
    Circular dam break on a sphere

    An initial circular cylinder collapses and creates shock and rarefaction waves. The initial condition are radially-symmetric and should remain so. The problem is discretised using longitude-latitude spherical coordinates. Deviations from radial symmetry are a measure of the accuracy of treatment of geometric source terms.

    This test case was proposed by Rossmanith et al, 2004, Figures 5 and 6.

    #include "spherical.h"
    #if ML
    # include "layered/hydro.h"
    # include "saint-venant.h"
    #include "fractions.h"
    int main()

    The radius of the sphere is unity, the domain is 150 degrees squared, centered on the origin.

      Radius = 1. [1];
      L0 = 150. [0];
      X0 = Y0 = -L0/2.;
      N = 256;
    event init (i = 0)

    To initialise an accurate, sharp initial dam, we use a volume fraction computation. The acos(…) formula is that for the great-circle distance from the origin.

      fraction (h, 0.2 - acos(cos(x*pi/180.)*cos(y*pi/180.)));
      double a = 1.8;
        h[] = 0.2 + a*h[];
    event masscheck (i++)

    Mass must be preserved to within machine precision. This is a check of the consistency of the (adaptive) spherical metric.

      stats s = statsf(h);
      static double max = -HUGE, min = HUGE;
      if (s.sum > max) max = s.sum;
      if (s.sum < min) min = s.sum;
      assert ((max - min)/(max + min) < 1e-12);
      // fprintf (stderr, "%g %g\n", t, (max - min)/(max + min));
    event profiles (t = 0.3; t += 0.3; t <= 0.9) {

    We store the average solution in bins of one degree.

      double xp[180], yp[180], np[180];
      for (int i = 0; i < 180; i++)
        xp[i] = 0., yp[i] = 0., np[i] = 0.;
      foreach() {
        printf ("%g %g %g %g %g\n", x, y, u.x[], u.y[], h[]);
        double c = cos(x*pi/180.)*cos(y*pi/180.);
        double d = atan2(sqrt(1. - c*c),c)*180./pi;
        int i = d*2.;
        xp[i] += d; yp[i] += h[]; np[i]++;

    The average profiles.

      char name[80];
      sprintf (name, "prof-%g", t);
      FILE * fp = fopen (name, "w");
      for (int i = 0; i < 180; i++)
        if (np[i] > 0.)
          fprintf (fp, "%g %g %g\n", xp[i]/np[i], yp[i]/np[i], np[i]);
      fclose (fp);

    We compute the RMS error between the grid points and the average profile.

      double sum = 0., n1 = 0.;
      foreach() {
        double c = cos(x*pi/180.)*cos(y*pi/180.);
        double d = atan2(sqrt(1. - c*c),c)*180./pi;
        int i = d*2.;
        double e = h[] - yp[i]/np[i];
        sum += e*e; n1++;
      double scatter = sqrt(sum/n1);
      fprintf (stderr, "%g %g\n", t, scatter);
    set term PNG enhanced font ",10"
    set output 'sol.png'
    set xlabel 'Angular distance (degree)'
    set ylabel 'Surface height'
    set xtics 0,22.5,90
    set ytics 0,0.25,0.75
    plot [0:90][0:0.75]'out' u (rdist($1,$2)):5 ps 0.25 pt 6 t '', \
                       'prof-0.3' w l lw 2 lt -1 t '', \
                       'prof-0.6' w l lw 2 lt -1 t '', \
                       'prof-0.9' w l lw 2 lt -1 t ''
    Scatter plot of the (radial) solution. The black lines are the average solutions. The solution is shown at times t=0.3, t=0.6, and t=0.9. (script)

    Scatter plot of the (radial) solution. The black lines are the average solutions. The solution is shown at times t=0.3, t=0.6, and t=0.9. (script)

    event adapt (i++) {
      double sb = statsf(h).sum;
      restriction ({cm,zb,h}); // fixme: for restriction on eta
      adapt_wavelet ({eta}, (double[]){1e-3}, 8);
      double sa = statsf(h).sum;
      assert (fabs(sa - sb) < 1e-12);

    See also