
    A range of GPU tests

    #include "grid/multigrid.h"
    #include "utils.h"
    scalar s[], s1[];
    vector v[];
    void variable_list (scalar * list)
      foreach() {
        int i = 0;
        for (scalar s in list)
          s[] = 13 + i++;
    double myfunc2 (double x)
      return x;
    double myfunc (double x)
      return myfunc2 (x);
    void myfunc3 (double * a)
      *a += 2;
    void myfunc4 (Point point, scalar a, (const) scalar b)
      a[] = b[];
    double myfunc5 (double x)
      return x*x;
    void myfunc6 (Point point, scalar s)
      s[] = v.x[];
    double vv = 3;
    void myfunc7 (Point point, scalar s, double a)
      s[] = a/vv;
    void myfunc8 (scalar s)
        s[] = 0;
    attribute {
      double (* func) (double x);
    int main (int argc, char * argv[])
      size (1[0]);
      init_grid (1);
    #if 0  
      gpu_limits (stderr);


      reset ({s}, 1);
      reset ({s1}, 2);
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "0) %g %g\n", s[], s1[]);

    Check input/output for vector fields

        v.x[] = 1., v.y[] = 2.;
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "1) v.x: %g v.y: %g\n", v.x[], v.y[]);
        v.x[] += 1., v.y[] += 2.;
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "2) v.x: %g v.y: %g\n", v.x[], v.y[]);

    Check consistent writes to individual texture components

        v.y[] = 3; // v.x[] should not be modified
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "3) v.x: %g v.y: %g\n", v.x[], v.y[]);

    Check consistent CPU copies of individual texture components

      foreach (cpu)
        v.x[] = 4.;
        v.x[] += v.y[];
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "4) v.x: %g v.y: %g\n", v.x[], v.y[]);

    Check for “no inputs”

        scalar a[], b[];
        foreach() {
          a[] = 1.;
          b[] = 3. - a[];
        foreach (serial)
          fprintf (stderr, "5) %g %g\n", a[], b[]);

    A simple array

        double array[2] = {1.,2.};
        foreach() {
          s[] = array[0];
          s1[] = array[1];
        foreach (serial)
          fprintf (stderr, "6) %g %g\n", s[], s1[]);

    A “variable-size” array

        int nl = 2;
        double array[nl];
        array[0] = 3.; array[1] = 4.;
        foreach() {
          s[] = array[0];
          s1[] = array[1];
        foreach (serial)
          fprintf (stderr, "7) %g %g\n", s[], s1[]);

    List of scalars

      scalar * list = {s, s1};
      foreach() {
        scalar a = list[0], b = list[1];
        a[] = 5., b[] = 6.;
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "8) %g %g\n", s[], s1[]);
        s1[] = 7;
      foreach() {
        scalar a = list[0], b = list[1];
        a[] = b[];
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "9) %g %g\n", s[], s1[]);

    List of vectors

        vector v[], v1[];
        vector * list = {v, v1};
        foreach() {
          vector a = list[0], b = list[1];
    	a.x[] = 5., b.x[] = 6.;
        foreach (serial)
          fprintf (stderr, "10) %g %g %g %g\n", v.x[], v.y[], v1.x[], v1.y[]);

    For (scalar in …)

        for (scalar s in list)
          s[] = 12;
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "11) %g %g\n", s[], s1[]);

    A list with a single element

      scalar * single = {s};
        for (scalar s in single)
          s[] = 12;

    An empty list

      scalar * empty = NULL;
      foreach() {
        s1[] = 1.;
        for (scalar s in empty)
          s[] = 12;

    For (s,v in list1,list2)

        vector v[], v1[];
        vector * list = {v, v1};
        scalar * list1 = {s, s1};
        foreach() {
          scalar s;
          vector v;
          for (s, v in list1, list) {
    	s[] = 1;
    	v.x[] = 2, v.y[] = 3;
        foreach (serial)
          fprintf (stderr, "12) %g %g %g %g %g %g\n", v.x[], v.y[], v1.x[], v1.y[], s[], s1[]);

    Lists of variable length

    This is not trivial to handle on GPUs since they do not allow for dynamic memory allocation. The solution is to use a different (compiled) static function for each list length…

      variable_list ({s, s1});
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "13) %g %g\n", s[], s1[]);
      variable_list ({s1, s});
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "14) %g %g\n", s[], s1[]);
      scalar s2[];
      variable_list ({s, s1, s2});
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "15) %g %g %g\n", s[], s1[], s2[]);

    Functions with “inout” parameters

      foreach() {
        double b = 0;
        myfunc3 (&b);
        myfunc3 (&b);
        s[] = b;
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "16) %g\n", s[]);

    Constant fields and point functions

        s[] = 1.;
        myfunc4 (point, s1, s);
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "17) %g %g\n", s[], s1[]);
      const scalar c[] = 2;
        myfunc4 (point, s1, c);
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "18) %g %g\n", s1[], c[]);


        s[] = s.block + (s.nodump ? 1 : 0);
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "19) %g\n", s[]);

    Function pointers

      double (* myfuncp) (double x) = myfunc;
        s[] = myfuncp (1.);
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "20) %g\n", s[]);
        s.func = myfunc;
        s1.func = myfunc5;
        scalar * list = {s, s1};
          for (scalar s in list)
    	s[] = s.func (2);
        foreach (serial)
          fprintf (stderr, "21) %g %g\n", s[], s1[]);
      s.gradient = minmod2;
        if (s.gradient != NULL && s.gradient != zero)
          s1[] = s.gradient (s[-1], s[], s[1])/Delta;


      init_grid (16);
        s[] = myfunc (x);
      stats sf = statsf (s);
      fprintf (stderr, "22) %g %g %g\n", sf.min, sf.sum, sf.max);


      init_grid (2);
      origin (-0.5, -0.5);
        s[] = 0.;
      for (double xp = - 0.24; xp < 0.5; xp += 0.5)
        for (double yp = - 0.24; yp < 0.5; yp += 0.5)
          foreach_point (xp, yp)
    	s[] = (x + y) - (xp + yp);
      foreach (serial)
        fprintf (stderr, "23) %g %g %g\n", x, y, s[]);
      origin (0, 0);


    This also tests foreach_point() and reductions.

        s[] = x*y;
      fprintf (stderr, "24) %g %g\n",
    	   interpolate (s, 0.5, 0.5, linear = false),
    	   interpolate (s, 0.5, 0.5, linear = true));

    foreach_vertex() coordinates

        vertex scalar a[], b[];
          a[] = x, b[] = y;
        foreach (serial)
          fprintf (stderr, "25) %g %g\n", a[], b[]);

    Reduction on faces

        face vector f[];
        double max = 0., sum = 0.;
        foreach_face (reduction(max:max) reduction(+:sum)) {
          f.x[] = f.x[]; // so that the loop is done on GPUs
          if (x > max) max = x;
          sum += x;
        fprintf (stderr, "26) %g %g\n", sum, max);
        max = 0., sum = 0.;
        foreach_face (x, reduction(max:max) reduction(+:sum)) {
          f.x[] = f.x[]; // so that the loop is done on GPUs
          if (x > max) max = x;
          sum += x;
        fprintf (stderr, "26a) %g %g\n", sum, max);
        max = 0., sum = 0.;
        foreach_face (y, reduction(max:max) reduction(+:sum)) {
          f.x[] = f.x[]; // so that the loop is done on GPUs
          if (x > max) max = x;
          sum += x;
        fprintf (stderr, "26b) %g %g\n", sum, max);
        init_grid (512);
        max = 0., sum = 0.;
        foreach_face (reduction(max:max) reduction(+:sum)) {
          f.x[] = f.x[]; // so that the loop is done on GPUs
          if (x > max) max = x;
          sum += x;
        fprintf (stderr, "26c) %g %g\n", sum, max);

    Reduction on vertices

        vertex scalar s[];
        double max = 0., sum = 0.;
        foreach_vertex (reduction(max:max) reduction(+:sum)) {
          s[] = s[]; // so that the loop is done on GPUs
          if (x > max) max = x;
          sum += x;
        fprintf (stderr, "26d) %g %g\n", sum, max);


        init_grid (1);
        vertex scalar a[];
        foreach() {
          double b = a[]; b = b; // fixme: a needs to be used
          v.x[] = a.d.x, v.y[] = a.d.y;
        foreach (serial)
          fprintf (stderr, "27) %g %g\n", v.x[], v.y[]);


        init_grid (16);
        reset ({s}, 31.);
        foreach_level (2)
          s[] = x*y;
        foreach_level (2, serial)
          fprintf (stderr, "28) %g %g %g\n", x, y, s[]);
        boundary_level ({s}, 2);
        scalar g[];
        foreach_level_or_leaf (2)
          g[] = s[] - s[-1];
        foreach_level (2, serial)
          fprintf (stderr, "29) %g %g %g %g\n", x, y, g[], s[-1]);
        foreach_coarse_level (1) {
          double sum = 0.;
    	sum += s[];
          s[] = sum/(1 << dimension);
        foreach_level (1, serial)
          fprintf (stderr, "30) %g %g %g\n", x, y, s[]);
        foreach_level (3)
          s[] = bilinear (point, s);
        foreach_level (3, serial)
          fprintf (stderr, "31) %g %g %g\n", x, y, s[]);
          s[] = x*y;
        restriction ({s});
        foreach_level (2, serial)
          fprintf (stderr, "32) %g %g %g\n", x, y, s[]);

    Boundary conditions on faces

        init_grid (4);
        face vector uf[];
        uf.n[left] = x;
        uf.n[right] = x;
        uf.n[top] = y;
        uf.n[bottom] = y;
          uf.x[] = (x + 1)*(y + 1);
        foreach_face (x, serial)
          fprintf (stderr, "33) %g %g %g %g %g\n", x, y, uf.x[], uf.x[0,1], uf.x[0,-1]);
        foreach_face (y, serial)
          fprintf (stderr, "34) %g %g %g %g %g\n", x, y, uf.y[], uf.y[1], uf.y[-1]);    

    Local and global variables

        scalar v[]; // same name as the global vector field 'v' above
        double vv = 2; // same name as the global double above
        foreach() {
          myfunc6 (point, v);
          myfunc7 (point, v, vv);

    Changing boundary conditions

        init_grid (1);
        reset ({s, s1}, 1);
        s[left] = neumann (0);
        myfunc8 (s);
        foreach (serial)
          assert (s[-1] == 0);
        s[left] = 1;
        myfunc8 (s);
        foreach (serial)
          assert (s[-1] == 1);

    Other tests

      init_grid (argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 64);
      //  periodic (right);
      //  periodic (top);
      size (2.*pi);
      double a = 1., b = 1.;
        s1[] = s[] = cos(a*x)*cos(b*y);
      scalar p[], tmp[];
      reset ({p}, 0.);
      timer t = timer_start();
      int iter;
      for (iter = 0; iter < 40000*64/N; iter++) {

    There are two versions: the first one uses an explicit temporary field to avoid concurrent read/write accesses to ‘p’.

    The second one uses concurrent read/write accesses, which usually does not work well on the GPU but works OK on the CPU. This is because in this case the convergence rate of the relaxation depends on the order of traversal of the cells, which will be different between the GPU and the CPU.

    #if 1    
          tmp[] = (p[1] + p[-1] + p[0,1] + p[0,-1] - s[]*sq(Delta))/4.;
        swap (scalar, tmp, p);
          p[] = (p[1] + p[-1] + p[0,1] + p[0,-1] - s[]*sq(Delta))/4.;
    #if _GPU
      glFinish(); // make sure rendering is done on the GPU
      double elapsed = timer_elapsed (t);
      fprintf (stdout, "N: %d elapsed: %g speed: %g\n",
    	   N, elapsed, grid->tn*iter/elapsed);
      stats sp = statsf (p);
      fprintf (stderr, "sp: %g %.5f %g\n", sp.min, fabs(sp.sum), sp.max);
    #if 0
      foreach (serial)
        printf ("%g %g %g %g\n", x, y, p[], s1[]);
      output_ppm (p, file = "p.png", n = 512, spread = -1);
      output_ppm (s1, file = "s1.png", n = 512, spread = -1);