
    Non-hydrostatic extension of the multilayer solver

    This adds the non-hydrostatic terms of the vertically-Lagrangian multilayer solver for free-surface flows described in Popinet, 2020. The corresponding system of equations is \displaystyle \begin{aligned} \partial_t h_k + \mathbf{{\nabla}} \cdot \left( h \mathbf{u} \right)_k & = 0,\\ \partial_t \left( h \mathbf{u} \right)_k + \mathbf{{\nabla}} \cdot \left( h \mathbf{u} \mathbf{u} \right)_k & = - gh_k \mathbf{{\nabla}} (\eta) {\color{blue} - \mathbf{{\nabla}} (h \phi)_k + \left[ \phi \mathbf{{\nabla}} z \right]_k},\\ {\color{blue} \partial_t (hw)_k + \mathbf{{\nabla}} \cdot \left( hw \mathbf{u} \right)_k} & {\color{blue} = - [\phi]_k,}\\ {\color{blue} \mathbf{{\nabla}} \cdot \left( h \mathbf{u} \right)_k + \left[ w - \mathbf{u} \cdot \mathbf{{\nabla}} z \right]_k} & {\color{blue} = 0}, \end{aligned} where the terms in blue are non-hydrostatic.

    The additional w_k and \phi_k fields are defined. The convergence statistics of the multigrid solver are stored in mgp.

    Wave breaking is parameterised usng the breaking parameter, which is turned off by default (see Section 3.6.4 in Popinet, 2020).

    Note that this version differs in many ways from that presented in Popinet, 2020. The most important differences are the time-implicit integration of the barotropic free-surface evolution (explicit in the previous version) and the exact projection of the baroclinic velocities (approximate in the previous version). This results in the solution of a coupled system for the non-hydrostatic pressure \phi^{n+1} and the free-surface elevation \eta^{n+1}.

    See also the general introduction.

    #define NH 1
    #include "implicit.h"
    scalar w, phi;
    mgstats mgp;
    double breaking = HUGE;


    The w_k and \phi_k scalar fields are allocated and the w_k are added to the list of advected tracers.

    event defaults (i = 0)
      hydrostatic = false;
      mgp.nrelax = 4;
      assert (nl > 0);
      w = new scalar[nl];
      phi = new scalar[nl];
      reset ({w, phi}, 0.);
      if (!linearised)
        tracers = list_append (tracers, w);

    Viscous term

    Vertical diffusion is added to the vertical component of velocity w.

    event viscous_term (i++)
      if (nu > 0.)
          vertical_diffusion (point, h, w, dt, nu, 0., 0., 0.);

    Assembly of the Hessenberg matrix

    For the Keller box scheme, the linear system of equations verified by the non-hydrostatic pressure \phi is expressed as an Hessenberg matrix for each column.

    The Hessenberg matrix \mathbf{H} for a column at a particular point is stored in a one-dimensional array with nl*nl elements. It encodes the coefficients of the left-hand-side of the Poisson equation as \displaystyle \begin{aligned} (\mathbf{H}\mathbf{\phi} - \mathbf{d})_l & = - \text{rhs}_l + h_l \nabla\cdot g_l^{n + \theta} +\\ & 4 (\phi_{l + 1 / 2} - \phi_{l - 1 / 2}) + 8 h_l \sum^{l - 1}_{k = 0} (- 1)^{l + k} \frac{\phi_{k + 1 / 2} - \phi_{k - 1 / 2}}{h_k}\\ g_l^{n + \theta} & = \nabla (h^{\star}_k \phi^{n + \theta}_{k - 1 / 2} + h^{\star}_k \phi^{n + \theta}_{k + 1 / 2}) - 2 [\phi \nabla \hat{z}]^{n + \theta}_k + 2 \theta gh^{\star}_k \nabla \eta^{n + 1} \end{aligned} where \mathbf{\phi} is the vector of \phi_l for this column and \mathbf{d} is a vector dependent only on the values of \phi in the neighboring columns. Note that in contrast with Popinet, 2020, all the (metric) terms are retained.

    static void box_matrix (Point point, scalar phi, scalar rhs,
    			face vector hf, scalar eta,
    			double H[nl*nl], double d[nl])
      coord dz, dzp;
        dz.x = zb[] - zb[-1], dzp.x = zb[1] - zb[];
          dz.x += h[] - h[-1], dzp.x += h[1] - h[];
      for (int l = 0, m = nl - 1; l < nl; l++, m--) {
        double a = h[0,0,m]/(sq(Delta)*cm[]);
        d[l] = rhs[0,0,m];
        for (int k = 0; k < nl; k++)
          H[l*nl + k] = 0.;
        foreach_dimension() {
          double s = Delta*slope_limited((dz.x - h[0,0,m] + h[-1,0,m])/Delta);
          double sp = Delta*slope_limited((dzp.x - h[1,0,m] + h[0,0,m])/Delta);
          d[l] -= a*(gmetric(0)*(h[-1,0,m] - s)*phi[-1,0,m] +
    		 gmetric(1)*(h[1,0,m] + sp)*phi[1,0,m] +
    		 2.*theta_H*Delta*(hf.x[0,0,m]*a_baro (eta, 0) -
    				   hf.x[1,0,m]*a_baro (eta, 1)));
          H[l*nl + l] -= a*(gmetric(0)*(h[0,0,m] + s) +
    			gmetric(1)*(h[0,0,m] - sp));
        H[l*nl + l] -= 4.;
        if (l > 0) {
          H[l*(nl + 1) - 1] = 4.;
          foreach_dimension() {
            double s = Delta*slope_limited(dz.x/Delta);
            double sp = Delta*slope_limited(dzp.x/Delta);
    	d[l] -= a*(gmetric(0)*(h[-1,0,m] + s)*phi[-1,0,m+1] +
    		   gmetric(1)*(h[1,0,m] - sp)*phi[1,0,m+1]);
    	H[l*(nl + 1) - 1] -= a*(gmetric(0)*(h[0,0,m] - s) +
    				gmetric(1)*(h[0,0,m] + sp));
        for (int k = l + 1, s = -1; k < nl; k++, s = -s) {
          double hk = h[0,0,nl-1-k];
          if (hk > dry) {
    	H[l*nl + k] -= 8.*s*h[0,0,m]/hk;
    	H[l*nl + k - 1] += 8.*s*h[0,0,m]/hk;
          dz.x -= h[0,0,m] - h[-1,0,m], dzp.x -= h[1,0,m] - h[0,0,m];

    Relaxation operator

    #include "hessenberg.h"
    face vector hf;
    static void relax_nh (scalar * phil, scalar * rhsl, int lev, void * data)
      scalar phi = phil[0], rhs = rhsl[0];
      scalar eta = phil[1], rhs_eta = rhsl[1];
      face vector alpha = *((vector *)data);
    #if GAUSS_SEIDEL || _GPU
      for (int parity = 0; parity < 2; parity++)
        foreach_level_or_leaf (lev)
          if (level == 0 || ((point.i + parity) % 2) != (point.j % 2))
      foreach_level_or_leaf (lev)

    The updated values of \phi in a column are obtained as \displaystyle \mathbf{\phi} = \mathbf{H}^{-1}\mathbf{b} were \mathbf{H} and \mathbf{b} are the Hessenberg matrix and vector constructed by the function above.

        double H[nl*nl], b[nl];
        box_matrix (point, phi, rhs, hf, eta, H, b);
        solve_hessenberg (H, b);
        int l = nl - 1;
          phi[] = b[l--];

    The value of \eta also needs to be updated since it is solved implicitly and depends on \phi.

        double n = 0.;
        foreach_dimension() {
          hpg (pg, phi, 0,
    	   n -= pg);
          hpg (pg, phi, 1,
    	   n += pg);
        n *= theta_H*sq(dt);
        double d = - cm[]*Delta;
        n += d*rhs_eta[];
        eta[] = 0.;
        foreach_dimension() {
          n += alpha.x[0]*a_baro (eta, 0) - alpha.x[1]*a_baro (eta, 1);
          diagonalize (eta) {
    	d -= alpha.x[0]*a_baro (eta, 0) - alpha.x[1]*a_baro (eta, 1);
        eta[] = n/d;

    Residual computation

    static double residual_nh (scalar * phil, scalar * rhsl,
    			   scalar * resl, void * data)
      scalar phi = phil[0], rhs = rhsl[0], res = resl[0];
      scalar eta = phil[1], rhs_eta = rhsl[1], res_eta = resl[1];
      double maxres = 0.;
      face vector g = new face vector[nl];
      foreach_face() {
        double pgh = theta_H*a_baro (eta, 0);
        hpg (pg, phi, 0,
    	 g.x[] = - 2.*(pg + hf.x[]*pgh));
      foreach (reduction(max:maxres)) {

    The residual for \phi is computed as \displaystyle \begin{aligned} \text{res}_l = & \text{rhs}_l - h_l \nabla\cdot g_l^{n + \theta} - 4 (\phi_{l + 1 / 2} - \phi_{l - 1 / 2}) - 8 h_l \sum^{l - 1}_{k = 0} (- 1)^{l + k} \frac{\phi_{k + 1 / 2} - \phi_{k - 1 / 2}}{h_k} \end{aligned}

        coord dz;
          dz.x = (fm.x[1]*(zb[1] + zb[]) - fm.x[]*(zb[-1] + zb[]))/2.;
        foreach_layer() {
          res[] = rhs[] + 4.*phi[];      
          foreach_dimension() {
    	res[] -= h[]*(g.x[1] - g.x[])/(Delta*cm[]);
    	res[] += h[]*(g.x[] + g.x[1])/(hf.x[] + hf.x[1] + dry)*
    	  slope_limited((dz.x + hf.x[1] - hf.x[])/(Delta*cm[]));
    	if (point.l > 0)
    	  res[] -= h[]*(g.x[0,0,-1] + g.x[1,0,-1])/
    	    (hf.x[0,0,-1] + hf.x[1,0,-1] + dry)*slope_limited(dz.x/(Delta*cm[]));
          if (point.l < nl - 1)
            res[] -= 4.*phi[0,0,1];
          for (int k = - 1, s = -1; k >= - point.l; k--, s = -s) {
    	double hk = h[0,0,k];
    	if (hk > dry)
    	  res[] += 8.*s*(phi[0,0,k] - phi[0,0,k+1])*h[]/hk;
          if (fabs (res[]) > maxres)
    	maxres = fabs (res[]);
    	dz.x += hf.x[1] - hf.x[];

    The residual for \eta is computed as \displaystyle \text{res}_\eta = \text{rhs}_\eta - \eta + \theta_H \Delta t^2 \sum_l \nabla \cdot (- \nabla_z\phi_l + \theta_H h_l g \nabla \eta)

        res_eta[] = rhs_eta[] - eta[];
            res_eta[] += theta_H*sq(dt)/2.*(g.x[1] - g.x[])/(Delta*cm[]);
      delete ((scalar *){g});
      return maxres;

    Coupled solution

    The coupled system for \phi_k^{n+1} and \eta^{n+1} is solved using the multigrid solver.

    event pressure (i++)

    The r.h.s. is computed as \displaystyle \frac{2 h_k}{\theta \Delta t} \left( 2 w^n_k + \nabla \cdot (hu)_k^{\star} - [u \cdot \nabla \hat{z}]^\star_k + 4 \sum^{k - 1}_{l = 0} (- 1)^{k + l} w^n_l \right) Note that the discrete approximation below must verify Galilean invariance i.e. \displaystyle \begin{aligned} \nabla \cdot (h(u + U_0))_k^{\star} - [(u + U_0)\cdot \nabla \hat{z}]^\star_k & = \nabla \cdot (hu)_k^{\star} - [u \cdot \nabla \hat{z}]^\star_k \end{aligned} with U_0 an arbitrary constant vector. This can be simplified as \displaystyle \nabla \cdot (h_k^{\star}U_0) - [U_0\cdot \nabla \hat{z}]^\star_k = 0 or further \displaystyle \nabla h_k^\star = [\nabla \hat{z}]^\star_k which is obviously verified (analytically) since by definition \displaystyle h_k^\star = [\hat{z}]^\star_k Note that it is not so obvious that this is verified numerically, as this depends on the choices made for several approximations. In particular, in the expressions below, Galilean invariance implies the relations

    hu.x[] == U0*hf.x[];
    hu.x[1] == U0*hf.x[1];  

    which depend on the detail of the calculation of hu. Note also that the slope limiter will break Galilean invariance.

      scalar rhs = new scalar[nl];
      double h1 = 0., v1 = 0.;
      foreach (reduction(+:h1) reduction(+:v1)) {
        coord dz;
          dz.x = (fm.x[1]*(zb[1] + zb[]) - fm.x[]*(zb[-1] + zb[]))/2.;
        foreach_layer() {
          rhs[] = 2.*w[];
            rhs[] += (hu.x[1] - hu.x[])/(Delta*cm[]) -
    	  u.x[]*slope_limited((dz.x + hf.x[1] - hf.x[])/(Delta*cm[]));
          if (point.l > 0)
    	  rhs[] += u.x[0,0,-1]*slope_limited(dz.x/(Delta*cm[]));
          for (int k = - 1, s = -1; k >= - point.l; k--, s = -s)
    	rhs[] += 4.*s*w[0,0,k];
          rhs[] *= 2.*h[]/(theta_H*dt);
    	dz.x += hf.x[1] - hf.x[];
          h1 += dv()*h[];
          v1 += dv();

    We then call the multigrid solver, using the relaxation and residual functions defined above, to get both the non-hydrostatic pressure \phi and free-surface elevation \eta.

      scalar res;
      if (res_eta.i >= 0)
        res = new scalar[nl];
      mgp = mg_solve ({phi,eta}, {rhs,rhs_eta}, residual_nh, relax_nh, &alpha_eta,
    		  res = res_eta.i >= 0 ? (scalar *){res,res_eta} : NULL,
    		  nrelax = 4, minlevel = 1,
    		  tolerance = TOLERANCE*sq(h1/(dt*v1)));
      delete ({rhs});
      if (res_eta.i >= 0)
        delete ({res});

    The non-hydrostatic pressure gradient is added to the face-weighted acceleration and to the face fluxes.

      face vector su[];
      foreach_face() {
        su.x[] = 0.;
        hpg (pg, phi, 0,
    	 ha.x[] += pg;
    	 su.x[] -= pg;
    	 hu.x[] += theta_H*dt*pg );

    The maximum allowed vertical velocity is computed as \displaystyle w_\text{max} = b \sqrt{g | H |_{\infty}} with b the breaking parameter.

    The vertical pressure gradient is added to the vertical velocity as \displaystyle w^{n + 1}_l = w^{\star}_l - \Delta t \frac{[\phi]_l}{h^{n+1}_l} and the vertical velocity is limited by w_\text{max} as \displaystyle w^{n + 1}_l \leftarrow \text{sign} (w^{n + 1}_l) \min \left( | w^{n + 1}_l |, w_\text{max} \right)

      foreach() {
        double wmax = HUGE;
        if (breaking < HUGE) {
          wmax = 0.;
    	wmax += h[];
          wmax = wmax > 0. ? breaking*sqrt(G*wmax) : 0.;
          if (h[] > dry) {
    	if (point.l == nl - 1)
    	  w[] += dt*phi[]/h[];
    	  w[] -= dt*(phi[0,0,1] - phi[])/h[];
    	if (fabs(w[]) > wmax)
    	  w[] = (w[] > 0. ? 1. : -1.)*wmax;

    The r.h.s. for \eta^{n+1} is updated. It will be used in a second pass (neglecting the non-hydrostatic terms) in the semi-implicit free-surface solver. This should be a small correction which is only necessary to limit the accumulation of divergence noise for long integration times.

          rhs_eta[] += theta_H*sq(dt)*(su.x[1] - su.x[])/(Delta*cm[]);


    The w and phi fields are freed.

    event cleanup (i = end, last) {
      delete ({w, phi});


