Basilisk View
This module defines functions which compute various graphical representations (“drawings”) of Basilisk fields, including reconstructed Volume-Of-Fluid facets and colorscale representations of cross-sections of scalar fields. These representations are rendered using OpenGL and can be saved in various formats (PPM, Gnuplot, OBJ, KML, PDF, SVG etc.).
In contrast with other Basilisk modules, this module relies on additional libraries which needs to be installed and linked with the Basilisk program. See INSTALL#visualisation for instructions.
A simple example would look like:
#include "view.h"
event image (t = 1) {
draw_vof ("f");
save ("image.ppm");
The clear() function resets the image, draw_vof() and box() add two graphical representations and save() saves the resulting image in PPM format. See User functions for a detailed documentation.
The resulting program needs to be linked with the appropriate libraries. This can be done automatically using something like:
qcc -autolink -Wall -O2 program.c -o program -lm
or manually using e.g.:
qcc -Wall -O2 program.c -o program -L$BASILISK/gl -lglutils -lfb_tiny -lm
We include the various helper functions defined either by the system or by the Basilisk libraries in gl/.
#include <gl/framebuffer.h>
#include <gl/trackball.h>
#include <gl/utils.h>
#pragma autolink -L$BASILISK/gl -lglutils $OPENGLIBS
#include "utils.h"
#include "input.h"
A cache of “compiled” expressions
The cache has a maximum size and least-used expressions are discarded first.
typedef struct {
char * expr;
scalar s;
} cexpr;
static scalar get_cexpr (cexpr * cache, const char * expr)
cexpr * c = cache;
while (c->expr) {
if (!strcmp (c->expr, expr)) {
// move this expression to the top of the cache.
// the "top" is the last element.
cexpr tmp = *c;
while ((c + 1)->expr)
*c = *(c + 1), c++;
*c = tmp;
return c->s;
return (scalar){-1};
static cexpr * add_cexpr (cexpr * cache, int maxlen,
const char * expr, scalar s)
cexpr * c = cache;
while (c->expr) c++;
int len = c - cache;
if (len < maxlen) {
cache = realloc (cache, sizeof(cexpr)*(len + 2));
c = &cache[len];
else {
// discard first expression
c = cache;
free (c->expr);
scalar s = c->s;
delete ({s});
// shift remaining expressions
while ((c + 1)->expr)
*c = *(c + 1), c++;
c->expr = strdup (expr);
c->s = s;
(c + 1)->expr = NULL;
return cache;
static void free_cexpr (cexpr * cache)
cexpr * c = cache;
while (c->expr) {
free (c->expr);
scalar s = c->s;
delete ({s});
free (cache);
The bview class
Contains the definition of the current view.
typedef void (* MapFunc) (coord *);
struct _bview {
float tx, ty, sx, sy, sz;
float quat[4];
float fov;
float tz, near, far;
bool gfsview; // rotate axis to match gfsview
bool reversed; // reverse normals
float bg[3];
float lc;
float res;
unsigned width, height, samples;
framebuffer * fb;
Frustum frustum; // the view frustum
MapFunc map; // an optional mapping function
int ni; // number of items drawn
bool active;
cexpr * cache; // a cache of compiled expressions
int maxlen; // the maximum number of cached expressions
typedef struct _bview bview;
The allocator method.
bview * bview_new()
bview * p = qcalloc (1, bview);
p->tx = p->ty = 0;
p->sx = p->sy = p->sz = 1.;
p->quat[0] = p->quat[1] = p->quat[2] = 0; p->quat[3] = 1;
p->fov = 24.;
gl_trackball (p->quat, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
#if dimension <= 2
p->bg[0] = 1; p->bg[1] = 1; p->bg[2] = 1;
p->bg[0] = 0.3; p->bg[1] = 0.4; p->bg[2] = 0.6;
p->res = 1.;
p->lc = 0.004;
p->samples = 4;
p->width = 600*p->samples, p->height = 600*p->samples;
/* OpenGL somehow generates floating-point exceptions... turn them off */
p->fb = framebuffer_new (p->width, p->height);
p->active = false;
return p;
The destructor method.
void bview_destroy (bview * p)
framebuffer_destroy (p->fb);
if (p->cache)
free_cexpr (p->cache);
free (p);
For the moment there is a single (static) current view.
static bview * _view = NULL;
The current view needs to be destroyed when we exit Basilisk. This is done by adding this callback to the free_solver() lists of destructors.
static void destroy_view()
assert (_view);
bview_destroy (_view);
bview * get_view() {
if (!_view) {
_view = bview_new();
free_solver_func_add (destroy_view);
return _view;
The main drawing function.
static void redraw() {
bview * view = get_view();
/* OpenGL somehow generates floating-point exceptions... turn them off */
glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
glLoadIdentity ();
if (view->far <= view->near) { // "traditional" camera parameters
double max = 2.;
gl_perspective (view->fov, view->width/(float)view->height, 1., 1. + 2.*max);
glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
glLoadIdentity ();
glTranslatef (view->tx, view->ty, - (1. + max));
else { // camera parameters compatible with interactive Basilisk View
gl_perspective (view->fov, view->width/(float)view->height,
view->near, view->far);
glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
glLoadIdentity ();
glTranslatef (view->tx, view->ty, view->tz);
GLfloat m[4][4];
gl_build_rotmatrix (m, view->quat);
glMultMatrixf (&m[0][0]);
if (view->gfsview) { // rotate to match gfsview parameters
m[0][0] = 0., m[0][1] = 0., m[0][2] = -1.;
m[1][0] = 0., m[1][1] = -1., m[1][2] = 0.;
m[2][0] = 1., m[2][1] = 0., m[2][2] = 0.;
glMultMatrixf (&m[0][0]);
glScalef (view->sx/L0, view->sy/L0, view->sz/L0);
glClearColor (view->bg[0], view->bg[1], view->bg[2], 0.);
gl_get_frustum (&view->frustum);
view->active = true;
view->ni = 0;
This is called by graphics primitives before drawing.
bview * draw() {
bview * view = get_view();
if (!view->active)
/* OpenGL somehow generates floating-point exceptions... turn them off
See also: */
glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
glTranslatef (0, 0, - 1e-4); // next object is drawn below the current one
return view;
Helper function for parallel image composition
compose_image() returns an image buffer made by composition of the framebuffer images on each of the MPI processes.
typedef void * pointer; // fixme: trace is confused by pointers
#if !_MPI
static pointer compose_image (bview * view) {
return framebuffer_image((view)->fb);
#else // _MPI
#if dimension <= 2
typedef struct {
GLubyte a[4];
static void compose_image_op (void * pin, void * pout, int * len,
MPI_Datatype * dptr)
RGBA * rin = pin, * out = pout;
for (int i = 0; i < *len; i++,rin++,out++)
if (out->a[3] == 0)
*out = *rin;
static pointer compose_image (bview * view)
unsigned char * image = framebuffer_image (view->fb);
assert (image);
if (npe() > 1) {
MPI_Op op;
MPI_Op_create (compose_image_op, true, &op);
MPI_Datatype rgba;
MPI_Type_contiguous (4, MPI_BYTE, &rgba);
MPI_Type_commit (&rgba);
int size = view->width*view->height;
if (pid() == 0)
MPI_Reduce (MPI_IN_PLACE, image, size, rgba, op, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Reduce (image, image, size, rgba, op, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Op_free (&op);
MPI_Type_free (&rgba);
return image;
#else /* 3D */
typedef struct {
GLubyte a[4];
float depth;
static void compose_image_op (void * pin, void * pout, int * len,
MPI_Datatype * dptr)
RGBA * rin = pin, * out = pout;
for (int i = 0; i < *len; i++,rin++,out++)
if (out->depth > rin->depth)
*out = *rin;
static pointer compose_image (bview * view)
unsigned char * image = framebuffer_image (view->fb);
assert (image);
if (npe() > 1) {
MPI_Op op;
MPI_Op_create (compose_image_op, true, &op);
MPI_Datatype rgba;
MPI_Type_create_struct (2,
(MPI_Datatype[]){MPI_BYTE, MPI_FLOAT},
MPI_Type_commit (&rgba);
float * depth = framebuffer_depth (view->fb);
int size = view->width*view->height;
RGBA * buf = malloc (size*sizeof(RGBA));
unsigned char * ptr = image;
float * dptr = depth;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
buf[i].a[j] = *ptr++;
buf[i].depth = *dptr++;
if (pid() == 0) {
MPI_Reduce (MPI_IN_PLACE, buf, size, rgba, op, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
unsigned char * ptr = image;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
*ptr++ = buf[i].a[j];
MPI_Reduce (buf, buf, size, rgba, op, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
free (buf);
MPI_Op_free (&op);
MPI_Type_free (&rgba);
return image;
#endif /* 3D */
#endif /* _MPI */
#include "vertexbuffer.h"
User functions
Drawing user functions are defined in draw.h.
#include "draw.h"
load(): read drawing commands from a file or buffer
The commands are calls of user functions. They can be read from a file defined by fp or file, or from the memory buffer buf.
Besides the load(), save() and drawing functions defined in draw.h, valid drawing commands also include:
bool load (FILE * fp = NULL, char * file = NULL, Array * buf = NULL);
static void bview_draw (bview * view)
if (!view->active)
view->active = false;
glFinish ();
save(): saves drawing to a file in various formats
The file to write to is given either using its name file or the file pointer fp. If neither is specified, the default is stdout.
If file is used, options for ‘convert’ or ‘ffmpeg’ can be given in opt.
The format to use is given either explicitly using format, or, if a file name is given, using the file name extension (i.e. .ppm, .bv, etc.). If neither is specified, the default is “ppm”.
For vector graphics, the base line width can be specified using lw. The default is one.
The recognised file formats are:
- “ppm”: Portable PixMap format. A basic uncompressed image format.
- “png”, “jpg”: Compressed image formats. Will only work if the convert command from ImageMagick is installed on the system.
- “mp4”, “gif”, “ogv”: Compressed animation formats. Will only work if ffmpeg is installed on the system.
The following formats are no longer supported, but this could be fixed later:
- “bv”: Basilisk View format. Saves all Basilisk function calls necessary to reproduce the figure. Use together with load().
- “gnu”: Gnuplot format. Saves a vector graphics (3D) representation of the objects.
- “obj”: Wavefront 3D object format. Can be read by a number of 3D visualisation tools.
- “kml”: Keyhole Markup Language. Can be used with Google Earth and other GIS.
- “ps”, “eps”, “tex”, “pdf”, “svg”, “pgf”: the various vector graphics formats supported by gl2ps.
Note that MPI-parallel output is only implemented for the “ppm” format at the moment. Other animation and image formats will be automatically converted to PPM when using MPI.
bool save (char * file = NULL, char * format = "ppm", char * opt = NULL,
FILE * fp = NULL,
float lw = 0,
int sort = 0, int options = 0,
bview * view = NULL)
if (file) {
char * s = strchr (file, '.'), * dot = s;
while (s) {
dot = s;
s = strchr (s + 1, '.');
if (dot)
format = dot + 1;
if (!view)
view = get_view();
if ((!strcmp (format, "png") && which ("convert")) ||
!strcmp (format, "jpg") ||
(file && is_animation (file))) {
bview_draw (view);
unsigned char * image = (unsigned char *) compose_image (view);
if (pid() == 0) {
FILE * fp = open_image (file, opt);
if (!fp) {
perror (file);
return false;
gl_write_image (fp, image, view->width, view->height, view->samples);
close_image (file, fp);
return true;
if (file && (fp = fopen (file, "w")) == NULL) {
perror (file);
return false;
if (!fp)
fp = stdout;
if (!strcmp (format, "ppm")) {
bview_draw (view);
unsigned char * image = (unsigned char *) compose_image (view);
if (pid() == 0)
gl_write_image (fp, image, view->width, view->height, view->samples);
else if (!strcmp (format, "png")) {
bview_draw (view);
unsigned char * image = (unsigned char *) compose_image (view);
if (pid() == 0)
gl_write_image_png (fp, image, view->width, view->height, view->samples);
else if (!strcmp (format, "bv")) {
#if 1 // fixme: not implemented yet
fprintf (ferr, "save(): error: the '%s' format is no longer supported\n",
assert (history);
fprintf (fp,
"view (fov = %g, quat = {%g,%g,%g,%g}, "
"tx = %g, ty = %g, "
"bg = {%g,%g,%g}, "
"width = %d, height = %d, samples = %d"
view->quat[0], view->quat[1], view->quat[2], view->quat[3],
view->tx, view->ty,
view->bg[0], view->bg[1], view->bg[2],
view->width/view->samples, view->height/view->samples,
fwrite (history->p, 1, history->len, fp);
else if (!strcmp (format, "gnu") ||
!strcmp (format, "obj") ||
!strcmp (format, "kml") ||
!strcmp (format, "ps") ||
!strcmp (format, "eps") ||
!strcmp (format, "tex") ||
!strcmp (format, "pdf") ||
!strcmp (format, "svg") ||
!strcmp (format, "pgf"))
fprintf (ferr, "save(): error: the '%s' format is no longer supported\n",
else {
fprintf (ferr, "save(): unknown format '%s'\n", format);
if (file) {
fclose (fp);
remove (file);
return false;
fflush (fp);
if (file)
fclose (fp);
return true;
Implementation of the load() function.
The functions below parse a text file and perform the corresponding function calls.
static char * remove_blanks (char * line)
while (strchr (" \t", *line)) line++;
char * s = line, * cur = line;
bool instring = false;
while (*s != '\0' && *s != '#') {
if (*s == '"')
instring = !instring;
if (instring || !strchr (" \t", *s))
*cur++ = *s;
*cur = '\0';
return line;
#include "parse.h"
bool process_line (char * line)
if (line[0] == '\0')
return true;
char * s = mystrtok (remove_blanks (line), "(");
if (!s)
return true;
if (!strcmp (s, "restore")) {
char * file = NULL;
parse_params ((Params[]){{"file", pstring, &file}, {NULL}});
if (file) {
bview * view = get_view();
if (view->cache) {
free_cexpr (view->cache);
view->cache = calloc (1, sizeof (cexpr));
if (!restore (file = file, list = all))
fprintf (ferr, "could not restore from '%s'\n", file);
else {
restriction (all);
else if (!strcmp (s, "dump")) {
char * file = NULL;
parse_params ((Params[]){{"file", pstring, &file}, {NULL}});
dump (file = file);
else if (!strcmp (s, "input_gfs")) {
char * file = NULL;
parse_params ((Params[]){{"file", pstring, &file}, {NULL}});
if (file) {
input_gfs (file = file, list = all);
restriction (all);
else if (!strcmp (s, "save")) {
char * file = NULL;
parse_params ((Params[]){{"file", pstring, &file}, {NULL}});
if (file)
save (file = file);
else if (!strcmp (s, "load")) {
char * file = NULL;
parse_params ((Params[]){{"file", pstring, &file}, {NULL}});
if (file)
load (file = file);
The draw_get.h file is generated automatically by params.awk and contains parsing commands for the functions defined in draw.h.
#include "draw_get.h"
else if (!strcmp (s, "end_mirror"))
else if (!strcmp (s, "end_translate"))
else if (!strcmp (s, "clear"))
else if (s[0] != '\n' && s[0] != '\0')
fprintf (ferr, "load(): syntax error: '%s'\n", s);
return true;
bool load (FILE * fp = NULL, char * file = NULL, Array * buf = NULL)
if (file) {
fp = fopen (file, "r");
if (!fp) {
perror (file);
return false;
if (fp) { // read lines from file
char line[256];
while (fgets (line, 256, fp) && process_line (line));
else if (buf) { // read lines from buffer
int i = 0;
char * s = (char *) buf->p;
while (i < buf->len) {
char * start = s;
while (i < buf->len && *s != '\n')
s++, i++;
if (*s == '\n' && ++s > start) {
char line[s - start + 1];
strncpy (line, start, s - start);
line[s - start] = '\0';
process_line (line);
return true;
- Atomisation of a pulsed liquid jet
- 3D breaking Stokes wave (multilayer solver)
- Bubble rising in a large tank
- Distance field computation from a 3D model
- Transcritical flow over a bump
- Forced isotropic turbulence in a triply-periodic box
- Stokes flow through a complex 3D porous medium
- Vortex shedding behind a sphere at Reynolds = 300
- A Shallow Water Analogue for the Standing Accretion Shock Instability
- Two-phase flow around RV Tangaroa
- Flow in a rotating bottom-driven cylindrical container
- Soluble gas diffusing from a rising bubble
- Computation of a levelset field from a contour
- Isopycnal gyres intersecting the bathymetry
- Couette flow between rotating cylinders
- Stokes flow past a periodic array of cylinders
- Impact of a viscoelastic drop on a solid
- Hydrostatic balance with refined embedded boundaries
- Hydrostatic balance with refined embedded boundaries in 3D
- Marangoni-induced translation due to a temperature gradient
- 3D meniscus
- Axisymmetric Poisson equation on complex domains
- Poisson equation on complex domains
- Poisson equation on complex domains in 3D
- Preventing coalescence of VOF tracers
- Poiseuille flow in a periodic channel inclined at 45 degrees
- Stokes flow through a complex porous medium
- Redistancing of a perturbed distance field
- 3D Sessile drop
- A bubble shrinking due to thermal effects
- Starting flow around a cylinder
- Simple test of Basilisk View
- Viscoelastic 2D drop in a Couette Newtonian shear flow
- Wannier flow between rotating excentric cylinders