
    Viscous solver with embedded boundaries

    We consider the Stokes equations \displaystyle \rho \mathbf{u}_t = \rho \mathbf{g} + \nabla \cdot [\mu ( \nabla \mathbf{u} + \nabla^T \mathbf{u})] with \mathbf{g} the acceleration and T the transpose.

    In the case of incompressible flow and uniform viscosity, the viscous term can be further simplified. Since \displaystyle \nabla \cdot (\mu \nabla \mathbf{u}) = (\nabla \mu) \cdot \nabla \mathbf{u} + \mu \nabla (\nabla \cdot \mathbf{u}) = 0 the viscous term reduces to \displaystyle \nabla \cdot [\mu ( \nabla \mathbf{u} + \nabla^T \mathbf{u})] = \nabla \cdot (\mu \nabla^T \mathbf{u}) = \nabla^2 (\mu \mathbf{u}) and the equations for each velocity component are decoupled. For each component v_i, the following discrete implicit equation is solved using the multigrid solver \displaystyle \frac{\Delta t} \nabla (\mu \nabla v_i^{n+1}) - (\rho + \lambda_i) v_i^{n+1} + \underbrace{(\rho v_i^{n} + g_i\, Delta t)}_{r_i} = 0 \lambda_i is a possible extra term due to the metric.

    #include "poisson.h"
    struct Viscosity {
      face vector mu;
      scalar rho;
      double dt;
      double (* embed_flux) (Point, scalar, vector, double *);
    #if AXI
    # define lambda ((coord){0, dt*(mu.x[] + mu.x[1]			\
    				+ mu.y[] + mu.y[0,1])*sq(cs[])		\
    	/(fm.x[] + fm.x[1] + fm.y[] + fm.y[0,1] + SEPS)/(cm[] + SEPS)})
    #else // not AXI
    # define lambda ((coord){0.,0.,0.})
    // Note how the relaxation function uses "naive" gradients i.e. not
    // the face_gradient_* macros.
    static void relax_diffusion (scalar * a, scalar * b, int l, void * data)
      struct Viscosity * p = (struct Viscosity *) data;
      (const) face vector mu = p->mu;
      (const) scalar rho = p->rho;
      double dt = p->dt;
      vector u = vector(a[0]), r = vector(b[0]);
      double (* embed_flux) (Point, scalar, vector, double *) = p->embed_flux;
      foreach_level_or_leaf (l, nowarning) {
        double avgmu = 0.;
          avgmu += mu.x[] + mu.x[1];
        avgmu = dt*avgmu + SEPS;
        foreach_dimension() {
          double c = 0.;
          double d = embed_flux ? embed_flux (point, u.x, mu, &c) : 0.;
          scalar s = u.x;
          double a = 0.;
    	a += mu.x[1]*s[1] + mu.x[]*s[-1];
          u.x[] = (dt*a + (r.x[] - dt*c)*sq(Delta))/
    	(sq(Delta)*(rho[] + lambda.x + dt*d) + avgmu);
    #if TRASH
      vector u1[];
      foreach_level_or_leaf (l)
          u1.x[] = u.x[];
      trash ({u});
      foreach_level_or_leaf (l)
          u.x[] = u1.x[];
    static double residual_diffusion (scalar * a, scalar * b, scalar * resl, 
    				  void * data)
      struct Viscosity * p = (struct Viscosity *) data;
      (const) face vector mu = p->mu;
      (const) scalar rho = p->rho;
      double dt = p->dt;
      double (* embed_flux) (Point, scalar, vector, double *) = p->embed_flux;
      vector u = vector(a[0]), r = vector(b[0]), res = vector(resl[0]);
      double maxres = 0.;
    #if TREE
      /* conservative coarse/fine discretisation (2nd order) */
      foreach_dimension() {
        scalar s = u.x;
        face vector g[];
          g.x[] = mu.x[]*face_gradient_x (s, 0);
        foreach (reduction(max:maxres), nowarning) {
          double a = 0.;
    	a += g.x[] - g.x[1];
          res.x[] = r.x[] - (rho[] + lambda.x)*u.x[] - dt*a/Delta;
          if (embed_flux) {
    	double c, d = embed_flux (point, u.x, mu, &c);
    	res.x[] -= dt*(c + d*u.x[]);
          if (fabs (res.x[]) > maxres)
    	maxres = fabs (res.x[]);
      /* "naive" discretisation (only 1st order on trees) */
      foreach (reduction(max:maxres), nowarning)
        foreach_dimension() {
          scalar s = u.x;
          double a = 0.;
    	a += mu.x[0]*face_gradient_x (s, 0) - mu.x[1]*face_gradient_x (s, 1);
          res.x[] = r.x[] - (rho[] + lambda.x)*u.x[] - dt*a/Delta;
          if (embed_flux) {
    	double c, d = embed_flux (point, u.x, mu, &c);
    	res.x[] -= dt*(c + d*u.x[]);
          if (fabs (res.x[]) > maxres)
    	maxres = fabs (res.x[]);
      return maxres;
    #undef lambda
    double TOLERANCE_MU = 0.; // default to TOLERANCE
    mgstats viscosity (vector u, face vector mu, scalar rho, double dt,
    		   int nrelax = 4, scalar * res = NULL)
      vector r[];
          r.x[] = rho[]*u.x[];
      restriction ({mu, rho});
      struct Viscosity p = { mu, rho, dt };
      p.embed_flux = u.x.boundary[embed] != antisymmetry ? embed_flux : NULL;
      return mg_solve ((scalar *){u}, (scalar *){r},
    		   residual_diffusion, relax_diffusion, &p, nrelax, res,
    		   minlevel = 1, // fixme: because of root level
                                      // BGHOSTS = 2 bug on trees
    		   tolerance = TOLERANCE_MU ? TOLERANCE_MU : TOLERANCE);
