Taylor–Green vortices
Taylor–Green vortices are one of the few exact non-trivial solutions of the incompressible Euler equations. In this test case, we use this solution as initial condition and check whether the numerical scheme can respect the balance between non-linear advection terms and pressure gradients. Numerical diffusion will in particular introduce dissipation. This dissipation can be quantified and is a useful measure of the accuracy of the numerical scheme.
We solve the incompressible Euler equations on a Cartesian (multi)grid either with the centered Navier-Stokes solver or with the “all Mach” solver (in incompressible mode).
#include "grid/multigrid.h"
# include "all-mach.h"
# include "bcg.h"
# define u q
event tracer_advection (i++)
advection ((scalar *){q}, uf, dt, (scalar *){g});
# include "navier-stokes/centered.h"
int main() {
Space and time are dimensionless. The domain is unity, centered on the origin and periodic in all directions.
size (1. [0]);
DT = HUGE [0];
origin (-0.5,-0.5);
periodic (right);
We check convergence with spatial resolution from 322 to 2562.
This is the initial Taylor–Green solution for velocity and pressure.
foreach() {
u.x[] = - cos(2.*pi*x)*sin(2.*pi*y);
u.y[] = sin(2.*pi*x)*cos(2.*pi*y);
p[] = - (cos(4.*pi*x) + cos(4.*pi*y))/4.;
We also need to define the initial centered pressure gradient (this improves the accuracy of the initial conditions).
g.x[] = - (p[1] - p[-1])/(2.*Delta);
event logfile (i++) {
We log the evolution of the maximum divergence and of the total kinetic energy.
scalar div[], ke[];
foreach() {
div[] = (u.x[1,0] - u.x[-1,0] + u.y[0,1] - u.y[0,-1])/(2.*Delta);
ke[] = sq(u.x[]) + sq(u.y[]);
printf ("%d %d %g %g %g\n", N, i, t, normf(div).max, statsf(ke).sum);
event error (t = 2) {
At t=2 we compute the error on the norm of the velocity.
scalar e[];
foreach() {
double u0 = - cos(2.*pi*x)*sin(2.*pi*y);
double v0 = sin(2.*pi*x)*cos(2.*pi*y);
e[] = norm(u) - sqrt(sq(u0) + sq(v0));
norm n = normf (e);
fprintf (stderr, "%d %g %g %g\n", N, n.avg, n.rms, n.max);
For this particular case, the Bell–Collela–Glaz advection scheme converges at third-order.
set xlabel 'Spatial resolution'
set ylabel 'Error norms'
set cbrange [1:1]
set logscale
set xtics 16,2,256
ftitle(a,b) = sprintf("order %4.2f", -b)
fit [4:] f2(x) 'log' u (log($1)):(log($3)) via a2,b2
fit [4:] fm(x) 'log' u (log($1)):(log($4)) via am,bm
set xrange [16:512]
set pointsize 1
plot exp (f2(log(x))) t ftitle(a2,b2), \
exp (fm(log(x))) t ftitle(am,bm), \
'log' u 1:3 t '|e|_2', \
'log' u 1:4 t '|e|_{max}' lc 0, \
'../taylor-green-all-mach/log' u 1:3 t '|e|_2 (all Mach)', \
'' u 1:4 t '|e|_{max} (all Mach)'
Accuracy of the solution as a function of the level of refinement (script)
The divergence of the centered velocity field is well-behaved.
set xlabel 'Time'
set ylabel 'Maximum divergence'
set cbrange [1:1]
set logscale y
set xrange [0:2]
set yrange [1e-4:]
plot '< grep "^32 " out' u 3:4 w l t '32^2', \
'< grep "^64 " out' u 3:4 w l t '64^2', \
'< grep "^128 " out' u 3:4 w l t '128^2', \
'< grep "^256 " out' u 3:4 w l t '256^2', \
'< grep "^32 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' \
u 3:4 w l t '32^2 (all Mach)', \
'< grep "^64 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' \
u 3:4 w l t '64^2 (all Mach)', \
'< grep "^128 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' \
u 3:4 w l t '128^2 (all Mach)', \
'< grep "^256 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' \
u 3:4 w l t '256^2 (all Mach)'
Evolution of the maximum divergence of the centered velocity field (script)
By fitting the decrease of the kinetic energy, we get an estimate of the numerical viscosity.
set xlabel 'Resolution'
set ylabel 'Equivalent Reynolds number'
set cbrange [1:1]
set logscale
set xtics 16,2,256
set xrange [16:512]
set print "Re"
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^32 " out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 32,Re(b)
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^64 " out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 64,Re(b)
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^128 " out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 128,Re(b)
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^256 " out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 256,Re(b)
set print "Re-all-mach"
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^32 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 32,Re(b)
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^64 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 64,Re(b)
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^128 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 128,Re(b)
fit [1:] f(x) '< grep "^256 " ../taylor-green-all-mach/out' u 3:5 via a,b
print 256,Re(b)
plot 'Re' w lp t 'centered', 'Re-all-mach' w lp t 'all Mach'
Equivalent Reynolds number as a function of resolution (script)