Dispersion relations for various models
This test case measures the dependence of the oscillation frequency of a gravity wave of wavenumber k on the water depth h. The corresponding phase velocity c=\omega/k is then compared to the exact linear dispersion relation \displaystyle c_e = \sqrt{gk\tanh(kh)}
More details can be found in Popinet (2020).
We use a 1D grid and either the Green-Naghdi solver or the multi-layer solver.
#include "grid/multigrid1D.h"
#if !ML
#include "green-naghdi.h"
#include "layered/hydro.h"
#include "layered/nh.h"
// necessary for stability at high h0 of the box scheme
#include "layered/remap.h"
double emax = 1.;
double h0 = 0.1;
We initialise a wave of small relative amplitude (10^{-3}) to be in the linear regime. For the multilayer model, we also run a case with three “optimised” non-uniform layer thicknesses.
event init (i = 0)
#if ML
if (nl == 3 && emax == 1.5)
beta[0] = 0.68, beta[1] = 0.265, beta[2] = 0.055;
h[] = beta[point.l]*h0*(1. + 0.001*cos(x));
h[] = h0*(1. + 0.001*cos(x));
The code below locates the time of zero “up-crossing” of the amplitude in the middle of the wave and computes the corresponding averaged wave period.
double Tm = 0., Es = 1., Ee = 1.;
int nm = 0;
event logfile (i++)
double pe = 0., ke = 0.;
#if ML
foreach() {
double H = 0.;
foreach_layer() {
ke += Delta*h[]*(sq(u.x[]) + sq(w[]))/2.;
H += h[];
pe += Delta*G*sq(H - h0)/2.;
foreach() {
int l = 0;
for (vector u in ul)
ke += Delta*layer[l++]*h[]*sq(u.x[])/2.;
pe += Delta*G*sq(h[] - h0)/2.;
#if ML
double H = 0.;
foreach_point (L0/2.)
H += h[];
double H = interpolate (h, L0/2., linear = false);
double dh = (H - h0)/h0;
#if 0
static FILE * fp = fopen ("timeseries", "w");
char name[80];
sprintf (name, "w%d", nl - 1);
scalar w = lookup_field (name);
fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g %g %g\n", t/(2.*pi/sqrt(tanh(h0))),
H - h0, dh, ke, pe);
static double told = 0., hold = 0., eold = 0., tsold = -1;
if (i == 0) {
Tm = 0., nm = 0;
Es = 0.;
told = 0., hold = 0., tsold = -1;
else {
if (i > 1 && hold < 0. && dh > 0.) {
// this is an (upward) zero-crossing at time ts
double ts = told - hold*(t - told)/(dh - hold);
Ee = eold - hold*(ke + pe - eold)/(dh - hold);
if (Es == 0.)
Es = Ee;
// fprintf (fp, "ts %g 0 %g\n", ts, Ee);
if (tsold > 0. && nm < 4) {
// we average the periods
Tm += ts - tsold;
tsold = ts;
told = t;
hold = dh;
eold = ke + pe;
After 9.25 (exact) wave periods, we dump the vertical velocity profiles.
#if ML
event profile (t = 9.25*2.*pi/sqrt(tanh(h0)))
if (nl == 5) {
char name[80];
sprintf (name, "profile-%g", h0);
FILE * fp = fopen (name, "w");
foreach_point (L0/2.) {
double zl = zb[];
foreach_layer() {
fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g\n", zl + h[]/2., w[], phi[]);
zl += h[];
fclose (fp);
#endif // ML
After ten (exact) wave periods, we stop and dump the solution.
event dumps (t = 10.*2.*pi/sqrt(tanh(h0))) // ten wave periods
FILE * fp = fopen ("prof", "w");
fprintf (fp, "x");
for (scalar s in all)
fprintf (fp, " %s",;
fprintf (fp, "\n");
foreach() {
fprintf (fp, "%g", x);
for (scalar s in all)
fprintf (fp, " %g", s[]);
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fclose (fp);
#if 0
event movie (i += 1) {
static FILE * fp = popen ("gnuplot 2> /dev/null", "w");
if (i == 0)
fputs ("set term x11\n", fp);
fprintf (fp,
"set title 'nl = %d, h0 = %g, t = %.2f'\n"
"unset key\n"
"p []'-' u 1:4 w l, '' u 1:6 w l, '' u 1:8 w l, '' u 1:10 w l\n",
// "p []'-' u 1:2 w l\n",
nl, h0, t);
foreach() {
double etap = zb[];
etap += h[];
fprintf (fp, "%g %g", x, eta[] - etap);
// eta[] = etap;
fprintf (fp, " %g %g", h[], u.x[]);
fprintf (fp, "\n");
fprintf (fp, "e\n\n");
fflush (fp);
fprintf (stderr, "%g %g\n", t, statsf(eta).max);
We output the wave period and relative energy variation and compute the relative error emax
event end (t = end)
fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g %g %d %d %d\n",
h0, sqrt(tanh(h0)), 2.*pi/(Tm/nm), (Ee - Es)/Es,
#if !ML
mgD.i, mgD.nrelax
mgp.i, mgp.nrelax
, i);
fflush (stderr);
emax = 2.*pi/(Tm/nm)/sqrt(tanh(h0));
We run for several numbers of layers and many water depths, stopping when the error becomes too large.
int main()
periodic (right);
size (2.*pi);
DT = HUGE [0]; // dimensionless time
N = 128;
#if ML
CFL_H = 0.5;
linearised = true;
#if 1
for (nl = 1; nl <= 5; nl++)
nl = 1;
char name[80];
sprintf (name, "log-%d", nl);
freopen (name, "w", stderr);
emax = 1.;
DT = 2.*pi/sqrt(tanh(h0))/200.;
#if 1
for (h0 = 0.1; h0 <= 100. && emax > 0.96; h0 *= 1.3)
h0 = 0.37;
#if 1
freopen ("log-opt", "w", stderr);
nl = 3;
emax = 1.;
for (h0 = 0.1; h0 <= 100. && emax > 0.96; h0 *= 1.3) {
emax = 1.5;
alpha_d = 1.159;
for (h0 = 0.1; h0 <= 100. && emax > 0.96 && emax < 1.04; h0 *= 1.2)
Note that the standard Green-Naghdi model has a [2,2] Padé approximant dispersion relation (see e.g. Clamond et al. (2017)). The same as Nwogu (1993). Here we used the optimized version of Chazel et al. (2011).
The discrete dispersion relations can be computed using this Maxima script.
g = 1.
k = 1.
set xlabel 'kH'
set ylabel 'c/c_e'
set key bottom left
set xr [0.1:100]
set yr [0.96:1.04]
set logscale x
set grid
plot omega1_keller(x)/sqrt(tanh(x)) t '1 layer', \
'log-1' u ($1):($3/sqrt(tanh($1))) t '' pt 5, \
omega2_keller(x/2.,x/2.)/sqrt(tanh(x)) t '2 layers', \
'log-2' u ($1):($3/sqrt(tanh($1))) t '' pt 6, \
omega3_keller(x/3.,x/3.,x/3.)/sqrt(tanh(x)) t '3 layers', \
'log-3' u ($1):($3/sqrt(tanh($1))) t '' pt 9, \
omega4_keller(x/4.,x/4.,x/4.,x/4.)/sqrt(tanh(x)) t '4 layers', \
'log-4' u ($1):($3/sqrt(tanh($1))) t '' pt 10, \
omega5_keller(x/5.,x/5.,x/5.,x/5.,x/5.)/sqrt(tanh(x)) t '5 layers', \
'log-5' u ($1):($3/sqrt(tanh($1))) t '' pt 13, \
omega3_keller(0.68*x,0.265*x,0.055*x)/sqrt(tanh(x)) \
t 'Optimised 3 layers' lc 0, \
'log-opt' u ($1):($3/sqrt(tanh($1))) t '' pt 14 lc 0, \
omega_gn(1,x)/sqrt(tanh(x)) t 'Green-Naghdi (1 layer)' lc 4, \
'../dispersion-gn/log' u ($1):($3/sqrt(tanh($1))) pt 15 t ''
Dispersion relation (script)
set ylabel 'Energy variation per period (%)'
set yr [*:*]
set key top left
plot 'log-1' u ($1):($4*10.) t '1 layer' pt 5 lt 2, \
'log-2' u ($1):($4*10.) t '2 layers' pt 6 lt 4, \
'log-3' u ($1):($4*10.) t '3 layers' pt 9 lt 6, \
'log-4' u ($1):($4*10.) t '4 layers' pt 10 lt 8, \
'log-5' u ($1):($4*10.) t '5 layers' pt 13 lt 10, \
'log-opt' u ($1):($4*10.) t 'Optimised 3 layers' pt 14 lc 0, \
'../dispersion-gn/log' u ($1):($4*10.) pt 15 lt 14 t 'Optimised Green-Naghdi'
Relative energy evolution (script)
g = 1
k = 1
A = 1e-3
omega(H) = sqrt(g*H*k**2*tanh(k*H)/(k*H))
wmax(H) = A*H*g*k/omega(H)*sinh(k*H)/cosh(k*H)
ws(x,z,t,H) = - A*H*g*k/omega(H)*sinh(k*z)/cosh(k*H)*sin(omega(H)*t - k*x)
set xlabel 'z/H'
set ylabel 'w/w_{max}'
set key top left
range = "1.06045 2.32981 5.11859 24.7065"
plot [0:1][:1] \
for [H in range] \
ws(pi,x*H,9.25*2.*pi/omega(H),H)/wmax(H) w l t 'kH = '.H, \
for [H in range] \
'profile-'.H u ($1/H):($2/wmax(H)) w p t ''
Vertical profiles of vertical velocity at t=37/4T (script)
[clamond2017] |
Didier Clamond, Denys Dutykh, and Dimitrios Mitsotakis. Conservative modified serre–green–naghdi equations with improved dispersion characteristics. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 45:245–257, 2017. |
[chazel2011] |
Florent Chazel, David Lannes, and Fabien Marche. Numerical simulation of strongly nonlinear and dispersive waves using a green–naghdi model. Journal of Scientific Computing, 48(1-3):105–116, 2011. |
[nwogu1993] |
Okey Nwogu. Alternative form of boussinesq equations for nearshore wave propagation. Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering, 119(6):618–638, 1993. |