, x*z*(1. - c) - y*s, 0,
x*y*(1. - c) - z*s, y*y*(1. - c) + c, y*z*(1. - c) + x*s, 0,
x*z*(1. - c) + y*s, y*z*(1. - c) - x*s, z*z*(1. - c) + c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
void glMatrixMode (GLenum mode)
switch (mode) {
case GL_MODELVIEW: current = modelview; break;
case GL_PROJECTION: current = projection; break;
default: assert (0);
typedef struct {
void * stack;
int len;
} Stack;
static Stack modelview_stack = {0}, projection_stack = {0};
#define SIZE (16*sizeof (real))
void glPopMatrix (void)
Stack * s = (current == modelview) ? &modelview_stack : &projection_stack;
assert (s->len >= SIZE);
memcpy (current, s->stack + s->len - SIZE, SIZE);
s->len -= SIZE;
if (s->len == 0)
free (s->stack), s->stack = NULL;
void glPushMatrix (void)
Stack * s = (current == modelview) ? &modelview_stack : &projection_stack;
s->stack = realloc (s->stack, s->len + SIZE);
memcpy (s->stack + s->len, current, SIZE);
s->len += SIZE;
void glGetIntegerv (GLenum pname, GLint * params)
switch (pname) {
assert (TinyFramebuffer);
params[0] = 0;
params[1] = 0;
params[2] = TinyFramebuffer->width;
params[3] = TinyFramebuffer->height;
default: assert (not_implemented);
Drawing primitives
static int Mode = -1;
static int nvertex = 0, nnormal = 0, ncolor = 0, ntexture = 0;
static inline
void reset_vertices() {
nvertex = nnormal = ncolor = ntexture = 0;
void glBegin (GLenum mode) {
assert (Mode < 0); // glBegins cannot be imbricated
Mode = mode;
static TinyColor clear = {255,255,255,0};
void glClear (GLbitfield mask)
assert (TinyFramebuffer);
if (mask & GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) {
unsigned char * p = TinyFramebuffer->image;
for (int i = 0; i < TinyFramebuffer->width*TinyFramebuffer->height; i++, p += 4)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
*(p + j) = ((unsigned char *)&clear)[j];
if (mask & GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) {
real * p = TinyFramebuffer->zbuffer;
for (int i = 0; i < TinyFramebuffer->width*TinyFramebuffer->height; i++, p++)
*p = 1e30;
void glClearColor (float red, float green, float blue, float alpha) {
// fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g %g\n", red, green, blue, alpha);
clear.r = red*255;
clear.g = green*255;
clear.b = blue*255;
clear.a = alpha*255;
static float LineWidth = 1.;
void glLineWidth (GLfloat width) {
LineWidth = width;
static float PointSize = 4.;
void glPointSize (GLfloat size) {
PointSize = size;
// Maximum number of vertices in any single POLYGON or TRIANGLE_FAN
#define NVERTMAX 1024
static vec3 color[NVERTMAX];
static TinyColor FgColor = {0, 0, 0, 255 };
void glColor3f (GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue)
assert (TinyFramebuffer);
assert (ncolor < NVERTMAX);
color[ncolor++] = (vec3){red, green, blue};
FgColor.r = red*255;
FgColor.g = green*255;
FgColor.b = blue*255;
int Face = 0;
void glColorMaterial (GLenum face, GLenum mode) {
switch (face) {
case GL_FRONT_AND_BACK: Face = 0; break;
case GL_FRONT: Face = 1; break;
case GL_BACK: Face = -1; break;
default: assert (0);
static real texcoord[NVERTMAX];
void glTexCoord1d (GLdouble s)
assert (TinyFramebuffer);
assert (ntexture < NVERTMAX);
texcoord[ntexture++] = s;
static vec4 vertex[NVERTMAX], startv = {0,0,0,1};
static vec3 normal[NVERTMAX] = {0};
static float constant_normal_shade = 1.;
void glNormal3d (GLdouble nx, GLdouble ny, GLdouble nz)
assert (TinyFramebuffer);
assert (nnormal < NVERTMAX);
normal[nnormal++] = vec3_normalized ((vec3){nx, ny, nz});
constant_normal_shade = normal_shade (normal[nnormal - 1]);
static inline
void shaded_color (const TinyColor * color, float shade, TinyColor * frag_color)
unsigned char * f = &frag_color->r;
const unsigned char * c = &color->r;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
f[i] = shade*c[i];
f[3] = c[3]; // alpha channel
int constant_normal_shader (const void * data, const vec3 bar, TinyColor * frag_color)
const TinyColor * color = data;
shaded_color (color, constant_normal_shade, frag_color);
return 0; // the pixel is not discarded
int constant_normal_color_shader (const void * data, const vec3 bar, TinyColor * frag_color)
const mat3 * nc = data;
vec3 bc = mat3_mul (mat3_transpose (nc[0]), bar); // per-vertex color interpolation
TinyColor color = { bc.x*255, bc.y*255, bc.z*255, 255 };
shaded_color (&color, constant_normal_shade, frag_color);
return 0; // the pixel is not discarded
int constant_normal_texture_shader (const void * data, const vec3 bar, TinyColor * frag_color)
const vec3 * t = data;
real bt = vec3_scalar (*t, bar); // per-vertex texture interpolation
int i = clamp (bt, 0, 1)*(TEXTURE_WIDTH - 1);
TinyColor color = { 255*texture[3*i], 255*texture[3*i+1], 255*texture[3*i+2], 255 };
shaded_color (&color, constant_normal_shade, frag_color);
return 0; // the pixel is not discarded
int vertex_normal_shader (const void * data, const vec3 bar, TinyColor * frag_color)
const mat3 * nm = data;
vec3 bn = vec3_normalized (mat3_mul (mat3_transpose (nm[0]), bar)); // per-vertex normal interpolation
shaded_color (&FgColor, normal_shade (bn), frag_color);
return 0; // the pixel is not discarded
int vertex_normal_color_shader (const void * data, const vec3 bar, TinyColor * frag_color)
const mat3 * nm = data;
vec3 bn = vec3_normalized (mat3_mul (mat3_transpose (nm[0]), bar)); // per-vertex normal interpolation
vec3 bc = mat3_mul (mat3_transpose (nm[1]), bar); // per-vertex color interpolation
TinyColor color = { bc.x*255, bc.y*255, bc.z*255, 255 };
shaded_color (&color, normal_shade (bn), frag_color);
return 0; // the pixel is not discarded
int vertex_normal_texture_shader (const void * data, const vec3 bar, TinyColor * frag_color)
const mat3 * nm = data;
vec3 bn = vec3_normalized (mat3_mul (mat3_transpose (nm[0]), bar)); // per-vertex normal interpolation
real bt = vec3_scalar (nm[1].x, bar); // per-vertex texture interpolation
int i = clamp (bt, 0, 1)*(TEXTURE_WIDTH - 1);
TinyColor color = { 255*texture[3*i], 255*texture[3*i+1], 255*texture[3*i+2], 255 };
shaded_color (&color, normal_shade (bn), frag_color);
return 0; // the pixel is not discarded
void glVertex3d (GLdouble x, GLdouble y, GLdouble z)
assert (TinyFramebuffer);
assert (Mode >= 0);
assert (nvertex < NVERTMAX);
vertex[nvertex++] = mat4_mul (mat4_transpose (*((mat4 *)projection)),
mat4_mul (mat4_transpose (*((mat4 *)modelview)),
(vec4){x, y, z, 1}));
switch (Mode) {
case GL_LINES:
if (nvertex == 2) {
tiny_line (vertex[0], vertex[1], &FgColor, LineWidth, TinyFramebuffer);
if (nvertex == 1)
startv = vertex[0];
else {
tiny_line (vertex[0], vertex[1], &FgColor, LineWidth, TinyFramebuffer);
vertex[0] = vertex[1];
nvertex = 1;
case GL_QUADS:
if (nvertex == 4) {
assert (nnormal == 0); // only constant shading is implemented
assert (ntexture == 0); // textures are not implemented on quads
tiny_triangle ((vec4[3]){vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[3]},
&FgColor, constant_normal_shader, Face, // fixme: swap NULL and constant_normal_shader
tiny_triangle ((vec4[3]){vertex[1], vertex[2], vertex[3]},
&FgColor, constant_normal_shader, Face,
tiny_point (vertex[0], &FgColor, PointSize, TinyFramebuffer);
assert (not_implemented);
void glVertex3f (GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) {
glVertex3d (x, y, z);
void glEnd (void)
assert (TinyFramebuffer && Mode >= 0); // fixme: replace assertions
switch (Mode) {
tiny_line (vertex[0], startv, &FgColor, LineWidth, TinyFramebuffer);
if (nnormal == 0) {
if (ntexture == nvertex)
for (int i = 1; i < nvertex - 1; i++) {
vec3 t = { texcoord[i], texcoord[i + 1], texcoord[0] };
tiny_triangle ((vec4[3]){vertex[i], vertex[i + 1], vertex[0]},
&t, constant_normal_texture_shader, Face, TinyFramebuffer);
else if (ncolor == 0)
for (int i = 1; i < nvertex - 1; i++)
tiny_triangle ((vec4[3]){vertex[i], vertex[i + 1], vertex[0]},
&FgColor, constant_normal_shader, Face, TinyFramebuffer);
else if (ncolor == nvertex)
for (int i = 1; i < nvertex - 1; i++) {
mat3 mc = { color[i], color[i + 1], color[0] };
tiny_triangle ((vec4[3]){vertex[i], vertex[i + 1], vertex[0]},
&mc, constant_normal_color_shader, Face, TinyFramebuffer);
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: warning: %d != %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ncolor, nvertex);
else if (nnormal == nvertex) {
if (ntexture == nvertex)
for (int i = 1; i < nvertex - 1; i++) {
mat3 nm[2] = { { normal[i], normal[i + 1], normal[0] },
{ { texcoord[i], texcoord[i + 1], texcoord[0] } } };
tiny_triangle ((vec4[3]){vertex[i], vertex[i + 1], vertex[0]},
nm, vertex_normal_texture_shader, Face, TinyFramebuffer);
else if (ncolor == 0)
for (int i = 1; i < nvertex - 1; i++) {
mat3 nm = { normal[i], normal[i + 1], normal[0] };
tiny_triangle ((vec4[3]){vertex[i], vertex[i + 1], vertex[0]},
&nm, vertex_normal_shader, Face, TinyFramebuffer);
else if (ncolor == nvertex)
for (int i = 1; i < nvertex - 1; i++) {
mat3 nm[2] = { { normal[i], normal[i + 1], normal[0] },
{ color[i], color[i + 1], color[0] } };
tiny_triangle ((vec4[3]){vertex[i], vertex[i + 1], vertex[0]},
nm, vertex_normal_color_shader, Face, TinyFramebuffer);
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: warning: %d, %d, %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, ntexture, ncolor, nvertex);
fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: warning: %d != %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, nnormal, nvertex);
Mode = -1;