Vertical remapping
This implements a simple vertical remapping to “\sigma-coordinates” (equally-distributed by default).
We use the PPR Library of Engwirda and Kelley to perform the remapping. The default settings are using the Parabolic Piecewise Method without limiting.
#include "ppr/ppr.h"
// int edge_meth = p1e_method, cell_meth = plm_method, cell_lim = null_limit;
int edge_meth = p3e_method, cell_meth = ppm_method, cell_lim = null_limit;
// int edge_meth = p5e_method, cell_meth = pqm_method, cell_lim = null_limit;
The distribution of layers can be controlled using the beta array which defines the ratio of the thickness of each layer to the total depth H (i.e. the relative thickness). By default all layers have the same relative thickness.
double * beta = NULL;
event defaults (i = 0)
beta = malloc (nl*sizeof(double));
for (int l = 0; l < nl; l++)
beta[l] = 1./nl;
The default uniform layer distribution can be replaced with a geometric progression for the layer thicknesses. This needs to be called for example in the init()
event. The rmin
parameter specifies the minimum layer thickness relative to the uniform layer thickness (proportional to 1/nl
). If the top
parameter is set to true
the minimum layer thickness is at the top (layer nl - 1
), otherwise it is at the bottom (layer 0).
void geometric_beta (double rmin, bool top)
if (rmin <= 0. || rmin >= 1. || nl < 2)
double r = 1. + 2.*(1./rmin - 1.)/(nl - 1.);
double hmin = (r - 1.)/(pow(r, nl) - 1.);
for (int l = 0; l < nl; l++)
beta[l] = hmin*pow(r, top ? nl - 1 - l : l);
The vertical_remapping() function takes a (block) field of layer thicknesses and the corresponding list of tracer fields and performs the remapping (defined by beta).
void vertical_remapping (scalar h, scalar * tracers)
int nvar = list_len(tracers), ndof = 1, npos = nl + 1;
foreach() {
#if HALF
double H0 = 0., H1 = 0., H;
foreach_layer() {
if (point.l < nl/2)
H0 += h[];
H1 += h[];
H = H0 + H1;
double H = 0.;
H += h[];
if (H > dry) {
double zpos[npos], znew[npos];
double fdat[nvar*nl], fnew[nvar*nl];
zpos[0] = znew[0] = 0.;
foreach_layer() {
zpos[point.l+1] = zpos[point.l] + max(h[],dry);
int i = nvar*point.l;
for (scalar s in tracers) {
dimensional (fnew[i] = s[]);
fdat[i++] = s[];
#if HALF
if (point.l < nl/2)
h[] = 2.*H0*beta[point.l];
h[] = 2.*H1*beta[point.l];
h[] = H*beta[point.l];
znew[point.l+1] = znew[point.l] + h[];
my_remap (&npos, &npos, &nvar, &ndof, zpos, znew, fdat, fnew,
&edge_meth, &cell_meth, &cell_lim);
foreach_layer() {
int i = nvar*point.l;
for (scalar s in tracers)
s[] = fnew[i++];
The remapping is applied at every timestep.
event remap (i++) {
if (nl > 1)
vertical_remapping (h, tracers);
The beta array is freed at the end of the run.
- 3D breaking Stokes wave (multilayer solver)
- Tidally-induced internal lee waves
- Periodic wave propagation over an ellipsoidal shoal
- Sinusoidal wave propagation over a bar
- Solitary wave run-up on a plane beach
- Dispersion relations for various models
- Dispersion relation of gravito-capillary waves
- Advection of a rippled interface
- Transcritical flow over a bump with multiple layers
- Lock exchange (Kelvin–Helmoltz shear instability)
- Large-amplitude standing wave
- Lock exchange
- Overflow
- Breaking Stokes wave
- Wind-driven lake