Capillary wave
This is the classical test case first proposed in Popinet & Zaleski, 1999.
We use a constant-resolution grid, the Navier–Stokes solver with VOF interface tracking (optionally coupled with levelset) and surface tension (optionally using the integral formulation).
#include "grid/multigrid.h"
#include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
# include "two-phase-clsvof.h"
# include "integral.h"
# include "curvature.h"
# include "vof.h"
# include "tension.h"
The interface is represented by the volume fraction field c.
scalar f[], * interfaces = {f};
#include "prosperetti.h"
We make sure that the boundary conditions for the face-centered velocity field are consistent with the centered velocity field (this affects the advection term).
uf.n[left] = 0.;
uf.n[right] = 0.;
uf.n[top] = 0.;
uf.n[bottom] = 0.;
We will store the accumulated error in se and the number of samples in ne.
double se = 0; int ne = 0;
int main() {
The domain is 2x2 to minimise finite-size effects. The surface tension is one and the viscosity is constant.
size (2. [1]);
Y0 = -L0/2.;
const scalar sigma[] = 1.;
d.sigmaf = sigma;
f.sigma = 1.;
TOLERANCE = 1e-6 [*];
mu[] = {0.0182571749236, 0.0182571749236};
We vary the resolution to check for convergence.
for (N = 16; N <= 128; N *= 2) {
se = 0, ne = 0;
The initial condition is a small amplitude plane wave of wavelength unity.
event init (t = 0) {
double k = 2., a = 0.01;
d[] = y - a*cos (k*pi*x);
fraction (f, y - a*cos (k*pi*x));
By default tracers are defined at t-\Delta t/2. We use the first keyword to move VOF advection before the amplitude output i.e. at t+\Delta/2. This improves the results.
event vof (i++, first);
We output the amplitude at times matching exactly those in the reference file.
To get an accurate amplitude, we reconstruct interface position (using height functions) and take the corresponding maximum.
scalar pos[];
position (f, pos, {0,1 [0]});
double max = statsf(pos).max;
We output the corresponding evolution in a file indexed with the number of grid points N.
char name[80];
sprintf (name, "wave-%d", N);
static FILE * fp = fopen (name, "w");
fprintf (fp, "%g %g\n", t*11.1366559937, max);
fflush (fp);
To compute the RMS error, we get data from the reference file prosperetti.h and add the difference to the accumulated error.
se += sq(max - prosperetti[ne][1]); ne++;
At the end of the simulation, we output on standard error the resolution (number of grid points per wavelength) and the relative RMS error.
event error (t = end)
fprintf (stderr, "%g %g\n", N/L0, sqrt(se/ne)/0.01);
#if 0
event gfsview (i += 1) {
static FILE * fp = popen ("gfsview2D -s ../capwave.gfv", "w");
output_gfs (fp);
set xlabel 'tau'
set ylabel 'Relative amplitude'
plot '../prosperetti.h' u 2:4 w l t "Prosperetti", \
'wave-128' every 10 w p t "Basilisk", \
'../capwave-clsvof/wave-128' every 10 w p t "Basilisk (CLSVOF)"
Evolution of the amplitude of the capillary wave as a function of non-dimensional time \tau=\omega_0 t (script)
set xlabel 'Number of grid points'
set ylabel 'Relative RMS error'
set logscale y
set logscale x 2
set grid
plot [5:200][1e-4:1]\
'log' t "Basilisk" w lp, 2./x**2 t "Second order", \
'../capwave-clsvof/log' t "Basilisk (CLSVOF)" w lp, \
2./x**2 t "Second order"
Convergence of the RMS error as a function of resolution (number of grid points per wavelength) (script)