Entrainment case from GOTM
See the GOTM web site and section 12.1.4 of the GOTM manual.
“The entrainment scenario is ideally suited to benchmark the model performance in stress-driven entrainment situations against available experiments (see Umlauf and Burchard, 2005) The results shown in the figure below illustrate that after the onset of the constant surface stress in the x-direction, a thin near-surface layer is accelerated (top figure), and slowly entrains into the stratified, non-turbulent interior region. Shear-driven turbulence in this region is mirrored in the large turbulent diffusivities shown in the third figure, which generate a nearly well-mixed surface layer that is separated from the interior by a pycnocline of gradually increasing strength (second figure).”
set term PNG size 800,400
set output 'u.png'
set pm3d map interpolate 4,4
# the matlab 'parula' colormap
set palette defined (0 '#352a87',1 '#0363e1',2 '#1485d4',3 '#06a7c6',\
4 '#38b99e',5 '#92bf73',6 '#d9ba56',7 '#fcce2e',8 '#f9fb0e')
set cbrange [0:0.45]
set ylabel 'z (m)'
set xlabel 'time (hours)'
set xrange [0:24]
set yrange [-35:0]
splot 'kepsilon' u ($1/3600.):2:3

Evolution of the horizontal velocity (m/s) (script)
set output 'N2.png'
set cbrange [*:*]
splot 'kepsilon' u ($1/3600.):2:($5*1e4)

Evolution of the squared buoyancy frequency N^2 (s-2) (x 104) (script)
set output 'nut.png'
set cbrange [-6:-2.5]
splot 'kepsilon' u ($1/3600.):2:(log10($6))

Evolution of the (log of the) turbulent diffusivity \nu_t^h (m2/s) (script)
[gotm] |
Lars Umlauf, Hans Burchard, and Karsten Bolding. GOTM Source Code and Test Case Documentation, version 4 edition, 2018. [ .pdf ] |
[umlauf2005] |
Lars Umlauf and Hans Burchard. Second-order turbulence closure models for geophysical boundary layers. a review of recent work. Continental Shelf Research, 25(7):795 – 827, 2005. [ DOI ] |
[price1979] |
James F. Price. On the scaling of stress-driven entrainment experiments. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 90(3):509–529, 1979. [ DOI ] |
#include "grid/multigrid.h"
#include "layered/hydro.h"
#include "layered/gotm.h"
We add the temperature field for each layer.
The code runs with three different turbulence models (which give very similar results).
char * casename;
FILE * casefp = NULL;
int main()
periodic (right);
size (10e3);
G = 9.81;
N = 1;
nl = 100;
The surface wind stress is constant.
airsea_tau[] = { 0.1027 };
meanflow_maxitz0b = 1; // default = 10
Turbulence mode setup
The generic mixing length model
// generic.xml
turbulence_alpha = 0.256; // default = 0
turbulence_turb_method = 3; // default = 2
turbulence_len_scale_method = 10; // default = 8
turbulence_stab_method = 1; // default = 3
turbulence_compute_kappa = 1; // default = 0
turbulence_compute_c3 = 1; // default = 0
turbulence_gen_m = 1; // default = 1.5
turbulence_gen_n = -0.67; // default = -1
turbulence_cpsi1 = 1; // default = 1.44
turbulence_cpsi2 = 1.22; // default = 1.92
turbulence_sig_kpsi = 0.8; // default = 1
turbulence_sig_psi = 1.07; // default = 1.3
#if 1 // necessary for all models
turbulence_k_min = 1e-10; // default = 1e-08
turbulence_eps_min = 1e-14; // default = 1e-12
turbulence_kb_min = 1e-10; // default = 1e-08
turbulence_epsb_min = 1e-14; // default = 1e-12
turbulence_scnd_method = 2; // default = 0
turbulence_kb_method = 1; // default = 0
turbulence_epsb_method = 1; // default = 0
turbulence_scnd_coeff = 5; // default = 0
turbulence_cc1 = 5; // default = 0
turbulence_cc2 = 0.8; // default = 0
turbulence_cc3 = 1.968; // default = 0
turbulence_cc4 = 1.136; // default = 0
turbulence_cc6 = 0.4; // default = 0
turbulence_ct1 = 5.95; // default = 0
turbulence_ct2 = 0.6; // default = 0
turbulence_ct3 = 1; // default = 0
turbulence_ct5 = 0.3333; // default = 0
turbulence_ctt = 0.72; // default = 0
turbulence_nuhiw = 1e-05; // default = 5e-05
casename = "generic";
casefp = fopen (casename, "w");
The k-\epsilon model
// kepsilon.xml
turbulence_alpha = 0; // default = 0
turbulence_turb_method = 3; // default = 2
turbulence_len_scale_method = 8; // default = 8
turbulence_stab_method = 1; // default = 3
turbulence_compute_kappa = 1; // default = 0
turbulence_compute_c3 = 1; // default = 0
turbulence_gen_m = 1.5; // default = 1.5
turbulence_gen_n = -1; // default = -1
// turbulence_gen_p = 3; // default = 3
turbulence_cpsi1 = 1.44; // default = 1.44
turbulence_cpsi2 = 1.92; // default = 1.92
turbulence_sig_k = 1;
turbulence_sig_kpsi = 1; // default = 1
turbulence_sig_psi = 1.3; // default = 1.3
turbulence_cpsi3plus = 0; // default = 1
turbulence_gen_d = -1.087; // default = -1.2
turbulence_gen_alpha = -4.97; // default = -2
turbulence_gen_l = 0.09; // default = 0.2
casefp = fopen ("kepsilon", "w");
casename = "kepsilon";
casefp = fopen (casename, "w");
The k-\omega model
// komega.xml
turbulence_alpha = 0.256; // default = 0
turbulence_turb_method = 3; // default = 2
turbulence_len_scale_method = 10; // default = 8
turbulence_stab_method = 1; // default = 3
turbulence_compute_kappa = 1; // default = 0
turbulence_compute_c3 = 1; // default = 0
turbulence_gen_m = 0.5; // default = 1.5
turbulence_gen_p = -1; // default = 3
turbulence_cpsi1 = 0.55555; // default = 1.44
turbulence_cpsi2 = 0.83333; // default = 1.92
turbulence_sig_kpsi = 2; // default = 1
turbulence_sig_psi = 2; // default = 1.3
turbulence_gen_alpha = -2.53; // default = -2
turbulence_gen_l = 0.25; // default = 0.2
casename = "komega";
casefp = fopen (casename, "w");
Initial conditions
A constant temperature stratification with buoyancy frequency N^2 = 10^{-4} s^{-2}, starting at 20^\circC and with a constant background salinity of 20 psu.
The depth is 50 metres and the layers are equal thickness.
event init (i = 0)
foreach() {
zb[] = -50.;
h[] = 50./nl;
constant_NNT (20, 0, 1e-4, T);
The timestep is set to 60 seconds.
event timestep (t += 60);
void profile (FILE * fp)
foreach() {
double z = zb[];
fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g %g %g %g\n", t, z + h[]/2.,
u.x[], T[],
meanflow_nn.a[point.l + 1], turbulence_nuh.a[point.l + 1]),
z += h[];
fprintf (fp, "\n");
event profiles (t += 240)
profile (casefp);
event end (t = 24*3600) {
fprintf (stderr, "# %s\n", casename);
profile (stderr);