Lid-driven cavity at Re=1000
We use the multigrid implementation (rather than the default tree implementation) and either the MAC or the centered Navier–Stokes solver.
#include "grid/multigrid.h"
#if MAC
# include "navier-stokes/mac.h"
# include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
Here we define the domain geometry: a square box of size unity centered on (0,0). We also set the viscosity and some parameters controlling the numerical scheme.
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
// coordinates of lower-left corner
origin (-0.5, -0.5);
// number of grid points
init_grid (argc > 1 ? atoi (argv[1]) : 64);
// viscosity
#if MAC
nu = 1e-3;
mu[] = {1e-3,1e-3};
// maximum timestep
DT = 0.1 [0,1];
// CFL number
CFL = 0.8;
We then call the run()
method of the Navier–Stokes solver.
The default boundary conditions are symmetry (i.e. slip walls). We need no-slip on three boundaries and u=1 on the top boundary i.e.
u.t[top] = dirichlet(1);
For the other no-slip boundaries this gives
u.t[bottom] = dirichlet(0);
u.t[left] = dirichlet(0);
u.t[right] = dirichlet(0);
For the colocated solver, imposing boundary conditions for the normal components of the (face-centered) advection velocity improves the results. Ideally, this should be done automatically by the solver.
#if !MAC
uf.n[left] = 0;
uf.n[right] = 0;
uf.n[top] = 0;
uf.n[bottom] = 0;
We define an auxilliary function which computes the total kinetic energy. The function works both for face and centered discretisations of the velocity.
static double energy()
double se = 0.;
if (u.x.face)
se += (sq(u.x[] + u.x[1,0]) + sq(u.y[] + u.y[0,1]))/8.*sq(Delta);
else // centered
se += (sq(u.x[]) + sq(u.y[]))/2.*sq(Delta);
return se;
We add an option to restore the simulation from a previous dump.
We want the simulation to stop when we are close to steady state. To do this we store the u.x
field of the previous timestep in an auxilliary variable un
scalar un[];
Every 0.1 time units we check whether u has changed by more than 10-5. If it has not, the event returns 1 which stops the simulation. We also output the evolution of the kinetic energy on standard error.
event logfile (t += 0.1; i <= 10000) {
double du = change (u.x, un);
if (i > 0 && du < 1e-5)
return 1; /* stop */
fprintf (stderr, "%f %.4g %.3g\n", t, energy(), du);
event logfile (i++; i <= 300);
Every 100 timesteps we output a binary representation of u.x
bilinearly-interpolated on an N x N grid.
#if 0
event outputfile (i += 100) output_matrix (u.x, stdout, N, linear = true);
We dump a snapshot which can be used to restart the simulation.
event snapshot (i = 1700)
dump (file = "dump");
This event will happen after completion of the simulation. We write in the xprof
and yprof
files the interpolated values of u.x
and u.y
along the two profiles.
event profiles (t = end)
FILE * fp = fopen("xprof", "w");
for (double y = -0.5; y <= 0.5; y += 0.01)
fprintf (fp, "%g %g\n", y, interpolate (u.x, 0, y));
fclose (fp);
fp = fopen("yprof", "w");
for (double x = -0.5; x <= 0.5; x += 0.01)
fprintf (fp, "%g %g\n", x, interpolate (u.y, x, 0));
fclose (fp);
set xlabel 'x'
set ylabel 'u_y'
plot [-0.5:0.5]'../yprof.ghia' u 1:2 title "Ghia et al." w p pt 7, \
'yprof' w l lw 2 title "Basilisk (centered)", \
'../lidmac/yprof' w l lw 2 title "Basilisk (MAC)"
Horizontal profile of the y-component of the velocity on the centerline of the box. (script)