Axisymmetric mass conservation
A standard and a VOF tracer are advected by an axisymmetric flow. The initial interface is a torus which is then advected by the flow illustrated in the figure below. As the torus is flattened against the right-hand-side wall, its cross-sectional surface area decreases but the volume should remain constant.
set size ratio -1
set xlabel 'z'
set ylabel 'r'
plot [-0.5:0.5][0:1]'out' w l t '', 'velo' u 1:2:($3/17.):($4/17.) w vect t ''
#include "axi.h"
#include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
#include "vof.h"
#include "tracer.h"
scalar f[], f1[];
scalar * interfaces = {f}, * tracers = {f1};
int main()
X0 = -0.5;
N = 64;
TOLERANCE = 1e-12 [*];
f1.gradient = minmod2;
u.n[left] = dirichlet(1);
u.t[left] = dirichlet(0);
p[left] = neumann(0);
u.n[top] = neumann(0);
p[top] = dirichlet(0);
pf[top] = dirichlet(0);
#define ellipse(xc, yc, a, b) (sq((x - xc)/(a)) + sq((y - yc)/(b)) - 1.)
event init (i = 0) {
u.x[] = 1.;
fraction (f, - ellipse (0, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1));
fraction (f1, - ellipse (0, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1));
event logfile (i++; t <= 0.8) {
static double sfmin = HUGE, sfmax = -HUGE;
static double sfmin1 = HUGE, sfmax1 = -HUGE;
double s = statsf(f).sum, s1 = statsf(f1).sum;
if (s < sfmin) sfmin = s;
if (s > sfmax) sfmax = s;
if (s1 < sfmin1) sfmin1 = s1;
if (s1 > sfmax1) sfmax1 = s1;
double e = 2.*(sfmax - sfmin)/(sfmax + sfmin);
double e1 = 2.*(sfmax1 - sfmin1)/(sfmax1 + sfmin1);
fprintf (stderr, "%g %.12f %.12f %.10f %.10f\n", t, s, s1, e, e1);
fflush (stderr);
assert (e < 4e-8);
assert (e1 < 5e-5);
event output (t += 0.2; t <= 1.2)
output_facets (f);
event velo (t = end)
output_field ((scalar *){u}, fopen ("velo", "w"), n = 16, linear = true);
#if TREE
#if 0
event gfsview (i++) {
static FILE * fp = popen ("gfsview2D -s test.gfv", "w");
output_gfs (fp);
event adapt (i++) {
double sb = statsf(f).sum;
double sb1 = statsf(f1).sum;
adapt_wavelet ({f1}, (double[]){5e-3}, maxlevel = 6, minlevel = 4);
double sa = statsf(f).sum;
double sa1 = statsf(f1).sum;
// the mass of VOF tracers is not conserved exactly
assert (fabs(sa - sb) < 2e-6);
// the mass of diffusive tracers must be conserved to within round-off
assert (fabs(sa1 - sb1) < 1e-12);