Shock tube problem for a single ideal gas (strong shock wave)
This test verifies that the method captures the correct propagation speed of shock waves propagating in an adiabatic perfect gas (with known polytropic coefficient \gamma) given the post-shocked (L) and pre-shocked conditions (R). \displaystyle \left(\begin{array}{c} p_R\\ \rho_R\\ u_R \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c} 0.1\\ 1\\ 0 \end{array}\right) \displaystyle \left(\begin{array}{c} p_L\\ \rho_L\\ u_L \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c} 10\\ \rho_L\\ u_L \end{array}\right)
See also section 4.1.2 in Fuster & Popinet, 2018.
We use the two-phase flow formulation.
#include "compressible/two-phase.h"
#include "compressible/Mie-Gruneisen.h"
Parameters of the problem.
double rhoR = 1.;
double pL = 10., pR = 0.1;
double tend = 1.;
double rhoL, uL, gr, ushock;
Boundary conditions:
p[left] = dirichlet (pL);
frho1[left] = dirichlet (rhoL);
q.n[left] = dirichlet (uL*rhoL);
We obtain the post-shocked state using the Rankine-Hugoniot relations \displaystyle \rho_L = \rho_R \frac{\gamma_R \frac{p_L}{p_R} + 1}{\gamma_R + \frac{p_L}{p_R}} \displaystyle u_L = \frac{\sqrt{\gamma p_R/\rho_R}}{\gamma} \frac{\frac{p_L}{p_R} - 1}{\sqrt{\frac{\gamma + 1}{2 \gamma} \left(\frac{p_L}{p_R} - 1\right) + 1}} where \gamma_R = \frac{\gamma + 1}{\gamma - 1}.
int main()
The EOS for an adiabatic perfect gas is defined by its polytropic coefficient \Gamma = \gamma = 1.4.
gamma1 = 1.4;
gr = (gamma1 + 1.)/(gamma1 - 1.);
rhoL = rhoR*(gr*pL/pR + 1.)/(gr + pL/pR);
uL = sqrt(gamma1*pR/rhoR)/gamma1*(pL/pR - 1.)/sqrt((gamma1 + 1.)/2./gamma1*
(pL/pR - 1.) + 1.);
ushock = sqrt(gamma1*pR/rhoR)*sqrt((gamma1 + 1.)/2./gamma1*(pL/pR - 1.) + 1.);
Size of the domain:
size (10. [1]);
origin (-L0/2.);
We use an upwind method for the tracer advection associated to the VOF tracer f.
f.gradient = zero;
We perform a convergence study.
for (N = 256; N >= 32; N /= 2)
Variable initialization of the conservative variables: density, momentum and energy The shock is initially placed at x = 0.
event init (i = 0)
foreach() {
double m = (x < 0.);
p[] = m*pL + (1. - m)*pR;
frho1[] = rhoR*(gr*p[]/pR + 1.)/(gr + p[]/pR);
q.x[] = m*frho1[]*uL;
fE1[] = p[]/(gamma1 - 1.) + 0.5*sq(q.x[])/frho1[];
Grid adaptation.
#if TREE
event adapt (i++) {
adapt_wavelet ((scalar *){p}, (double[]){0.01}, maxlevel = log(N)/log(2.));
At the end of each simulation we output the relative position of the shock with respect to the exact theoretical position together with the conservative variables and pressure to verify that the wave structure is not distorted by the numerical method The theoretical shockwave speed is \displaystyle u_{shock} = \sqrt{\gamma \frac{p_R}{\rho_R} \left( \frac{\gamma + 1}{2 \gamma} \left(\frac{p_L}{p_R} - 1 \right) + 1 \right)}
event endsim (t = tend)
printf ("%i %g %g %g %g %g \n",
N, (x - ushock*t)/(ushock*t), p[], frho1[], q.x[]/frho1[], fE1[]);
printf ("\n");
We also compute the L_1 error norm to check convergence.
double perr = 0., rhoerr = 0., uerr = 0., vol = 0.;
foreach (reduction(+:vol) reduction(+:perr)
reduction(+:rhoerr) reduction(+:uerr)) {
vol += Delta;
if (x - ushock*tend <= 0.) {
perr += fabs(p[] - pL)*Delta;
rhoerr += fabs(frho1[] - rhoL)*Delta;
uerr += fabs(q.x[]/frho1[] - uL)*Delta;
else {
perr += fabs(p[] - pR)*Delta;
rhoerr += fabs(frho1[] - rhoR)*Delta;
uerr += fabs(q.x[]/frho1[])*Delta;
fprintf (stderr, "%i %g %g %g\n",
N, perr/vol/pL, rhoerr/vol/rhoL, uerr/vol/uL);
set xlabel 'N'
set ylabel 'Average error'
set log xy
set xtics 16,2,512
set xrange [16:512]
set grid
set key bottom left
plot "log" u 1:2 t 'p (adaptive)' w p, "" u 1:3 t 'rho (adaptive)' w p, \
"" u 1:4 t 'u (adaptive)' w p, \
"clog" u 1:2 t 'p (multigrid)' w p, "" u 1:3 t 'rho (multigrid)' w p, \
"" u 1:4 t 'u (multigrid)' w p, x**(-1.) t '1/x' w l lc 0
Error convergence (script)
set palette rgb 33,13,10;
set xrange[-0.5:0.5]
set xlabel '(x - s*t)/(s*t)'
set ylabel 'p'
set multiplot
set size 1.,0.33
set origin 0.,0.
unset colorbox
set xtics -2,0.5
set pointsize 0.5
unset ytics
p "out" u 2:3:(log($1)) not w lp palette pt 7
set origin 0,0.33
set ylabel '{/Symbol r}'
p "out" u 2:4:(log($1)) not w lp palette pt 7
set origin 0, 0.66
set ylabel 'u'
p "out" u 2:5:(log($1)) not w lp palette pt 7
set origin 0,0.75
unset multiplot
Velocity, density and pressure profiles (script)