
    input_pgm(): Importing Portable Gray Map (PGM) images

    This function reads in the PGM file in file fp and imports the corresponding values into field s. The grayscale is normalised and inverted so that the maximum value in field s is one (black) and the minimum value is zero (white).

    By default the origin of the image (lower-left corner) is assumed to be at (0,0) and the width of the image is set to L0. This can be changed using the optional ox, oy and width parameters.

    #include "utils.h"
    void input_pgm (scalar s, FILE * fp,
    		double ox = 0., double oy = 0., double width = L0)
      char line[81];
      if (!fgets (line, 81, fp)) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: could not read magic number\n");
        exit (1);
      if (strcmp (line, "P2\n") && strcmp (line, "P5\n")) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: magic number '%s' does not match PGM\n", 
        exit (1);
      int binary = !strcmp (line, "P5\n");
      if (!fgets (line, 81, fp)) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: could not read width and height\n");
        exit (1);
      int W, H;
      while (line[0] == '#' && fgets (line, 81, fp));
      if (line[0] == '#' || sscanf (line, "%d %d", &W, &H) != 2) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: could not read width and height\n");
        exit (1);
      if (!fgets (line, 81, fp)) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: could not read maxval\n");
        exit (1);
      int maxval;
      if (sscanf (line, "%d", &maxval) != 1) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: could not read maxval\n");
        exit (1);
      if (maxval < 256) {
        unsigned char * a = qmalloc (W*H, unsigned char);
        size_t n = 0;
        if (binary)
          n = fread (a, 1, W*H, fp);
        else {
          int v;
          while (n < W*H && fscanf (fp, "%d ", &v) == 1)
    	a[n++] = v;
        if (n != W*H) {
          fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: read only %ld values\n", n);
          exit (1);
        foreach() {
          int i = (x - ox)*W/width, j = (y - oy)*W/width;
          if (i >= 0 && i < W && j >= 0 && j < H)
    	s[] = 1. - a[(H - 1 - j)*W + i]/(double)maxval;
    	s[] = 0.;
        free (a);
      else {
        unsigned short * a = qmalloc (W*H, unsigned short);
        size_t n = 0;
        if (binary)
          n = fread (a, 2, W*H, fp);
        else {
          int v;
          while (n < W*H && fscanf (fp, "%d ", &v) == 1)
    	a[n++] = v;
        if (n != W*H) {
          fprintf (stderr, "input_pgm: read only %ld values\n", n);
          exit (1);
        foreach() {
          int i = (x - ox)*W/width, j = (y - oy)*W/width;
          if (i >= 0 && i < W && j >= 0 && j < H)
    	s[] = 1. - a[(H - 1 - j)*W + i]/(double)maxval;
    	s[] = 0.;
        free (a);
    static void next_char (FILE * fp, int target)
      int c = fgetc(fp), para = 0;
      while (c != EOF && (c != target || para > 0)) {
        if (c == '{') para++;
        if (c == '}') para--;
        c = fgetc(fp);
      if (c != target) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting '%c'\n", target);
        exit (1);
    static int next_string (FILE * fp, const char * target)
      int slen = strlen (target), para = 0;
      char s[slen + 1];
      s[slen] = '\0';
      int len = 0, c = fgetc (fp);
      while (c != EOF && len < slen) {
        if (c == '{') para++;
        if (c == '}') para--;
        s[len++] = c;
        c = fgetc (fp);
      while (c != EOF && para >= 0) {
        if (!strcmp (s, target) && para == 0)
        if (c == '{') para++;
        if (c == '}') para--;
        for (int i = 0; i < slen - 1; i++)
          s[i] = s[i+1];
        s[slen - 1] = c;
        c = fgetc (fp);
      if (strcmp (s, target))
        c = -1;
      return c;

    input_gfs(): Gerris simulation format

    The function reads simulation data in the format used in Gerris simulation files. This is the reciprocal function of output_gfs().

    The arguments and their default values are:

    a file pointer. Default is file or stdin.
    a list of scalar fields to read. Default is all.
    the name of the file to read from (mutually exclusive with fp).
    void input_gfs (FILE * fp = stdin,
    		scalar * list = NULL,
    		char * file = NULL)
      if (file && !(fp = fopen (file, "r"))) {
        perror (file);
        exit (1);
      bool input_all = (list == all);
      if (!list) list = all;
      #if TREE
      init_grid (1);
      next_char (fp, '{');
      char * s = qmalloc (1, char);
      int len = 0;
      int c = fgetc(fp);
      while (c != EOF && c != '}') {
        s[len++] = c;
        qrealloc (s, len + 1, char);
        s[len] = '\0';
        c = fgetc(fp);
      if (c != '}') {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting '}'\n");
        exit (1);
      char * s1 = strstr (s, "variables");
      if (!s1) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting 'variables'\n");
        exit (1);
      s1 = strstr (s1, "=");
      if (!s1) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting '='\n");
        exit (1);
      while (strchr (" \t", *s1))
      scalar * input = NULL;
      s1 = strtok (s1, ", \t");
      while (s1) {
        char * name = replace (s1, '_', '.', false);
        bool found = false;
        for (scalar s in list)
          if (!is_constant(s) && && !strcmp (, name)) {
    	input = list_append (input, s);
    	found = true; break;
        if (!found) {
          if (input_all) {
    	scalar s = new scalar;
    	free (; = strdup (name);
    	input = list_append (input, s);
    	input = list_append (input, (scalar){INT_MAX});
        free (name);
        s1 = strtok (NULL, ", \t");
      free (s);
      next_char (fp, '{');
      double t1 = 0.;
      if (next_string (fp, "Time") >= 0) {
        next_char (fp, '{');
        next_char (fp, 't');
        next_char (fp, '=');
        if (fscanf (fp, "%lf", &t1) != 1) {
          fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting 't'\n");
          exit (1);
        next_char (fp, '}');
        next_char (fp, '}');
      if (next_string (fp, "Box") < 0) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting 'GfsBox'\n");
        exit (1);
      next_char (fp, '{');
      next_char (fp, '{');
      next_char (fp, '\n');
      scalar * listm = {cm,fm};
      scalar * listr = !is_constant(cm) ? listm : NULL;
      NOT_UNUSED (listr);
      foreach_cell() {
        unsigned flags;
        if (fread (&flags, sizeof (unsigned), 1, fp) != 1) {
          fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting 'flags'\n");
          exit (1);
        if (!(flags & (1 << 4)) && is_leaf(cell))
          refine_cell (point, listr, 0, NULL);
        double a;
        if (fread (&a, sizeof (double), 1, fp) != 1 || a != -1) {
          fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting '-1'\n");
          exit (1);
        for (scalar s in input) {
          if (fread (&a, sizeof (double), 1, fp) != 1) {
    	fprintf (stderr, "input_gfs(): error: expecting a scalar\n");
    	exit (1);
          if (s.i != INT_MAX) {
    	if (s.v.x.i >= 0) {
    	  // this is a vector component, we need to rotate from
    	  // Z-ordering (Gerris) to N-ordering (Basilisk)
    #if dimension >= 2
    	  if (s.v.x.i == s.i) {
    	    s = s.v.y;
    	    s[] = a;
    	  else if (s.v.y.i == s.i) {
    	    s = s.v.x;
    	    s[] = - a;
    #if dimension >= 3
    	    s[] = a;
    	  s[] = a;
        if (is_leaf(cell))
      for (scalar s in listm)
        if (!is_constant(s))
          s.dirty = true;
      for (scalar s in input)
        if (!is_constant(s))
          s.dirty = true;
      free (input);
      if (file)
        fclose (fp);
      // the events are advanced to catch up with the time
      while (t < t1 && events (false))
        t = tnext;
      events (false);
    #define valgrd(v,i,j) ((v)[(j) + 1 + ((i) + 1)*(nx + 2)])
    static void bc_grd (double * v, int nx, int ny, bool periodic[2])
      if (periodic[0])
        for (int i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
          valgrd(v,i,-1) = valgrd(v,i,nx - 1);
          valgrd(v,i,nx) = valgrd(v,i,0);
        for (int i = 0; i < ny; i++) {
          valgrd(v,i,-1) = valgrd(v,i,0);
          valgrd(v,i,nx) = valgrd(v,i,nx - 1);
      if (periodic[1])
        for (int j = -1; j <= nx; j++) {
          valgrd(v,-1,j) = valgrd(v,ny - 1,j);
          valgrd(v,ny,j) = valgrd(v,0,j);
        for (int j = -1; j <= nx; j++) {
          valgrd(v,-1,j) = valgrd(v,0,j);
          valgrd(v,ny,j) = valgrd(v,ny - 1,j);

    input_grd(): Raster format (Esri grid)

    This function reads a scalar field from a Raster file. This is the reciprocal function of output_grd().

    The arguments and their default values are:

    the scalar where the data will be stored. No default value. You must specify this parameter
    a file pointer. Default is file or stdin.
    the name of the file to read from (mutually exclusive with fp).
    the value of the NoDataValue. Default is the same as that defined in the raster file.
    if true, the raster data is bilinearly interpolated. Default is false.
    if true, the x-axis and/or y-axis are treated as periodic. Default is the same as the domain periodicity.
    the number of Laplacian smoothing passes applied to the data before interpolation. Default is zero.
    void input_grd (scalar s,
    		FILE * fp = stdin, const char * file = NULL,
    		double nodatavalue = 0.12345678,
    		bool linear = false,
    		bool periodic[2] = {Period.x, Period.y},
    		int smooth = 0)
      scalar input = s;
      if (file && !(fp = fopen (file, "r"))) {
        perror (file);
        exit (1);
      // Variables for the Raster data
      double DeltaGRD;
      int nx, ny;
      double XG0, YG0, ndv;
      // header
      char waste[100];
      if (fscanf (fp, "%s %d", waste, &nx) != 2) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_grd(): error reading 'nx'\n");
        if (file) fclose (fp);
      if (fscanf (fp, "%s %d", waste, &ny) != 2) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_grd(): error reading 'ny'\n");
        if (file) fclose (fp);
      if (fscanf (fp, "%s %lf", waste, &XG0) != 2) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_grd(): error reading 'XG0'\n");
        if (file) fclose (fp);
      if (fscanf (fp, "%s %lf", waste, &YG0) != 2) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_grd(): error reading 'YG0'\n");
        if (file) fclose (fp);
      if (fscanf (fp, "%s %lf", waste, &DeltaGRD) != 2) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_grd(): error reading 'DeltaGRD'\n");
        if (file) fclose (fp);
      if (fscanf (fp, "%s %lf", waste, &ndv) != 2) {
        fprintf (stderr, "input_grd(): error reading 'ndv'\n");
        if (file) fclose (fp);
      // default value of NoData value
      if (nodatavalue == 0.12345678)
        nodatavalue = ndv;
      // read the data
      double * value = qmalloc ((nx + 2)*(ny + 2), double);
      for (int i = ny - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        for (int j = 0 ; j < nx; j++) {
          if (fscanf (fp, "%lf ", &valgrd(value,i,j)) != 1) {
    	fprintf (stderr, "input_grd(): error reading value %d,%d\n", i, j);
    	if (file) fclose (fp);
    	free (value);
      bc_grd (value, nx, ny, periodic);
      // Laplacian smoothing
      if (smooth > 0) {
        double * smoothed = qmalloc ((nx + 2)*(ny + 2), double);
        for (int s = 0; s < smooth; s++) {
          for (int i = 0; i < ny; i++)
    	for (int j = 0 ; j < nx; j++) {
    	  int n = 0;
    	  valgrd(smoothed, i, j) = 0.;
    	  for (int k = -1; k <= 1; k++)
    	    for (int l = -1; l <= 1; l++)
    	      if ((l != 0 || k != 0) &&
    		  valgrd(value, i + k, j + l) != ndv)
    		valgrd(smoothed, i, j) += valgrd(value, i + k, j + l), n++;
    	  if (n == 0)
    	    valgrd(smoothed, i, j) = ndv;
    	    valgrd(smoothed, i, j) /= n;
          swap (double *, value, smoothed);
          bc_grd (value, nx, ny, periodic);
        free (smoothed);
      bool warning = false;  
      foreach (serial) {
        if (periodic[0]) {
          while (x < XG0) x += nx*DeltaGRD;
          while (x > XG0 + nx*DeltaGRD) x -= nx*DeltaGRD;
        if (periodic[1]) {
          while (y < YG0) y += ny*DeltaGRD;
          while (y > YG0 + ny*DeltaGRD) y -= ny*DeltaGRD;
        // Test if we are on the ring of data around the raster grid
        int j1 = (x - XG0)/DeltaGRD;
        int i1 = (y - YG0)/DeltaGRD;
        if (i1 >= -1 && i1 < ny && j1 >= -1 && j1 < nx) {
          if (linear &&
    	  valgrd(value,i1,j1) != ndv && valgrd(value,i1,j1 + 1) != ndv &&
    	  valgrd(value,i1 + 1,j1) != ndv && valgrd(value,i1 + 1,j1 + 1) != ndv) {
    	// bi-linear interpolation
    	double dx = x - (j1*DeltaGRD + XG0);
    	double dy = y - (i1*DeltaGRD + YG0);
    	input[] = (valgrd(value,i1,j1) +
    		   dx*(valgrd(value,i1,j1 + 1) - valgrd(value,i1,j1))/DeltaGRD +
    		   dy*(valgrd(value,i1 + 1,j1) - valgrd(value,i1,j1))/DeltaGRD +
    		   dx*dy*(valgrd(value,i1,j1) + valgrd(value,i1 + 1,j1 + 1) -
    			  valgrd(value,i1 + 1,j1) - valgrd(value,i1,j1 + 1))
    	input[] = valgrd(value, i1, j1);
        else {
          input[] = nodatavalue;
          warning = true;
      free (value);
      if (warning)
        fprintf (stderr,
    	     "%s:%d: warning: raster data is not covering all the simulation area\n",
    	     __FILE__, LINENO);
      if (file)
        fclose (fp);

