Basilisk Monthly Meeting

    Planned to occur the first Wednesday of every month. Zoom links are sent on the forum shortly before each meeting. The meetings are 1 hour long, split into two 15 minutes presentation + 15 minutes questions/discussion.

    • Monday 24th June 2024

      Mandeep Saini. Implementation of integral surface tension formulation for volume of fluid method

      Antoine Hajczak. Preliminary flow simulations using Basilisk to study the aeroacoustics of flute-like musical instruments

    • Tuesday 21st May 2024

      Kevin McTaggart. Ship forces at steady speed

      Shyam Sunder Yadav. Phase field method based simulation of three phase flows with phase change

    • Wednesday 3rd May 2023

      Chunheng Zhao. General wetting energy boundary condition in a fully explicit non-ideal fluids solver

      Zied Amama. Introducing culverts on 2D SWE model and assessment of flood forecasting improvements

    • Wednesday 22nd March 2023

      Kaitao (David) Tang. Numerical Investigation of Droplet Bag Breakup

      Zihao Cheng. An octree-grid adaptive immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method for hydrodynamic force and torque modelling in polydisperse suspensions

    • Wednesday 14th December 2022

    Damien Huet. An adaptive front-tracking solver for immersed elastic capsules

    Ahmed Basil Kottingal. A Scalale Adaptive Front Tracking Method for Simulation of Multiphase Flows

    • Tuesday 1st February 2022

    Corine Kieffer-Roth. Atomization of a liquid jet in crossflow with the coupled Basilisk DNS and Lagrangian method

    Shyam Sunder Yadav. 3D Electrohydrodynamics and viscoelasticity

    • Tuesday 7th December 2021

    Alice Jaccod. Predator-prey plankton dynamics in turbulent flow past an obstacle

    Evgenii Sharaborin. The coupled Volume of Fluid and Brinkman penalization methods for simulation of incompressible multiphase flows

    • Tuesday 5th October 2021

    Leonardo Chirco. The signature method for detecting thin structures and its application

    Stanley Ling. Oscillation of sessile drops on a planar surface: effects of Bond number, contact line mobility, and surface orientation

    • Tuesday 7th September 2021

    Palas Kumar Farsoiya. Bubble-mediated transfer of dilute gas in turbulence

    Yash Kulkarni and Raphaël Villiers. Atomisation of a pulsed liquid jet

    • Tuesday 6th July 2021

    Paul-Peter Naanouh. Emulsions, non-coalescence and trajectory reconstruction

    Shyam Sunder Yadav. Dynamics of Bubbles and Droplets Under Externally Applied Electric Fields

    • Tuesday 1st June 2021

    Lily Battershill. Tsunami waves generated by pyroclastic flows: modelling laboratory experiments using Basilisk’s Navier–Stokes solver

    Jacob Maarek. Numerical methods for three-phase mass transfer and a test case applied to metallurgical Processes

    • Tuesday 4th May 2021

    Arthur Ghigo. Embedded boundary method for moving rigid boundaries in incompressible flows

    Wouter Mostert. Statistics of energetics, bubbles and droplets in breaking waves

    • Tuesday 6th April 2021

    Antoon van Hooft. The particle functionalities in my sandbox

    Youssef Saade. Thermal effects in the all-Mach solver

    • Tuesday 2nd March 2021

    Stéphane Popinet. Basilisk View demonstration

    Alexandre Limare. Melting and crystal growth

    These videos were generated from the zoom recordings using something like

    ffmpeg -i zoom_0.mp4 -ss 00:04:45 -to 00:35:12 -crf 28 -movflags +faststart 4-may-21-1.mp4

    where 00:04:45 and 00:35:12 are the start and end times respectively.