
    // this can be used to control the outputs of debug_mpi()
    int debug_iteration = -1;
    void debug_mpi (FILE * fp1);
    typedef struct {
      CacheLevel * halo; // ghost cell indices for each level
      void * buf;        // MPI buffer
      MPI_Request r;     // MPI request
      int depth;         // the maximum number of levels
      int pid;           // the rank of the PE  
      int maxdepth;      // the maximum depth for this PE (= depth or depth + 1)
    } Rcv;
    typedef struct {
      Rcv * rcv;
      char * name;
      int npid;
    } RcvPid;
    typedef struct {
      RcvPid * rcv, * snd;
    } SndRcv;
    typedef struct {
      Boundary parent;
      SndRcv mpi_level, mpi_level_root, restriction;
      Array * send, * receive; // which pids do we send to/receive from
    } MpiBoundary;
    static void cache_level_init (CacheLevel * c)
      c->p = NULL;
      c->n = c->nm = 0;
    static void rcv_append (Point point, Rcv * rcv)
      if (level > rcv->depth) {
        qrealloc (rcv->halo, level + 1, CacheLevel);
        for (int j = rcv->depth + 1; j <= level; j++)
          cache_level_init (&rcv->halo[j]);
        rcv->depth = level;
      cache_level_append (&rcv->halo[level], point);
      if (level > rcv->maxdepth)
        rcv->maxdepth = level;
    void rcv_print (Rcv * rcv, FILE * fp, const char * prefix)
      for (int l = 0; l <= rcv->depth; l++)
        if (rcv->halo[l].n > 0)
          foreach_cache_level(rcv->halo[l], l)
    	fprintf (fp, "%s%g %g %g %d %d\n", prefix, x, y, z, rcv->pid, level);
    static void rcv_free_buf (Rcv * rcv)
      if (rcv->buf) {
        prof_start ("rcv_pid_receive");
        MPI_Wait (&rcv->r, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
        free (rcv->buf);
        rcv->buf = NULL;
    static void rcv_destroy (Rcv * rcv)
      rcv_free_buf (rcv);
      for (int i = 0; i <= rcv->depth; i++)
        if (rcv->halo[i].n > 0)
          free (rcv->halo[i].p);
      free (rcv->halo);
    static RcvPid * rcv_pid_new (const char * name)
      RcvPid * r = qcalloc (1, RcvPid);
      r->name = strdup (name);
      return r;
    static Rcv * rcv_pid_pointer (RcvPid * p, int pid)
      assert (pid >= 0 && pid < npe());
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < p->npid; i++)
        if (pid == p->rcv[i].pid)
      if (i == p->npid) {
        qrealloc (p->rcv, ++p->npid, Rcv);
        Rcv * rcv = &p->rcv[p->npid-1];
        rcv->pid = pid;
        rcv->depth = rcv->maxdepth = 0;
        rcv->halo = qmalloc (1, CacheLevel);
        rcv->buf = NULL;
        cache_level_init (&rcv->halo[0]);
      return &p->rcv[i];
    static void rcv_pid_append (RcvPid * p, int pid, Point point)
      rcv_append (point, rcv_pid_pointer (p, pid));
    static void rcv_pid_append_pids (RcvPid * p, Array * pids)
      // appends the pids of @p to @pids without duplication
      for (int i = 0; i < p->npid; i++) {
        int pid = p->rcv[i].pid, j, * a;
        for (j = 0, a = pids->p; j < pids->len/sizeof(int); j++,a++)
          if (*a == pid)
        if (j == pids->len/sizeof(int))
          array_append (pids, &pid, sizeof(int));
    void rcv_pid_write (RcvPid * p, const char * name)
      for (int i = 0; i < p->npid; i++) {
        Rcv * rcv = &p->rcv[i];
        char fname[80];
        sprintf (fname, "%s-%d-%d", name, pid(), rcv->pid);
        FILE * fp = fopen (fname, "w");
        rcv_print (rcv, fp, "");
        fclose (fp);
    static void rcv_pid_print (RcvPid * p, FILE * fp, const char * prefix)
      for (int i = 0; i < p->npid; i++)
        rcv_print (&p->rcv[i], fp, prefix);
    static void rcv_pid_destroy (RcvPid * p)
      for (int i = 0; i < p->npid; i++)
        rcv_destroy (&p->rcv[i]);
      free (p->rcv);
      free (p->name);
      free (p);
    static Boundary * mpi_boundary = NULL;
    #define BOUNDARY_TAG(level) (level)
    #define COARSEN_TAG(level)  ((level) + 64)
    #define REFINE_TAG()        (128)
    #define MOVED_TAG()         (256)
    void debug_mpi (FILE * fp1);
    static void apply_bc (Rcv * rcv, scalar * list, scalar * listv,
    		      vector * listf, int l, MPI_Status s)
      double * b = rcv->buf;
      foreach_cache_level(rcv->halo[l], l) {
        for (scalar s in list) {
          memcpy (&s[], b, sizeof(double)*s.block);
          b += s.block;
        for (vector v in listf)
          foreach_dimension() {
    	memcpy (&v.x[], b, sizeof(double)*v.x.block);
    	b += v.x.block;
    	if (*b != nodata && allocated(1))
    	  memcpy (&v.x[1], b, sizeof(double)*v.x.block);
    	b += v.x.block;
        for (scalar s in listv) {
          for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
    	for (int j = 0; j <= 1; j++)
    #if dimension == 3
    	  for (int k = 0; k <= 1; k++) {
    	    if (*b != nodata && allocated(i,j,k))
    	      memcpy (&s[i,j,k], b, sizeof(double)*s.block);
    	    b += s.block;
    #else // dimension == 2
    	    if (*b != nodata && allocated(i,j))
    	      memcpy (&s[i,j], b, sizeof(double)*s.block);
    	    b += s.block;	    
    #endif // dimension == 2
      size_t size = b - (double *) rcv->buf;
      free (rcv->buf);
      rcv->buf = NULL;
      int rlen;
      MPI_Get_count (&s, MPI_DOUBLE, &rlen);
      if (rlen != size) {
        fprintf (stderr,
    	     "rlen (%d) != size (%ld), %d receiving from %d at level %d\n"
    	     "Calling debug_mpi(NULL)...\n"
    	     rlen, size, pid(), rcv->pid, l);
        fflush (stderr);
        debug_mpi (NULL);
        MPI_Abort (MPI_COMM_WORLD, -2);
    #ifdef TIMEOUT
    static struct {
      int count, source, tag;
      const char * name;
    } RecvArgs;
    static void timeout (int sig, siginfo_t *si, void *uc)
      fprintf (stderr,
    	   "ERROR MPI_Recv \"%s\" (count = %d, source = %d, tag = %d):\n"
    	   "Time out\n"
    	   "Calling debug_mpi(NULL)...\n"
    	   "Aborting...\n",, RecvArgs.count, RecvArgs.source, RecvArgs.tag);
      fflush (stderr);
      debug_mpi (NULL);
      MPI_Abort (MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
    #endif // TIMEOUT
    static void mpi_recv_check (void * buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype,
    			    int source, int tag,
    			    MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status * status,
    			    const char * name)
    #ifdef TIMEOUT
      RecvArgs.count = count;
      RecvArgs.source = source;
      RecvArgs.tag = tag; = name;
      timer_t timerid;
      extern double t;
      if (t > TIMEOUT) {
        struct sigaction sa;
        sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
        sa.sa_sigaction = timeout;
        assert (sigaction(SIGRTMIN, &sa, NULL) != -1);
        struct sigevent sev;
        sev.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL;
        sev.sigev_signo = SIGRTMIN;
        sev.sigev_value.sival_ptr = &timerid;
        assert (timer_create(CLOCK_REALTIME, &sev, &timerid) != -1);
        struct itimerspec its;
        its.it_value.tv_sec = 10;
        its.it_value.tv_nsec = 0;
        its.it_interval.tv_sec = 0;
        its.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0;
        assert (timer_settime(timerid, 0, &its, NULL) != -1);
    #endif // TIMEOUT
      int errorcode = MPI_Recv (buf, count, datatype, source, tag, comm, status);
      if (errorcode != MPI_SUCCESS) {
        char string[MPI_MAX_ERROR_STRING];
        int resultlen;
        MPI_Error_string (errorcode, string, &resultlen);
        fprintf (stderr,
    	     "ERROR MPI_Recv \"%s\" (count = %d, source = %d, tag = %d):\n%s\n"
    	     "Calling debug_mpi(NULL)...\n"
    	     name, count, source, tag, string);
        fflush (stderr);
        debug_mpi (NULL);
        MPI_Abort (MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1);
    #ifdef TIMEOUT  
      if (t > TIMEOUT)
        assert (timer_delete (timerid) != -1);
    static int mpi_waitany (int count, MPI_Request array_of_requests[], int *indx,
    			MPI_Status *status)
      return MPI_Waitany (count, array_of_requests, indx, status);
    static int list_lenb (scalar * list) {
      int len = 0;
      for (scalar s in list)
        len += s.block;
      return len;
    static int vectors_lenb (vector * list) {
      int len = 0;
      for (vector v in list)
        len += v.x.block;
      return len;
    static void rcv_pid_receive (RcvPid * m, scalar * list, scalar * listv,
    			     vector * listf, int l)
      if (m->npid == 0)
      prof_start ("rcv_pid_receive");
      int len = list_lenb (list) + 2*dimension*vectors_lenb (listf) +
        (1 << dimension)*list_lenb (listv);
      MPI_Request r[m->npid];
      Rcv * rrcv[m->npid]; // fixme: using NULL requests should be OK
      int nr = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < m->npid; i++) {
        Rcv * rcv = &m->rcv[i];
        if (l <= rcv->depth && rcv->halo[l].n > 0) {
          assert (!rcv->buf);
          rcv->buf = malloc (sizeof (double)*rcv->halo[l].n*len);
    #if 0
          fprintf (stderr, "%s receiving %d doubles from %d level %d\n",
    	       m->name, rcv->halo[l].n*len, rcv->pid, l);
          fflush (stderr);
    #if 1 /* initiate non-blocking receive */
          MPI_Irecv (rcv->buf, rcv->halo[l].n*len, MPI_DOUBLE, rcv->pid,
    		 BOUNDARY_TAG(l), MPI_COMM_WORLD, &r[nr]);
          rrcv[nr++] = rcv;
    #else /* blocking receive (useful for debugging) */
          MPI_Status s;
          mpi_recv_check (rcv->buf, rcv->halo[l].n*len, MPI_DOUBLE, rcv->pid,
    		      BOUNDARY_TAG(l), MPI_COMM_WORLD, &s, "rcv_pid_receive");
          apply_bc (rcv, list, listf, listv, l, s);
      /* non-blocking receives (does nothing when using blocking receives) */
      if (nr > 0) {
        int i;
        MPI_Status s;
        mpi_waitany (nr, r, &i, &s);
        while (i != MPI_UNDEFINED) {
          Rcv * rcv = rrcv[i];
          assert (l <= rcv->depth && rcv->halo[l].n > 0);
          assert (rcv->buf);
          apply_bc (rcv, list, listv, listf, l, s);
          mpi_waitany (nr, r, &i, &s);
    static void rcv_pid_wait (RcvPid * m)
      /* wait for completion of send requests */
      for (int i = 0; i < m->npid; i++)
        rcv_free_buf (&m->rcv[i]);
    static void rcv_pid_send (RcvPid * m, scalar * list, scalar * listv,
    			  vector * listf, int l)
      if (m->npid == 0)
      prof_start ("rcv_pid_send");
      int len = list_lenb (list) + 2*dimension*vectors_lenb (listf) +
        (1 << dimension)*list_lenb (listv);
      /* send ghost values */
      for (int i = 0; i < m->npid; i++) {
        Rcv * rcv = &m->rcv[i];
        if (l <= rcv->depth && rcv->halo[l].n > 0) {
          assert (!rcv->buf);
          rcv->buf = malloc (sizeof (double)*rcv->halo[l].n*len);
          double * b = rcv->buf;
          foreach_cache_level(rcv->halo[l], l) {
    	for (scalar s in list) {
    	  memcpy (b, &s[], sizeof(double)*s.block);
    	  b += s.block;
    	for (vector v in listf)
    	  foreach_dimension() {
    	    memcpy (b, &v.x[], sizeof(double)*v.x.block);
    	    b += v.x.block;
    	    if (allocated(1))
    	      memcpy (b, &v.x[1], sizeof(double)*v.x.block);
    	      *b = nodata;
    	    b += v.x.block;
    	for (scalar s in listv) {
    	  for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
    	    for (int j = 0; j <= 1; j++)
    #if dimension == 3
    	      for (int k = 0; k <= 1; k++) {
    		if (allocated(i,j,k))
    		  memcpy (b, &s[i,j,k], sizeof(double)*s.block);
    		  *b = nodata;
    		b += s.block;
    #else // dimension == 2
    		if (allocated(i,j))
    		  memcpy (b, &s[i,j], sizeof(double)*s.block);
    		  *b = nodata;
    		b += s.block;
    #endif // dimension == 2
    #if 0
          fprintf (stderr, "%s sending %d doubles to %d level %d\n",
    	       m->name, rcv->halo[l].n*len, rcv->pid, l);
          fflush (stderr);
          MPI_Isend (rcv->buf, (b - (double *) rcv->buf),
    static void rcv_pid_sync (SndRcv * m, scalar * list, int l)
      scalar * listr = NULL, * listv = NULL;
      vector * listf = NULL;
      for (scalar s in list)
        if (!is_constant(s) && s.block > 0) {
          if (s.face)
    	listf = vectors_add (listf, s.v);
          else if (s.restriction == restriction_vertex)
    	listv = list_add (listv, s);
    	listr = list_add (listr, s);
      rcv_pid_send (m->snd, listr, listv, listf, l);
      rcv_pid_receive (m->rcv, listr, listv, listf, l);
      rcv_pid_wait (m->snd);
      free (listr);
      free (listf);
      free (listv);
    static void snd_rcv_destroy (SndRcv * m)
      rcv_pid_destroy (m->rcv);
      rcv_pid_destroy (m->snd);
    static void snd_rcv_init (SndRcv * m, const char * name)
      char s[strlen(name) + 5];
      strcpy (s, name);
      strcat (s, ".rcv");
      m->rcv = rcv_pid_new (s);
      strcpy (s, name);
      strcat (s, ".snd");
      m->snd = rcv_pid_new (s);
    static void mpi_boundary_destroy (Boundary * b)
      MpiBoundary * m = (MpiBoundary *) b;
      snd_rcv_destroy (&m->mpi_level);
      snd_rcv_destroy (&m->mpi_level_root);
      snd_rcv_destroy (&m->restriction);
      array_free (m->send);
      array_free (m->receive);
      free (m);
    static void mpi_boundary_level (const Boundary * b, scalar * list, int l)
      MpiBoundary * m = (MpiBoundary *) b;
      rcv_pid_sync (&m->mpi_level, list, l);
      rcv_pid_sync (&m->mpi_level_root, list, l);
    static void mpi_boundary_restriction (const Boundary * b, scalar * list, int l)
      MpiBoundary * m = (MpiBoundary *) b;
      rcv_pid_sync (&m->restriction, list, l);
    void mpi_boundary_new()
      mpi_boundary = (Boundary *) qcalloc (1, MpiBoundary);
      mpi_boundary->destroy = mpi_boundary_destroy;
      mpi_boundary->level = mpi_boundary_level;
      mpi_boundary->restriction = mpi_boundary_restriction;
      MpiBoundary * mpi = (MpiBoundary *) mpi_boundary;
      snd_rcv_init (&mpi->mpi_level, "mpi_level");
      snd_rcv_init (&mpi->mpi_level_root, "mpi_level_root");
      snd_rcv_init (&mpi->restriction, "restriction");
      mpi->send = array_new();
      mpi->receive = array_new();
      add_boundary (mpi_boundary);
    static FILE * fopen_prefix (FILE * fp, const char * name, char * prefix)
      if (fp) {
        sprintf (prefix, "%s-%d ", name, pid());
        return fp;
      else {
        strcpy (prefix, "");
        char fname[80];
        if (debug_iteration >= 0)
          sprintf (fname, "%s-%d-%d", name, debug_iteration, pid());
          sprintf (fname, "%s-%d", name, pid());
        return fopen (fname, "w");
    void debug_mpi (FILE * fp1)
      void output_cells_internal (FILE * fp);
      char prefix[80];
      FILE * fp;
      // cleanup
      if (fp1 == NULL) {
        char name[80];
        sprintf (name, "halo-%d", pid()); remove (name);
        sprintf (name, "cells-%d", pid()); remove (name);
        sprintf (name, "faces-%d", pid()); remove (name);
        sprintf (name, "vertices-%d", pid()); remove (name);
        sprintf (name, "neighbors-%d", pid()); remove (name);
        sprintf (name, "mpi-level-rcv-%d", pid()); remove (name);
        sprintf (name, "mpi-level-snd-%d", pid()); remove (name);
        sprintf (name, "mpi-level-root-rcv-%d", pid()); remove (name);
        sprintf (name, "mpi-level-root-snd-%d", pid()); remove (name);
        sprintf (name, "mpi-restriction-rcv-%d", pid()); remove (name);
        sprintf (name, "mpi-restriction-snd-%d", pid()); remove (name);
        sprintf (name, "mpi-border-%d", pid()); remove (name);
        sprintf (name, "exterior-%d", pid()); remove (name);
        sprintf (name, "depth-%d", pid()); remove (name);
        sprintf (name, "refined-%d", pid()); remove (name);
      // local halo
      fp = fopen_prefix (fp1, "halo", prefix);
      for (int l = 0; l < depth(); l++)
        foreach_halo (prolongation, l)
            fprintf (fp, "%s%g %g %g %d\n", prefix, x, y, z, level);
      if (!fp1)
        fclose (fp);
      if (!fp1) {
        fp = fopen_prefix (fp1, "cells", prefix);
        output_cells_internal (fp);
        fclose (fp);
      fp = fopen_prefix (fp1, "faces", prefix);
        fprintf (fp, "%s%g %g %g %d\n", prefix, x, y, z, level);
      if (!fp1)
        fclose (fp);
      fp = fopen_prefix (fp1, "vertices", prefix);
        fprintf (fp, "%s%g %g %g %d\n", prefix, x, y, z, level);
      if (!fp1)
        fclose (fp);
      fp = fopen_prefix (fp1, "neighbors", prefix);
      foreach() {
        int n = 0;
          if (is_refined(cell))
        fprintf (fp, "%s%g %g %g %d\n", prefix, x, y, z, cell.neighbors);
        assert (cell.neighbors == n);
      if (!fp1)
        fclose (fp);
      MpiBoundary * mpi = (MpiBoundary *) mpi_boundary;
      fp = fopen_prefix (fp1, "mpi-level-rcv", prefix);
      rcv_pid_print (mpi->mpi_level.rcv, fp, prefix);
      if (!fp1)
        fclose (fp);
      fp = fopen_prefix (fp1, "mpi-level-root-rcv", prefix);
      rcv_pid_print (mpi->mpi_level_root.rcv, fp, prefix);
      if (!fp1)
        fclose (fp);
      fp = fopen_prefix (fp1, "mpi-restriction-rcv", prefix);
      rcv_pid_print (mpi->restriction.rcv, fp, prefix);
      if (!fp1)
        fclose (fp);
      fp = fopen_prefix (fp1, "mpi-level-snd", prefix);
      rcv_pid_print (mpi->mpi_level.snd, fp, prefix);
      if (!fp1)
        fclose (fp);
      fp = fopen_prefix (fp1, "mpi-level-root-snd", prefix);
      rcv_pid_print (mpi->mpi_level_root.snd, fp, prefix);
      if (!fp1)
        fclose (fp);
      fp = fopen_prefix (fp1, "mpi-restriction-snd", prefix);
      rcv_pid_print (mpi->restriction.snd, fp, prefix);
      if (!fp1)
        fclose (fp);
      fp = fopen_prefix (fp1, "mpi-border", prefix);
      foreach_cell() {
        if (is_border(cell))
          fprintf (fp, "%s%g %g %g %d %d %d\n",
    	       prefix, x, y, z, level, cell.neighbors,;
        if (is_leaf(cell))
      if (!fp1)
        fclose (fp);
      fp = fopen_prefix (fp1, "exterior", prefix);
      foreach_cell() {
        if (!is_local(cell))
          fprintf (fp, "%s%g %g %g %d %d %d %d\n",
    	       prefix, x, y, z, level, cell.neighbors,
  , cell.flags & leaf);
    #if 0
        else if (is_active(cell) && !is_border(cell))
        if (is_leaf(cell))
      if (!fp1)
        fclose (fp);
      fp = fopen_prefix (fp1, "depth", prefix);
      fprintf (fp, "depth: %d %d\n", pid(), depth());
      fprintf (fp, "======= mpi_level.snd ======\n");
      RcvPid * snd = mpi->mpi_level.snd;
      for (int i = 0; i < snd->npid; i++)
        fprintf (fp, "%d %d %d\n", pid(), snd->rcv[i].pid, snd->rcv[i].maxdepth);
      fprintf (fp, "======= mpi_level.rcv ======\n");
      snd = mpi->mpi_level.rcv;
      for (int i = 0; i < snd->npid; i++)
        fprintf (fp, "%d %d %d\n", pid(), snd->rcv[i].pid, snd->rcv[i].maxdepth);
      if (!fp1)
        fclose (fp);
      fp = fopen_prefix (fp1, "refined", prefix);
      foreach_cache (tree->refined)
        fprintf (fp, "%s%g %g %g %d\n", prefix, x, y, z, level);
      if (!fp1)
        fclose (fp);
    static void snd_rcv_free (SndRcv * p)
      char name[strlen(p->rcv->name) + 1];
      strcpy (name, p->rcv->name);
      rcv_pid_destroy (p->rcv);
      p->rcv = rcv_pid_new (name);
      strcpy (name, p->snd->name);
      rcv_pid_destroy (p->snd);
      p->snd = rcv_pid_new (name);
    static bool is_root (Point point)
      if (is_refined(cell))
          if (is_local(cell))
    	return true;
      return false;
    // see src/figures/prolongation.svg
    static bool is_local_prolongation (Point point, Point p)
    #if dimension == 2
      struct { int x, y; } dp = {p.i - point.i, p.j - point.j};
    #elif dimension == 3
      struct { int x, y, z; } dp = {p.i - point.i, p.j - point.j, p.k - point.k};
      foreach_dimension() {
        if (dp.x == 0 && (is_refined(neighbor(-1)) || is_refined(neighbor(1))))
          return true;
        if (is_refined(neighbor(dp.x)))
          return true;
      return false;
    #define is_remote(cell) ( >= 0 && != pid())
    static void append_pid (Array * pids, int pid)
      for (int i = 0, * p = (int *) pids->p; i < pids->len/sizeof(int); i++, p++)
        if (*p == pid)
      array_append (pids, &pid, sizeof(int));
    static int locals_pids (Point point, Array * pids)
      if (is_leaf(cell)) { // prolongation
        if (is_local(cell)) {
          Point p = point;
          foreach_neighbor(1) {
    	if (is_remote(cell) &&
    	    (is_refined(cell) || is_local_prolongation (point, p)))
    	  append_pid (pids,;
    	if (is_refined(cell))
    	    if (is_remote(cell))
    	      append_pid (pids,;
        foreach_neighbor(1) {
          if (is_remote(cell))
    	append_pid (pids,;
          if (is_refined(cell))
    	  if (is_remote(cell))
    	    append_pid (pids,;
      return pids->len/sizeof(int);
    static int root_pids (Point point, Array * pids)
        if (is_remote(cell))
          append_pid (pids,;
      return pids->len/sizeof(int);
    // turns on tree_check() and co with outputs controlled by the condition
    // #define DEBUGCOND (pid() >= 300 && pid() <= 400 && t > 0.0784876)
    // turns on tree_check() and co without any outputs
    // #define DEBUGCOND false
    static void rcv_pid_row (RcvPid * m, int l, int * row)
      for (int i = 0; i < npe(); i++)
        row[i] = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < m->npid; i++) {
        Rcv * rcv = &m->rcv[i];
        if (l <= rcv->depth && rcv->halo[l].n > 0)
          row[rcv->pid] = rcv->halo[l].n;
    void check_snd_rcv_matrix (SndRcv * sndrcv, const char * name)
      int maxlevel = depth();
      mpi_all_reduce (maxlevel, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX);
      int * row = qmalloc (npe(), int);
      for (int l = 0; l <= maxlevel; l++) {
        int status = 0;
        if (pid() == 0) { // master
          // send/receive matrix i.e.
          // send[i][j] = number of points sent/received from i to j
          int ** send = matrix_new (npe(), npe(), sizeof(int));
          int ** receive = matrix_new (npe(), npe(), sizeof(int));
          rcv_pid_row (sndrcv->snd, l, row);
          MPI_Gather (row, npe(), MPI_INT, &send[0][0], npe(), MPI_INT, 0,
          rcv_pid_row (sndrcv->rcv, l, row);
          MPI_Gather (row, npe(), MPI_INT, &receive[0][0], npe(), MPI_INT, 0,
          int * astatus = qmalloc (npe(), int);
          for (int i = 0; i < npe(); i++)
    	astatus[i] = 0;
          for (int i = 0; i < npe(); i++)
    	for (int j = 0; j < npe(); j++)
    	  if (send[i][j] != receive[j][i]) {
    	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: %d sends    %d to   %d at level %d\n",
    		     name, i, send[i][j], j, l);
    	    fprintf (stderr, "%s: %d receives %d from %d at level %d\n",
    		     name, j, receive[j][i], i, l);
    	    fflush (stderr);
    	    for (int k = i - 2; k <= i + 2; k++)
    	      if (k >= 0 && k < npe())
    		astatus[k] = 1;
    	    for (int k = j - 2; k <= j + 2; k++)
    	      if (k >= 0 && k < npe())
    		astatus[k] = 1;
          MPI_Scatter (astatus, 1, MPI_INT, &status, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
          free (astatus);
          matrix_free (send);
          matrix_free (receive);
        else { // slave
          rcv_pid_row (sndrcv->snd, l, row);
          MPI_Gather (row, npe(), MPI_INT, NULL, npe(), MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); 
          rcv_pid_row (sndrcv->rcv, l, row);
          MPI_Gather (row, npe(), MPI_INT, NULL, npe(), MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
          MPI_Scatter (NULL, 1, MPI_INT, &status, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        if (status) {
          fprintf (stderr,
    	       "check_snd_rcv_matrix \"%s\" failed\n"
    	       "Calling debug_mpi(NULL)...\n"
          fflush (stderr);
          debug_mpi (NULL);
          MPI_Abort (MPI_COMM_WORLD, -3);
      free (row);
    static bool has_local_child (Point point)
        if (is_local(cell))
          return true;
      return false;
    void mpi_boundary_update_buffers()
      if (npe() == 1)
      prof_start ("mpi_boundary_update_buffers");
      MpiBoundary * m = (MpiBoundary *) mpi_boundary;
      SndRcv * mpi_level = &m->mpi_level;
      SndRcv * mpi_level_root = &m->mpi_level_root;
      SndRcv * restriction = &m->restriction;
      snd_rcv_free (mpi_level);
      snd_rcv_free (mpi_level_root);
      snd_rcv_free (restriction);
      static const unsigned short used = 1 << user;
      foreach_cell() {
        if (is_active(cell) && !is_border(cell))
          /* We skip the interior of the local domain.
    	 Note that this can be commented out in case of suspicion that
    	 something is wrong with border cell tagging. */
        if (cell.neighbors) {
          // sending
          Array pids = {NULL, 0, 0};
          int n = locals_pids (point, &pids);
          if (n) {
    	  if (is_local(cell))
    	    for (int i = 0, * p = (int *) pids.p; i < n; i++, p++)
    	      rcv_pid_append (mpi_level->snd, *p, point);
    	free (pids.p);
          // receiving
          bool locals = false;
          if (is_leaf(cell)) { // prolongation
    	if (is_remote(cell)) {
    	  Point p = point;
    	    if ((is_local(cell) &&
    		 (is_refined(cell) || is_local_prolongation (point, p))) ||
    		is_root(point)) {
    	      locals = true; break;
    	  if (is_local(cell) || is_root(point)) {
    	    locals = true; break;
          if (locals)
    	  if (is_remote(cell))
                rcv_pid_append (mpi_level->rcv,, point),
    	      cell.flags |= used;
          // root cells
          if (!is_leaf(cell)) {
    	// sending
    	if (is_local(cell)) {
    	  Array pids = {NULL, 0, 0};
    	  // root cell
    	  int n = root_pids (point, &pids);
    	  if (n) {
    	      for (int i = 0, * p = (int *) pids.p; i < n; i++, p++)
    		if ( >= 0 && != *p)
    		  rcv_pid_append (mpi_level_root->snd, *p, point);
    	    // restriction (remote root)
    	    for (int i = 0, * p = (int *) pids.p; i < n; i++, p++)
    	      rcv_pid_append (restriction->snd, *p, point);
    	    free (pids.p);
    	// receiving
    	else if (is_remote(cell)) {
    	  bool root = false;
    	    if (is_local(cell)) {
    	      root = true; break;
    	  if (root) {
    	    int pid =;
    	      if (is_remote(cell))
    		rcv_pid_append (mpi_level_root->rcv, pid, point),
    		  cell.flags |= used;
    	    // restriction (remote root)
    	    rcv_pid_append (restriction->rcv, pid, point);
        // restriction (remote siblings/children)
        if (level > 0) {
          if (is_local(cell)) {
    	// sending
    	Array pids = {NULL, 0, 0};
    	if (is_remote(aparent(0)))
    	  append_pid (&pids, aparent(0).pid);
    	int n = root_pids (parent, &pids);
    	if (n) {
    	  for (int i = 0, * p = (int *) pids.p; i < n; i++, p++)
    	    rcv_pid_append (restriction->snd, *p, point);
    	  free (pids.p);
          else if (is_remote(cell)) {
    	// receiving
    	if (is_local(aparent(0)) || has_local_child (parent))
    	  rcv_pid_append (restriction->rcv,, point);
      /* we remove unused cells
         we do a breadth-first traversal from fine to coarse, so that
         coarsening of unused cells can proceed fully. */
      static const unsigned short keep = 1 << (user + 1);
      for (int l = depth(); l >= 0; l--)
          if (level == l) {
    	if (level > 0 && ( < 0 || is_local(cell) || (cell.flags & used)))
    	  aparent(0).flags |= keep;
    	if (is_refined(cell) && !(cell.flags & keep))
    	  coarsen_cell (point, NULL);
    	cell.flags &= ~(used|keep);
    	continue; // level == l
      /* we update the list of send/receive pids */
      m->send->len = m->receive->len = 0;
      rcv_pid_append_pids (mpi_level->snd, m->send);
      rcv_pid_append_pids (mpi_level_root->snd, m->send);
      rcv_pid_append_pids (mpi_level->rcv, m->receive);
      rcv_pid_append_pids (mpi_level_root->rcv, m->receive);
    #if DEBUG_MPI
      debug_mpi (NULL);
    #ifdef DEBUGCOND
      extern double t; NOT_UNUSED(t);
      check_snd_rcv_matrix (mpi_level, "mpi_level");
      check_snd_rcv_matrix (mpi_level_root, "mpi_level_root");
      check_snd_rcv_matrix (restriction, "restriction");
      if (DEBUGCOND)
        debug_mpi (NULL);
    void mpi_boundary_refine (scalar * list)
      prof_start ("mpi_boundary_refine");
      MpiBoundary * mpi = (MpiBoundary *) mpi_boundary;
      /* Send refinement cache to each neighboring process. */
      Array * snd = mpi->send;
      MPI_Request r[2*snd->len/sizeof(int)];
      int nr = 0;
      for (int i = 0, * dest = snd->p; i < snd->len/sizeof(int); i++,dest++) {
        int len = tree->refined.n;
        MPI_Isend (&tree->refined.n, 1, MPI_INT, *dest,
    	       REFINE_TAG(), MPI_COMM_WORLD, &r[nr++]);
        if (len > 0)
          MPI_Isend (tree->refined.p, sizeof(Index)/sizeof(int)*len,
    		 MPI_INT, *dest, REFINE_TAG(), MPI_COMM_WORLD, &r[nr++]);
      /* Receive refinement cache from each neighboring process. 
       fixme: use non-blocking receives */
      Array * rcv = mpi->receive;
      Cache rerefined = {NULL, 0, 0};
      for (int i = 0, * source = rcv->p; i < rcv->len/sizeof(int); i++,source++) {
        int len;
        mpi_recv_check (&len, 1, MPI_INT, *source, REFINE_TAG(),
    		    "mpi_boundary_refine (len)");
        if (len > 0) {
          Index p[len];
          mpi_recv_check (p, sizeof(Index)/sizeof(int)*len,
    		      MPI_INT, *source, REFINE_TAG(),
    		      "mpi_boundary_refine (p)");
          Cache refined = {p, len, len};
          foreach_cache (refined)
    	if (level <= depth() && allocated(0)) {
    	  if (is_leaf(cell)) {
    	    bool neighbors = false;
    	      if (allocated(0) && (is_active(cell) || is_local(aparent(0)))) {
    		neighbors = true; break;
    	    // refine the cell only if it has local neighbors
    	    if (neighbors)
    	      refine_cell (point, list, 0, &rerefined);
      /* check that caches were received OK and free ressources */
      if (nr)
        MPI_Waitall (nr, r, MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
      /* update the refinement cache with "re-refined" cells */
      free (tree->refined.p);
      tree->refined = rerefined;
      /* if any cell has been re-refined, we repeat the process to take care
         of recursive refinements induced by the 2:1 constraint */
      mpi_all_reduce (rerefined.n, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM);
      if (rerefined.n)
        mpi_boundary_refine (list);
      for (scalar s in list)
        s.dirty = true;
    static void check_depth()
    #if DEBUG_MPI 
      int max = 0;
        if (level > max)
          max = level;
      if (depth() != max) {
        FILE * fp = fopen ("layer", "w");
        fprintf (fp, "depth() = %d, max = %d\n", depth(), max);
        for (int l = 0; l <= depth(); l++) {
          Layer * L = tree->L[l];
          fprintf (fp, "Layer level = %d, nc = %d, len = %d\n", l, L->nc, L->len);
          for (int i = 0; i < L->len; i++)
    	if (L->m[i]) {
    	  fprintf (fp, "  i = %d, refcount = %d\n", i,
    		   *((int *)(((char *)L->m[i]) + L->len*sizeof(char *))));
    	  for (int j = 0; j < L->len; j++)
    	    if (L->m[i][j]) {
    	      fprintf (fp, "    j = %d\n", j);
    	      fprintf (fp, "point %g %g %d\n",
    		       X0 + (i - 1.5)*L0/(1 << l), Y0 + (j - 1.5)*L0/(1 << l),
        fclose (fp);
        fp = fopen ("colls", "w");
        output_cells_internal (fp);
        fclose (fp);
        assert (false);
    typedef struct {
      int refined, leaf;
    } Remote;
    #define REMOTE() ((Remote *)&val(remote,0))
    void mpi_boundary_coarsen (int l, int too_fine)
      if (npe() == 1)
      assert (sizeof(Remote) == sizeof(double));
      scalar remote[];
      foreach_cell() {
        if (level == l) {
          if (is_local(cell)) {
    	REMOTE()->refined = is_refined(cell);
    	REMOTE()->leaf = is_leaf(cell);
          else {
    	REMOTE()->refined = true;
    	REMOTE()->leaf = false;
        if (is_leaf(cell))
      mpi_boundary_level (mpi_boundary, {remote}, l);
      foreach_cell() {
        if (level == l) {
          if (!is_local(cell)) {
    	if (is_refined(cell) && !REMOTE()->refined)
    	  coarsen_cell_recursive (point, NULL);
    	else if (is_leaf(cell) && cell.neighbors && REMOTE()->leaf) {
    	  int pid =;
    	  foreach_child() = pid;
        if (is_leaf(cell))
      if (l > 0) {
        foreach_cell() {
          if (level == l) {
    	remote[] = is_local(cell) ? cell.neighbors : 0;
          if (is_leaf(cell))
        mpi_boundary_level (mpi_boundary, {remote}, l);
        foreach_cell() {
          if (level == l)
    	if (!is_local(cell) && is_local(aparent(0)) && remote[]) {
    	  aparent(0).flags &= ~too_fine;
          if (is_leaf(cell))
    static void flag_border_cells()
      foreach_cell() {
        if (is_active(cell)) {
          short flags = cell.flags & ~border;
          foreach_neighbor() {
    	if (!is_local(cell) || (level > 0 && !is_local(aparent(0)))) {
    	  flags |= border; break;
    	// root cell
    	if (is_refined_check())
    	    if (!is_local(cell)) {
    	      flags |= border; break;
    	if (flags & border)
          cell.flags = flags;
        else {
          cell.flags &= ~border;
          //      continue; // fixme
        if (is_leaf(cell)) {
          if (cell.neighbors) {
    	  cell.flags &= ~border;
    	if (is_border(cell)) {
    	  bool remote = false;
    	  foreach_neighbor (GHOSTS/2)
    	    if (!is_local(cell)) {
    	      remote = true; break;
    	  if (remote)
    	      cell.flags |= border;
    static int balanced_pid (long index, long nt, int nproc)
      long ne = max(1, nt/nproc), nr = nt % nproc;
      int pid = index < nr*(ne + 1) ?
        index/(ne + 1) :
        nr + (index - nr*(ne + 1))/ne;
      return min(nproc - 1, pid);
    // static partitioning: only used for tests
    void mpi_partitioning()
      prof_start ("mpi_partitioning");
      long nt = 0;
      foreach (serial)
      /* set the pid of each cell */
      long i = 0;
      tree->dirty = true;
      foreach_cell_post (is_active (cell))
        if (is_active (cell)) {
          if (is_leaf (cell)) { = balanced_pid (i++, nt, npe());
    	if (cell.neighbors > 0) {
    	  int pid =;
    	  foreach_child() = pid;
    	if (!is_local(cell))
    	  cell.flags &= ~active;
          else { = child(0).pid;
    	bool inactive = true;
    	  if (is_active(cell)) {
    	    inactive = false; break;
    	if (inactive)
    	  cell.flags &= ~active;
    void restore_mpi (FILE * fp, scalar * list1)
      long index = 0, nt = 0, start = ftell (fp);
      scalar size[], * list = list_concat ({size}, list1);;
      long offset = sizeof(double)*list_len(list);
      // read local cells
      static const unsigned short set = 1 << user;
      scalar * listm = is_constant(cm) ? NULL : (scalar *){fm};
        if (balanced_pid (index, nt, npe()) <= pid()) {
          unsigned flags;
          if (fread (&flags, sizeof(unsigned), 1, fp) != 1) {
    	fprintf (stderr, "restore(): error: expecting 'flags'\n");
    	exit (1);
          for (scalar s in list) {
    	double val;
    	if (fread (&val, sizeof(double), 1, fp) != 1) {
    	  fprintf (stderr, "restore(): error: expecting scalar\n");
    	  exit (1);
    	if (s.i != INT_MAX)
    	  s[] = val;
          if (level == 0)
    	nt = size[];
 = balanced_pid (index, nt, npe());
          cell.flags |= set;
          if (!(flags & leaf) && is_leaf(cell)) {
    	if (balanced_pid (index + size[] - 1, nt, npe()) < pid()) {
    	  fseek (fp, (sizeof(unsigned) + offset)*(size[] - 1), SEEK_CUR);
    	  index += size[];
    	refine_cell (point, listm, 0, NULL);
          if (is_leaf(cell))
      // read non-local neighbors
      fseek (fp, start, SEEK_SET);
      index = 0;
      foreach_cell() {
        unsigned flags;
        if (fread (&flags, sizeof(unsigned), 1, fp) != 1) {
          fprintf (stderr, "restore(): error: expecting 'flags'\n");
          exit (1);
        if (cell.flags & set)
          fseek (fp, offset, SEEK_CUR);
        else {
          for (scalar s in list) {
    	double val;
    	if (fread (&val, sizeof(double), 1, fp) != 1) {
    	  fprintf (stderr, "restore(): error: expecting a scalar\n");
    	  exit (1);
    	if (s.i != INT_MAX)
    	  s[] = val;
 = balanced_pid (index, nt, npe());
          if (is_leaf(cell) && cell.neighbors) {
    	int pid =;
    	foreach_child() = pid;
        if (!(flags & leaf) && is_leaf(cell)) {
          bool locals = false;
    	if ((cell.flags & set) && (is_local(cell) || is_root(point))) {
    	  locals = true; break;
          if (locals)
    	refine_cell (point, listm, 0, NULL);
          else {
    	fseek (fp, (sizeof(unsigned) + offset)*(size[] - 1), SEEK_CUR);
    	index += size[];
        if (is_leaf(cell))
      /* set active flags */
      foreach_cell_post (is_active (cell)) {
        cell.flags &= ~set;
        if (is_active (cell)) {
          if (is_leaf (cell)) {
    	if (cell.neighbors > 0) {
    	  int pid =;
    	  foreach_child() = pid;
    	if (!is_local(cell))
    	  cell.flags &= ~active;
          else if (!is_local(cell)) {
    	bool inactive = true;
    	  if (is_active(cell)) {
    	    inactive = false; break;
    	if (inactive)
    	  cell.flags &= ~active;
      mpi_boundary_update (list);
      free (list);

    z_indexing(): fills index with the Z-ordering index.

    If leaves is true only leaves are indexed, otherwise all active cells are indexed.

    On the master process (pid() == 0), the function returns the (global) maximum index (and -1 on all other processes).

    On a single processor, we would just need something like (for leaves)

    double i = 0;
      index[] = i++;

    In parallel, this is a bit more difficult.

    double z_indexing (scalar index, bool leaves)

    We first compute the size of each subtree.

      scalar size[];
      subtree_size (size, leaves);

    The maximum index value is the size of the entire tree (i.e. the value of size in the root cell on the master process) minus one.

      double maxi = -1.;
      if (pid() == 0)
        foreach_level(0, serial)
          maxi = size[] - 1.;

    fixme: doc

        index[] = 0;
      for (int l = 0; l < depth(); l++) {
        boundary_iterate (restriction, {index}, l);
        foreach_cell() {
          if (level == l) {
    	if (is_leaf(cell)) {
    	  if (is_local(cell) && cell.neighbors) {
    	    int i = index[];
    	      index[] = i;
    	else { // not leaf
    	  bool loc = is_local(cell);
    	  if (!loc)
    	      if (is_local(cell)) {
    		loc = true; break;
    	  if (loc) {
    	    int i = index[] + !leaves;
    	    foreach_child() {
    	      index[] = i;
    	      i += size[]; 
    	continue; // level == l
          if (is_leaf(cell))
      boundary_iterate (restriction, {index}, depth());
      return maxi;