
    Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation

    Duchemin et Eggers, 2014, section 6 propose to use their “Explicit-Implicit-Null” method to solve the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky equation \displaystyle \partial_t u = -u \partial_x u - \partial^2_x u - \partial^4_x u while avoiding the stringent explicit timestep restriction due to the fourth derivative.

    In this example we show that this can also be done using the implicit multigrid solver.

    #include "grid/multigrid1D.h"
    #include "solve.h"

    This is the simple explicit discretisation (which is not used).

    void solve_explicit (scalar u, double dt)
      scalar du[];
        du[] = - u[]*(u[1] - u[-1])/(2.*Delta)
          - (u[-1] - 2.*u[] + u[1])/sq(Delta)
          - (u[-2] - 4.*u[-1] + 6.*u[] - 4.*u[1] + u[2])/sq(sq(Delta));
        u[] += dt*du[];
    int main()

    We reproduce the same test case as in section 6.2 of Duchemin & Eggers.

      init_grid (512);
      L0 = 32.*pi;
      periodic (right);
      scalar u[];
        u[] = cos(x/16.)*(1. + sin(x/16.));

    The timestep is set to 0.1, which is significantly larger than that in Duchemin & Eggers (0.014).

      double dt = 1e-1;
      //  double dt = 1.4e-4;
      int i = 0;
      TOLERANCE = 1e-6;
      for (double t = 0; t <= 150; t += dt, i++) {
        if (i % 1 == 0) {
    	fprintf (stdout, "%g %g %g\n", t, x, u[]);
          fputs ("\n", stdout);
        scalar b[];
          b[] = u[] - dt*u[]*(u[1] - u[-1])/(2.*Delta);
        solve (u,
    	   u[] + dt*(u[-1] - 2.*u[] + u[1])/sq(Delta)
    	   + dt*(u[-2] - 4.*u[-1] + 6.*u[] - 4.*u[1] + u[2])/sq(sq(Delta)),
        fprintf (stderr, "%g %d\n", t, solve_stats.i);
        //    solve_explicit (u, dt);

    The result can be compared to Figure 8 of Duchemin & Eggers.

    set term PNG enhanced font ",10"
    set output 'sol.png'
    set pm3d map
    set xlabel 'x'
    set ylabel 't'
    set xrange [100:0]
    set yrange [0:150]
    splot 'out' u 2:1:3
    Solution of the Kuramoto–Sivashinski equation (script)

    Solution of the Kuramoto–Sivashinski equation (script)



    Laurent Duchemin and Jens Eggers. The explicit–implicit–null method: Removing the numerical instability of pdes. Journal of Computational Physics, 263:37–52, 2014. [ .pdf ]