
    Output functions

    output_field(): Multiple fields interpolated on a regular grid (text format)

    This function interpolates a list of fields on a n+1 x n+1 regular grid. The resulting data are written in text format in the file pointed to by fp. The correspondance between column numbers and variables is summarised in the first line of the file. The data are written row-by-row and each row is separated from the next by a blank line. This format is compatible with the splot command of gnuplot i.e. one could use something like

    gnuplot> set pm3d map
    gnuplot> splot 'fields' u 1:2:4

    The arguments and their default values are:

    list of fields to output. Default is all.
    file pointer. Default is stdout.
    number of points along each dimension. Default is N.
    use first-order (default) or bilinear interpolation.
    the lower-left and upper-right coordinates of the domain to consider. Default is the entire domain.
    void output_field (scalar * list = all,
    		   FILE * fp = stdout,
    		   int n = N,
    		   bool linear = false,
    		   coord box[2] = {{X0, Y0},{X0 + L0, Y0 + L0}})
      int len = list_len (list);
      double Delta = 0.999999*(box[1].x - box[0].x)/(n - 1);
      int ny = (box[1].y - box[0].y)/Delta + 1;
      double ** field = (double **) matrix_new (n, ny, len*sizeof(double)), * v = field[0];
      for (int i = 0; i < n*ny*len; i++, v++)
        *v = nodata;
      coord box1[2] = {{box[0].x - Delta/2., box[0].y - Delta/2.},
    		   {box[0].x + (n - 0.5)*Delta, box[0].y + (ny - 0.5)*Delta}};
      coord cn = {n, ny}, p;
    #if _MPI
      v = field[0];
      foreach_region (p, box1, cn, reduction(min:v[:n*ny*len]))
      foreach_region (p, box1, cn)
        double ** alias = field; // so that qcc considers 'field' a local variable
        int i = (p.x - box1[0].x)/(box1[1].x - box1[0].x)*cn.x;
        int j = (p.y - box1[0].y)/(box1[1].y - box1[0].y)*cn.y;
        int k = 0;
        for (scalar s in list)
          alias[i][len*j + k++] = linear ? interpolate_linear (point, s, p.x, p.y, p.z) : s[];
      if (pid() == 0) {
        fprintf (fp, "# 1:x 2:y");
        int i = 3;
        for (scalar s in list)
          fprintf (fp, " %d:%s", i++,;
        fputc('\n', fp);
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
          double x = Delta*i + box[0].x;
          for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++) {
    	double y = Delta*j + box[0].y;
    	//	map (x, y);
    	fprintf (fp, "%g %g", x, y);
    	int k = 0;
    	for (scalar s in list)
    	  fprintf (fp, " %g", field[i][len*j + k++]);
    	fputc ('\n', fp);
          fputc ('\n', fp);
        fflush (fp);
      matrix_free (field);

    output_matrix(): Single field interpolated on a regular grid (binary format)

    This function writes a binary representation of a single field interpolated on a regular n x n grid. The format is compatible with the binary matrix format of gnuplot i.e. one could use

    gnuplot> set pm3d map
    gnuplot> splot 'matrix' binary u 2:1:3

    The arguments and their default values are:

    a scalar field (compulsory).
    file pointer. Default is stdout.
    number of points along each dimension. Default is N.
    use first-order (default) or bilinear interpolation.
    void output_matrix (scalar f, FILE * fp = stdout, int n = N, bool linear = false)
      float fn = n;
      float Delta = (float) L0/fn;
      fwrite (&fn, sizeof(float), 1, fp);
      for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        float yp = (float) (Delta*j + X0 + Delta/2.);
        fwrite (&yp, sizeof(float), 1, fp);
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        float xp = (float) (Delta*i + X0 + Delta/2.);
        fwrite (&xp, sizeof(float), 1, fp);
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
          float yp = (float)(Delta*j + Y0 + Delta/2.), v;
          v = interpolate (f, xp, yp, linear = linear);
          fwrite (&v, sizeof(float), 1, fp);
      fflush (fp);


    Colormaps are arrays of (127) red, green, blue triplets.

    #define NCMAP 127
    typedef void (* Colormap) (double cmap[NCMAP][3]);
    void jet (double cmap[NCMAP][3])
      for (int i = 0; i < NCMAP; i++) {
        cmap[i][0] = 
          i <= 46 ? 0. : 
          i >= 111 ? -0.03125*(i - 111) + 1. :
          i >= 78 ? 1. : 
          0.03125*(i - 46);
        cmap[i][1] = 
          i <= 14 || i >= 111 ? 0. : 
          i >= 79 ? -0.03125*(i - 111) : 
          i <= 46 ? 0.03125*(i - 14) : 
        cmap[i][2] =
          i >= 79 ? 0. :
          i >= 47 ? -0.03125*(i - 79) :
          i <= 14 ? 0.03125*(i - 14) + 1.:
    void cool_warm (double cmap[NCMAP][3])
      /* diverging cool-warm from:
       * see also:
       *  Diverging Color Maps for Scientific Visualization (Expanded)
       *  Kenneth Moreland
      static double basemap[33][3] = {
        {0.2298057,   0.298717966, 0.753683153},
        {0.26623388,  0.353094838, 0.801466763},
        {0.30386891,  0.406535296, 0.84495867},
        {0.342804478, 0.458757618, 0.883725899},
        {0.38301334,  0.50941904,  0.917387822},
        {0.424369608, 0.558148092, 0.945619588},
        {0.46666708,  0.604562568, 0.968154911},
        {0.509635204, 0.648280772, 0.98478814},
        {0.552953156, 0.688929332, 0.995375608},
        {0.596262162, 0.726149107, 0.999836203},
        {0.639176211, 0.759599947, 0.998151185},
        {0.681291281, 0.788964712, 0.990363227},
        {0.722193294, 0.813952739, 0.976574709},
        {0.761464949, 0.834302879, 0.956945269},
        {0.798691636, 0.849786142, 0.931688648},
        {0.833466556, 0.860207984, 0.901068838},
        {0.865395197, 0.86541021,  0.865395561},
        {0.897787179, 0.848937047, 0.820880546},
        {0.924127593, 0.827384882, 0.774508472},
        {0.944468518, 0.800927443, 0.726736146},
        {0.958852946, 0.769767752, 0.678007945},
        {0.96732803,  0.734132809, 0.628751763},
        {0.969954137, 0.694266682, 0.579375448},
        {0.966811177, 0.650421156, 0.530263762},
        {0.958003065, 0.602842431, 0.481775914},
        {0.943660866, 0.551750968, 0.434243684},
        {0.923944917, 0.49730856,  0.387970225},
        {0.89904617,  0.439559467, 0.343229596},
        {0.869186849, 0.378313092, 0.300267182},
        {0.834620542, 0.312874446, 0.259301199},
        {0.795631745, 0.24128379,  0.220525627},
        {0.752534934, 0.157246067, 0.184115123},
        {0.705673158, 0.01555616,  0.150232812}	
      for (int i = 0; i < NCMAP; i++) {
        double x = i*(32 - 1e-10)/(NCMAP - 1);
        int j = x; x -= j;
        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
          cmap[i][k] = (1. - x)*basemap[j][k] + x*basemap[j+1][k];
    void gray (double cmap[NCMAP][3])
      for (int i = 0; i < NCMAP; i++)
        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
          cmap[i][k] = i/(NCMAP - 1.);
    void randomap (double cmap[NCMAP][3])
      for (int i = 0; i < NCMAP; i++)
        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
          cmap[i][k] = (noise() + 1.)/2.;
    void blue_white_red (double cmap[NCMAP][3])
      for (int i = 0; i < (NCMAP + 1)/2; i++) {
        cmap[i][0] = i/((NCMAP - 1)/2.);
        cmap[i][1] = i/((NCMAP - 1)/2.);
        cmap[i][2] = 1.;
      for (int i = 0; i < (NCMAP - 1)/2; i++) {
        cmap[i + (NCMAP + 1)/2][0] = 1.;
        cmap[i + (NCMAP + 1)/2][1] = cmap[(NCMAP - 3)/2 - i][1];
        cmap[i + (NCMAP + 1)/2][2] = cmap[(NCMAP - 3)/2 - i][1];

    Given a colormap and a minimum and maximum value, this function returns the red/green/blue triplet corresponding to val.

    typedef struct {
      unsigned char r, g, b;
    } Color;
    Color colormap_color (double cmap[NCMAP][3], 
    		      double val, double min, double max)
      Color c;
      if (val == nodata) {
        c.r = c.g = c.b = 0; // nodata is black
        return c;
      int i;
      double coef;
      if (max != min)
        val = (val - min)/(max - min);
        val = 0.;
      if (val <= 0.) i = 0, coef = 0.;
      else if (val >= 1.) i = NCMAP - 2, coef = 1.;
      else {
        i = val*(NCMAP - 1);
        coef = val*(NCMAP - 1) - i;
      assert (i >= 0 && i < NCMAP - 1);
      unsigned char * c1 = (unsigned char *) &c;
      for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
        c1[j] = 255*(cmap[i][j]*(1. - coef) + cmap[i + 1][j]*coef);
      return c;

    Image/animation conversion

    The open_image()/close_image() functions use pipes to convert PPM images to other formats, including .mp4, .ogv and .gif animations.

    The functions check whether the ‘ffmpeg’ or ‘convert’ executables are accessible, if they are not the conversion is disabled and the raw PPM images are saved. An extra “.ppm” extension is added to the file name to indicate that this happened.

    static const char * extension (const char * file, const char * ext) {
      int len = strlen(file);
      return len > 4 && !strcmp (file + len - 4, ext) ? file + len - 4 : NULL;
    static const char * is_animation (const char * file) {
      const char * ext;
      if ((ext = extension (file, ".mp4")) ||
          (ext = extension (file, ".ogv")) ||
          (ext = extension (file, ".gif")))
        return ext;
      return NULL;
    static struct {
      FILE ** fp;
      char ** names;
      int n;
    } open_image_data = {NULL, NULL, 0};
    static void open_image_cleanup()
      for (int i = 0; i < open_image_data.n; i++) {
        pclose (open_image_data.fp[i]);
        free (open_image_data.names[i]);
      free (open_image_data.fp);
      free (open_image_data.names);
      open_image_data.fp = NULL;
      open_image_data.names = NULL;
      open_image_data.n = 0;
    static FILE * open_image_lookup (const char * file)
      for (int i = 0; i < open_image_data.n; i++)
        if (!strcmp (file, open_image_data.names[i]))
          return open_image_data.fp[i];
      return NULL;
    static bool which (const char * command)
      char * s = getenv ("PATH");
      if (!s)
        return false;
      char path[strlen(s) + 1];
      strcpy (path, s);
      s = strtok (path, ":");
      while (s) {
        char f[strlen(s) + strlen(command) + 2];
        strcpy (f, s);
        strcat (f, "/");
        strcat (f, command);
        FILE * fp = fopen (f, "r");
        if (fp) {
          fclose (fp);
          return true;
        s = strtok (NULL, ":");
      return false;
    static FILE * ppm_fallback (const char * file, const char * mode)
      char filename[strlen(file) + 5];
      strcpy (filename, file);
      strcat (filename, ".ppm");
      FILE * fp = fopen (filename, mode);
      if (!fp) {
        perror (file);
    #if _MPI
        MPI_Abort (MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
        exit (1);
      return fp;
    FILE * open_image (const char * file, const char * options)
      assert (pid() == 0);
      const char * ext;
      if ((ext = is_animation (file))) {
        FILE * fp = open_image_lookup (file);
        if (fp)
          return fp;
        int len = strlen ("ppm2???    ") + strlen (file) +
          (options ? strlen (options) : 0);
        char command[len];
        strcpy (command, "ppm2"); strcat (command, ext + 1);
        static int has_ffmpeg = -1;
        if (has_ffmpeg < 0) {
          if (which (command) && (which ("ffmpeg") || which ("avconv")))
    	has_ffmpeg = true;
          else {
    	fprintf (ferr,
    		 "open_image(): cannot find '%s' or 'ffmpeg'/'avconv'\n"
    		 "  falling back to raw PPM outputs\n", command);
    	has_ffmpeg = false;
        if (!has_ffmpeg)
          return ppm_fallback (file, "a");
        static bool added = false;
        if (!added) {
          free_solver_func_add (open_image_cleanup);
          added = true;
        qrealloc (open_image_data.names, open_image_data.n, char *);
        open_image_data.names[open_image_data.n - 1] = strdup (file);
        if (options) {
          strcat (command, " ");
          strcat (command, options);
        strcat (command, !strcmp (ext, ".mp4") ? " " : " > ");
        strcat (command, file);
        qrealloc (open_image_data.fp, open_image_data.n, FILE *);
        return open_image_data.fp[open_image_data.n - 1] = popen (command, "w");
      else { // !animation
        static int has_convert = -1;
        if (has_convert < 0) {
          if (which ("convert"))
    	has_convert = true;
          else {
    	fprintf (ferr,
    		 "open_image(): cannot find 'convert'\n"
    		 "  falling back to raw PPM outputs\n");
    	has_convert = false;
        if (!has_convert)
          return ppm_fallback (file, "w");
        int len = strlen ("convert ppm:-   ") + strlen (file) +
          (options ? strlen (options) : 0);
        char command[len];
        strcpy (command, "convert ppm:- ");
        if (options) {
          strcat (command, options);
          strcat (command, " ");
        strcat (command, file);
        return popen (command, "w");
    void close_image (const char * file, FILE * fp)
      assert (pid() == 0);
      if (is_animation (file)) {
        if (!open_image_lookup (file))
          fclose (fp);
      else if (which ("convert"))
        pclose (fp);
        fclose (fp);

    output_ppm(): Portable PixMap (PPM) image output

    Given a field, this function outputs a colormaped representation as a Portable PixMap image.

    If ImageMagick is installed on the system, this image can optionally be converted to any image format supported by ImageMagick.

    The arguments and their default values are:

    a scalar field (compulsory).
    a file pointer. Default is stdout.
    number of pixels. Default is N.
    sets the name of the file used as output for ImageMagick. This allows outputs in all formats supported by ImageMagick. For example, one could use
    output_ppm (f, file = "f.png");

    to get a PNG image.

    min, max
    minimum and maximum values used to define the colorscale. By default these are set automatically using the spread parameter.
    if not specified explicitly, min and max are set to the average of the field minus (resp. plus) spread times the standard deviation. By default spread is five. If negative, the minimum and maximum values of the field are used.
    the z-coordinate (in 3D) of the plane being represented.
    whether to use bilinear or first-order interpolation. Default is first-order.
    the lower-left and upper-right coordinates of the domain to consider. Default is the entire domain.
    if set, this field will be used to mask out (in black), the regions of the domain for which mask is negative.
    the colormap: jet, cool_warm or gray. Default is jet.
    options to pass to ‘convert’ or to the ‘ppm2???’ scripts (used with file).
    void output_ppm (scalar f,
    		 FILE * fp = stdout,
    		 int n = N,
    		 char * file = NULL,
    		 double min = 0, double max = 0, double spread = 5,
    		 double z = 0,
    		 bool linear = false,
    		 coord box[2] = {{X0, Y0}, {X0 + L0, Y0 + L0}},
    		 scalar mask = {-1},
    		 Colormap map = jet,
    		 char * opt = NULL)
      // default values
      if (!min && !max) {
        stats s = statsf (f);
        if (spread < 0.)
          min = s.min, max = s.max;
        else {
          double avg = s.sum/s.volume;
          min = avg - spread*s.stddev; max = avg + spread*s.stddev;
      box[0].z = z, box[1].z = z;
      coord cn = {n}, p;
      double delta = (box[1].x - box[0].x)/n;
      cn.y = (int)((box[1].y - box[0].y)/delta);
      if (((int)cn.y) % 2) cn.y++;
      Color ** ppm = (Color **) matrix_new (cn.y, cn.x, sizeof(Color));
      unsigned char * ppm0 = &ppm[0][0].r;
      int len = 3*cn.x*cn.y;
      memset (ppm0, 0, len*sizeof (unsigned char));
      double cmap[NCMAP][3];
      (* map) (cmap);
    #if _MPI
      foreach_region (p, box, cn, reduction(max:ppm0[:len]))
      foreach_region (p, box, cn)
        double v;
        if (mask.i >= 0) { // masking
          if (linear) {
    	double m = interpolate_linear (point, mask, p.x, p.y, p.z);
    	if (m < 0.)
    	  v = nodata;
    	  v = interpolate_linear (point, f, p.x, p.y, p.z);
          else {
    	if (mask[] < 0.)
    	  v = nodata;
    	  v = f[];
        else if (linear)
          v = interpolate_linear (point, f, p.x, p.y, p.z);
          v = f[];
        int i = (p.x - box[0].x)/(box[1].x - box[0].x)*cn.x;
        int j = (p.y - box[0].y)/(box[1].y - box[0].y)*cn.y;
        Color ** alias = ppm; // so that qcc considers ppm a local variable
        alias[(int)cn.y - 1 - j][i] = colormap_color (cmap, v, min, max);	    
      if (pid() == 0) {
        if (file)
          fp = open_image (file, opt);
        fprintf (fp, "P6\n%g %g 255\n", cn.x, cn.y);
        fwrite (ppm0, sizeof(unsigned char), 3*cn.x*cn.y, fp);
        if (file)
          close_image (file, fp);
          fflush (fp);
      matrix_free (ppm);

    output_grd(): ESRI ASCII Grid format

    The ESRI GRD format is a standard format for importing raster data into GIS systems.

    The arguments and their default values are:

    a scalar field (compulsory).
    a file pointer. Default is stdout.
    size of a grid element. Default is L0/N.
    whether to use bilinear or first-order interpolation. Default is first-order.
    the lower-left and upper-right coordinates of the domain to consider. Default is the entire domain.
    if set, this field will be used to mask out, the regions of the domain for which mask is negative.
    void output_grd (scalar f,
    		 FILE * fp = stdout,
    		 double Delta = L0/N,
    		 bool linear = false,
    		 double box[2][2] = {{X0, Y0}, {X0 + L0, Y0 + L0}},
    		 scalar mask = {-1})
      int nx = (box[1][0] - box[0][0])/Delta;
      int ny = (box[1][1] - box[0][1])/Delta;
      // header
      fprintf (fp, "ncols          %d\n", nx);
      fprintf (fp, "nrows          %d\n", ny);
      fprintf (fp, "xllcorner      %g\n", box[0][0]);
      fprintf (fp, "yllcorner      %g\n", box[0][1]);
      fprintf (fp, "cellsize       %g\n", Delta);
      fprintf (fp, "nodata_value   -9999\n");
      // data
      for (int j = ny-1; j >= 0; j--) {
        double yp = Delta*j + box[0][1] + Delta/2.;
        for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
          double xp = Delta*i + box[0][0] + Delta/2., v;
          if (mask.i >= 0) { // masking
    	double m = interpolate (mask, xp, yp, linear = linear);
    	if (m < 0.)
    	  v = nodata;
    	  v = interpolate (f, xp, yp, linear = linear);
    	v = interpolate (f, xp, yp, linear = linear);
          if (v == nodata)
    	fprintf (fp, "-9999 ");
    	fprintf (fp, "%f ", v);
        fprintf (fp, "\n");
      fflush (fp);

    output_gfs(): Gerris simulation format

    The function writes simulation data in the format used in Gerris simulation files. These files can be read with GfsView.

    The arguments and their default values are:

    a file pointer. Default is stdout or file.
    a list of scalar fields to write. Default is all.
    the name of the file to write to (mutually exclusive with fp).
    whether to replace “well-known” Basilisk variables with their Gerris equivalents.
    static char * replace (const char * input, int target, int with,
    		       bool translate)
      if (translate) {
        if (!strcmp (input, "u.x"))
          return strdup ("U");
        if (!strcmp (input, "u.y"))
          return strdup ("V");
        if (!strcmp (input, "u.z"))
          return strdup ("W");
      char * name = strdup (input), * i = name;
      while (*i != '\0') {
        if (*i == target)
          *i = with;
      return name;
    void output_gfs (FILE * fp = NULL,
    		 scalar * list = NULL,
    		 char * file = NULL,
    		 bool translate = false)
      char * fname = file;
    @if _MPI
    #endif // !MULTIGRID_MPI
      FILE * sfp = fp;
      if (file == NULL) {
        long pid = getpid();
        MPI_Bcast (&pid, 1, MPI_LONG, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        fname = qmalloc (80, char);
        snprintf (fname, 80, ".output-%ld", pid);
        fp = NULL;
    @endif // _MPI
      bool opened = false;
      if (fp == NULL) {
        if (fname == NULL)
          fp = stdout;
        else if (!(fp = fopen (fname, "w"))) {
          perror (fname);
          exit (1);
          opened = true;
      scalar * slist = list ? list : list_copy (all);
      restriction (slist);
      fprintf (fp, 
    	   "1 0 GfsSimulation GfsBox GfsGEdge { binary = 1"
    	   " x = %g y = %g ",
    	   0.5 + X0/L0, 0.5 + Y0/L0);
    #if dimension == 3
      fprintf (fp, "z = %g ", 0.5 + Z0/L0);
      if (slist != NULL && slist[0].i != -1) {
        scalar s = slist[0];
        char * name = replace (, '.', '_', translate);
        fprintf (fp, "variables = %s", name);
        free (name);
        for (int i = 1; i < list_len(slist); i++) {
          scalar s = slist[i];
          if ( {
    	char * name = replace (, '.', '_', translate);
    	fprintf (fp, ",%s", name);
    	free (name);
        fprintf (fp, " ");
      fprintf (fp, "} {\n");
      fprintf (fp, "  Time { t = %g }\n", t);
      if (L0 != 1.)
        fprintf (fp, "  PhysicalParams { L = %g }\n", L0);
      fprintf (fp, "  VariableTracerVOF f\n");
      fprintf (fp, "}\nGfsBox { x = 0 y = 0 z = 0 } {\n");
    @if _MPI
      long header;
      if ((header = ftell (fp)) < 0) {
        perror ("output_gfs(): error in header");
        exit (1);
      int cell_size = sizeof(unsigned) + sizeof(double);
      for (scalar s in slist)
        if (
          cell_size += sizeof(double);
      scalar index = new scalar;
      size_t total_size = header + (z_indexing (index, false) + 1)*cell_size;
      // see gerris/ftt.c:ftt_cell_write()
      //     gerris/domain.c:gfs_cell_write()
      foreach_cell() {
    @if _MPI // fixme: this won't work when combining MPI and mask()
        if (is_local(cell))
    @if _MPI
          if (fseek (fp, header + index[]*cell_size, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
    	perror ("output_gfs(): error while seeking");
    	exit (1);
          unsigned flags = 
    	level == 0 ? 0 :
    #if dimension == 1
    	child.x == 1;
    #elif dimension == 2
          child.x == -1 && child.y == -1 ? 0 :
    	child.x == -1 && child.y ==  1 ? 1 :
    	child.x ==  1 && child.y == -1 ? 2 : 
    #else // dimension == 3
          child.x == -1 && child.y == -1 && child.z == -1  ? 0 :
    	child.x == -1 && child.y == -1 && child.z ==  1  ? 1 :
    	child.x == -1 && child.y ==  1 && child.z == -1  ? 2 : 
    	child.x == -1 && child.y ==  1 && child.z ==  1  ? 3 : 
    	child.x ==  1 && child.y == -1 && child.z == -1 ? 4 :
    	child.x ==  1 && child.y == -1 && child.z ==  1 ? 5 :
    	child.x ==  1 && child.y ==  1 && child.z == -1 ? 6 : 
          if (is_leaf(cell))
    	flags |= (1 << 4);
          fwrite (&flags, sizeof (unsigned), 1, fp);
          double a = -1;
          fwrite (&a, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
          for (scalar s in slist)
    	if ( {
    	  if (s.v.x.i >= 0) {
    	    // this is a vector component, we need to rotate from
    	    // N-ordering (Basilisk) to Z-ordering (Gerris)
    	    // fixme: this does not work for tensors
    #if dimension >= 2
    	    if (s.v.x.i == s.i) {
    	      s = s.v.y;
    	      a = is_local(cell) && s[] != nodata ? s[] : (double) DBL_MAX;
    	    else if (s.v.y.i == s.i) {
    	      s = s.v.x;
    	      a = is_local(cell) && s[] != nodata ? - s[] : (double) DBL_MAX;
    #if dimension >= 3
    	      a = is_local(cell) && s[] != nodata ? s[] : (double) DBL_MAX;
    	    a = is_local(cell) && s[] != nodata ? s[] : (double) DBL_MAX;
    	  fwrite (&a, sizeof (double), 1, fp);
        if (is_leaf(cell))
    @if _MPI
      delete ({index});
      if (!pid() && fseek (fp, total_size, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
        perror ("output_gfs(): error while finishing");
        exit (1);
      if (!pid())
        fputs ("}\n", fp);
      fflush (fp);
      if (!list)
        free (slist);
      if (opened)
        fclose (fp);
    @if _MPI
      if (file == NULL) {
        MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
        if (pid() == 0) {
          if (sfp == NULL)
    	sfp = stdout;
          fp = fopen (fname, "r");
          size_t l;
          unsigned char buffer[8192];
          while ((l = fread (buffer, 1, 8192, fp)) > 0)
    	fwrite (buffer, 1, l, sfp);
          fflush (sfp);
          remove (fname);
        free (fname);
    @endif // _MPI

    dump(): Basilisk snapshots

    This function (together with restore()) can be used to dump/restore entire simulations.

    The arguments and their default values are:

    the name of the file to write to (mutually exclusive with fp). The default is “dump”.
    a list of scalar fields to write. Default is all.
    a file pointer. Default is stdout.
    whether to use a file buffer. Default is false.
    struct DumpHeader {
      double t;
      long len;
      int i, depth, npe, version;
      coord n;
    static const int dump_version =
      // 161020
    static scalar * dump_list (scalar * lista)
      scalar * list = is_constant(cm) ? NULL : list_concat ({cm}, NULL);
      for (scalar s in lista)
        if (!s.face && !s.nodump && s.i != cm.i)
          list = list_add (list, s);
      return list;
    static void dump_header (FILE * fp, struct DumpHeader * header, scalar * list)
      if (fwrite (header, sizeof(struct DumpHeader), 1, fp) < 1) {
        perror ("dump(): error while writing header");
        exit (1);
      for (scalar s in list) {
        unsigned len = strlen(;
        if (fwrite (&len, sizeof(unsigned), 1, fp) < 1) {
          perror ("dump(): error while writing len");
          exit (1);
        if (fwrite (, sizeof(char), len, fp) < len) {
          perror ("dump(): error while writing");
          exit (1);
      double o[4] = {X0,Y0,Z0,L0};
      if (fwrite (o, sizeof(double), 4, fp) < 4) {
        perror ("dump(): error while writing coordinates");
        exit (1);
    @if !_MPI
    void dump (const char * file = "dump",
    	   scalar * list = all,
    	   FILE * fp = NULL,
    	   bool unbuffered = false)
      char * name = NULL;
      if (!fp) {
        name = (char *) malloc (strlen(file) + 2);
        strcpy (name, file);
        if (!unbuffered)
          strcat (name, "~");
        if ((fp = fopen (name, "w")) == NULL) {
          perror (name);
          exit (1);
      assert (fp);
      scalar * dlist = dump_list (list);
      scalar size[];
      scalar * slist = list_concat ({size}, dlist); free (dlist);
      struct DumpHeader header = { t, list_len(slist), iter, depth(), npe(),
    			       dump_version };
      dump_header (fp, &header, slist);
      subtree_size (size, false);
      foreach_cell() {
        unsigned flags = is_leaf(cell) ? leaf : 0;
        if (fwrite (&flags, sizeof(unsigned), 1, fp) < 1) {
          perror ("dump(): error while writing flags");
          exit (1);
        for (scalar s in slist)
          if (fwrite (&s[], sizeof(double), 1, fp) < 1) {
    	perror ("dump(): error while writing scalars");
    	exit (1);
        if (is_leaf(cell))
      free (slist);
      if (file) {
        fclose (fp);
        if (!unbuffered)
          rename (name, file);
        free (name);
    @else // _MPI
    void dump (const char * file = "dump",
    	   scalar * list = all,
    	   FILE * fp = NULL,
    	   bool unbuffered = false)
      if (fp != NULL || file == NULL) {
        fprintf (ferr, "dump(): must specify a file name when using MPI\n");
      char name[strlen(file) + 2];
      strcpy (name, file);
      if (!unbuffered)
        strcat (name, "~");
      FILE * fh = fopen (name, "w");
      if (fh == NULL) {
        perror (name);
        exit (1);    
      scalar * dlist = dump_list (list);
      scalar size[];
      scalar * slist = list_concat ({size}, dlist); free (dlist);
      struct DumpHeader header = { t, list_len(slist), iter, depth(), npe(),
    			       dump_version };
      for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++)
        (&header.n.x)[i] = mpi_dims[i];
      MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
      if (pid() == 0)
        dump_header (fh, &header, slist);
      scalar index = {-1};
      index = new scalar;
      z_indexing (index, false);
      int cell_size = sizeof(unsigned) + header.len*sizeof(double);
      int sizeofheader = sizeof(header) + 4*sizeof(double);
      for (scalar s in slist)
        sizeofheader += sizeof(unsigned) + sizeof(char)*strlen(;
      long pos = pid() ? 0 : sizeofheader;
      subtree_size (size, false);
      foreach_cell() {
        // fixme: this won't work when combining MPI and mask()
        if (is_local(cell)) {
          long offset = sizeofheader + index[]*cell_size;
          if (pos != offset) {
    	fseek (fh, offset, SEEK_SET);
    	pos = offset;
          unsigned flags = is_leaf(cell) ? leaf : 0;
          fwrite (&flags, 1, sizeof(unsigned), fh);
          for (scalar s in slist)
    	fwrite (&s[], 1, sizeof(double), fh);
          pos += cell_size;
        if (is_leaf(cell))
      delete ({index});
      free (slist);
      fclose (fh);
      if (!unbuffered && pid() == 0)
        rename (name, file);
    @endif // _MPI
    bool restore (const char * file = "dump",
    	      scalar * list = NULL,
    	      FILE * fp = NULL)
      if (!fp && (fp = fopen (file, "r")) == NULL)
        return false;
      assert (fp);
      struct DumpHeader header = {0};
      if (fread (&header, sizeof(header), 1, fp) < 1) {
        fprintf (ferr, "restore(): error: expecting header\n");
        exit (1);
    #if TREE
      init_grid (1);
      foreach_cell() { = pid();
        cell.flags |= active;
      tree->dirty = true;
    #else // multigrid
      if (header.npe != npe()) {
        fprintf (ferr,
    	     "restore(): error: the number of processes don't match:"
    	     " %d != %d\n",
    	     header.npe, npe());
        exit (1);
      dimensions (header.n.x, header.n.y, header.n.z);
      double n = header.n.x;
      int depth = header.depth;
      while (n > 1)
        depth++, n /= 2;
      init_grid (1 << depth);
    #else // !MULTIGRID_MPI
      init_grid (1 << header.depth);
    #endif // multigrid
      bool restore_all = (list == all);
      scalar * slist = dump_list (list ? list : all);
      if (header.version == 161020) {
        if (header.len - 1 != list_len (slist)) {
          fprintf (ferr,
    	       "restore(): error: the list lengths don't match: "
    	       "%ld (file) != %d (code)\n",
    	       header.len - 1, list_len (slist));
          exit (1);
      else { // header.version != 161020
        if (header.version != dump_version) {
          fprintf (ferr,
    	       "restore(): error: file version mismatch: "
    	       "%d (file) != %d (code)\n",
    	       header.version, dump_version);
          exit (1);
        scalar * input = NULL;
        for (int i = 0; i < header.len; i++) {
          unsigned len;
          if (fread (&len, sizeof(unsigned), 1, fp) < 1) {
    	fprintf (ferr, "restore(): error: expecting len\n");
    	exit (1);
          char name[len + 1];
          if (fread (name, sizeof(char), len, fp) < 1) {
    	fprintf (ferr, "restore(): error: expecting\n");
    	exit (1);
          name[len] = '\0';
          if (i > 0) { // skip subtree size
    	bool found = false;
    	for (scalar s in slist)
    	  if (!strcmp (, name)) {
    	    input = list_append (input, s);
    	    found = true; break;
    	if (!found) {
    	  if (restore_all) {
    	    scalar s = new scalar;
    	    free (; = strdup (name);
    	    input = list_append (input, s);
    	    input = list_append (input, (scalar){INT_MAX});
        free (slist);
        slist = input;
        double o[4];
        if (fread (o, sizeof(double), 4, fp) < 4) {
          fprintf (ferr, "restore(): error: expecting coordinates\n");
          exit (1);
        origin (o[0], o[1], o[2]);
        size (o[3]);
      long cell_size = sizeof(unsigned) + header.len*sizeof(double);
      long offset = pid()*((1 << dimension*(header.depth + 1)) - 1)/
        ((1 << dimension) - 1)*cell_size;
      if (fseek (fp, offset, SEEK_CUR) < 0) {
        perror ("restore(): error while seeking");
        exit (1);
    #endif // MULTIGRID_MPI
      scalar * listm = is_constant(cm) ? NULL : (scalar *){fm};
    #if TREE && _MPI
      restore_mpi (fp, slist);
      foreach_cell() {
        unsigned flags;
        if (fread (&flags, sizeof(unsigned), 1, fp) != 1) {
          fprintf (ferr, "restore(): error: expecting 'flags'\n");
          exit (1);
        // skip subtree size
        fseek (fp, sizeof(double), SEEK_CUR);
        for (scalar s in slist) {
          double val;
          if (fread (&val, sizeof(double), 1, fp) != 1) {
    	fprintf (ferr, "restore(): error: expecting a scalar\n");
    	exit (1);
          if (s.i != INT_MAX)
    	s[] = val;
        if (!(flags & leaf) && is_leaf(cell))
          refine_cell (point, listm, 0, NULL);
        if (is_leaf(cell))
      for (scalar s in all)
        s.dirty = true;
      scalar * other = NULL;
      for (scalar s in all)
        if (!list_lookup (slist, s) && !list_lookup (listm, s))
          other = list_append (other, s);
      reset (other, 0.);
      free (other);
      free (slist);
      if (file)
        fclose (fp);
      // the events are advanced to catch up with the time  
      while (iter < header.i && events (false))
        iter = inext;
      events (false);
      while (t < header.t && events (false))
        t = tnext;
      t = header.t;
      events (false);
      return true;
    #endif // MULTIGRID