Viscous hydraulic Jump
We want to reproduce the hydraulic jump of Higuera (1994).
#include "grid/cartesian1D.h"
#include "saint-venant.h"
int main() {
X0 = 0.14;
L0 = 1. - X0;
G = 1.;
N = 128;
nl = 15;
nu = 1.;
We impose boundary condition for h and \eta.
h[left] = dirichlet (.2);
eta[left] = dirichlet (.2);
h[right] = dirichlet (0.02);
eta[right] = dirichlet (0.02);
We define a scalar field hc to check for convergence on h.
We set a constant velocity at the inlet and a free outlet.
for (vector u in ul) {
u.n[left] = 5.5;
u.n[right] = neumann(0.);
We initialize h and hc.
hc[] = h[] = 0.2;
We check for convergence.
event logfile (t += 0.1; i <= 10000) {
double dh = change (h, hc);
printf ("%g %g\n", t, dh);
if (i > 0 && dh < 1e-5)
return 1;
We print the elevation and the stress.
event output (t = end) {
vector u0 = ul[0];
fprintf (stderr, "%g %g %g\n", x, eta[], 2.*u0.x[]/(h[]/nl));
X0 = 169
X1 = 604
Y0 = 222.24
Y1 = 528
unset tics
plot [0:][0:605] 'higuera.png' binary filetype=png with rgbimage not, \
'log' u (X0+$1*(X1-X0)):($2/2*(Y1-Y0)+Y0) t 'h' w l, \
'' u (X0+$1*(X1-X0)):($5/15*(Y1-Y0)+Y0) t 'tau' w l
Comparison with Figure 2 of Higuera (1994). (script)
- Higuera, F. 1994. The hydraulic jump in a viscous laminar flow. J. Fluid Mech. 274, 69–92.